Monday, June 29, 2009

The New Era

So today at work wasn't that bad without my old Supervisor. I was backed up with receiving, but Fedex surprised the crap out of us with almost 30 boxes... Then UPS dumped over 30 on us and with the few customer drop-offs, we had almost 70 boxes in one day, which is kind of a lot. However, I was lucky enough to not be bothered by Customer Service left, right and sideways. That's new since the Customer Service woman got laid off... Interesting, isn't it? I go from phone calls everywhere with one woman devoted to a certain task to two people who are doing half Customer Service and half another job and the two people with other jobs to do don't bother me. Weird.

I was asked by the Boss to try to think of things to get out of the warehouse so we have room to bring everything in our three huge containers inside... Except there just isn't room. We have another warehouse in another city, but I don't think they'll keep our same rate with even more stuff. We've already got more stuff then we're paying for... So I don't know what to do with what we've got.

I re-posted Week 1 - RAW for Road 2 Glory, so if you wanted to see the difference, now's the time. I was pretty happy with it, because it gave me the ability to add 3 brand new matches and use my older characters that I made up with the game's Create-A-Wrestler feature...

All-in-all, I had a rough day and tried to take a nap but woke up from really bad dreams. It's late and I'm exhausted still, so I think that's it for the day.

~Class Dismissed~

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