Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh Well

So. Apparently the cleaning at work is STILL not good enough and I now have a partner and instead of $600 a month, it's $100 a week. Whatever. I actually think it's better that the stress is slightly lessened by a lighter burden. Not as much money, but every little bit helps and it's still more than what I was getting before Supervisor was laid off. Ah well. Whatever.

Think I might work on my "secret project" a little bit this weekend. Test it out. And then not show you! HAHA!

Either way, my week was hell. Just craziness and next week isn't going to be any better. But it's not as big a burden now! So that's good.


~Class Dismissed~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tengo el Gato Grande en los Pantalones

Yeeeah. I said it. Big cat. In my pants.

Work blew today, too. I'm starting to realize that as we get busier in the office, my boss because more of an asshole to those of us in the warehouse. I'm not liking being a stress-relieving landfill. Ah well. Looking forward to Thursday [not] when I have to take the deliveries in through the side-door because they're paving the back parking lot. Thaaat'll be fun.

Haven't been sleeping well. Recent events tells me it makes sense, that it's understandable, but I don't find it acceptable, especially when I'm late for work. Granted it's late for the cleaning part, but even still. I do not like being late.

Speaking of cleaning. Next Friday... $600 + $308 = $908!!! I'm excited for the huge pay-off... I can pay my rent and car payment from one week. ONE WEEK! Jesus, I think I might even be able to pay my damn phone bill from it. You know what that means? Out of 4 weeks, one week pays my bills. Meaning three weeks of $308 is banked. $924 a month in my account, minus some food for the month, gas money... I'm still going to be banking like $400-$500 a month. That's awesome. I've never had money like that in my life [which is sad, because it's not that much]

Oh, yeah. September 8th marks another hugely pathetic day in my life. I'll have kept a job for a year. WOW! Amazing, never happened before. Sad, isn't it?

I'm already thinking of things to do for Bunny next April for our anniversary. I think I have a great idea, I just need some help, which I'll get... One way or the other.

Huge project being built up in my head... Gonna have to try it out soon and see how it goes... Probably won't go public for awhile. We'll see.

That's all. Longer one tonight...

~Class Dismissed~

Monday, July 27, 2009

R.I.P. Gizmo 2000-2009

Haven't been in the mood for blogging. Still not.

Gizmo was put down today. I made sure to mention it to everyone who knew him yesterday. That's really all I have to say. Work sucked today but it could be because I wasn't very positive minded. Not sure what else to tell ya.

~Class Dismissed~

Monday, July 20, 2009


Worst. Week. Ever.

Tuesday - Shipping's being done wrong.
Wednesday - Fight with my father.
Thursday - Cleaning's done wrong.
Sunday - Dog's being put to sleep in two weeks.

Fuck. My. Life.

~Class Dismissed~

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today is my father's birthday. I not only REMEMBERED it was today, but specifically set a reminder for today so I couldn't forget to call him. Thus, when it went off right before my lunch break, I called my parent's house to wish him a happy birthday as early as possible. I assumed he had taken the week off because it was his birthday in the middle of it. Unfortunately, no such luck. As a matter of fact, he might even have had to stay overtime because there was someone at his job out on vacation or sickness, or whatever.

I get out of work at 4:30. I go to Bunny's workplace to see her on her break, which I believe she took around 5. 5:30 her break was over and I went to a bookstore before going home, and I don't think I actually LEFT the bookstore til almost 7. Half an hour drive home and I finally got home around 7:30. Somewhere along the line I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up right before 9 by my mother who was apparently pissed I "hadn't tried to call my father".

Excuse me? Did I not speak TO HER on my lunch break and did she not tell me he might have even had to work overtime, getting out at 7PM anyway? Did I not remember and make that call ON MY OWN without her reminding me or helping me? When she called 3 days beforehand to try to remind me, had I not TOLD HER that I had KNOWN it was coming up and had planned on speaking to him on the day?

Screw. That.

She eventually hangs up on me and I try to call my parent's house twice, getting the answering machine both times. So I call my father's cell phone which isn't picked up before calling my parent's house again, intent on at least trying to leave a message to explain what had REALLY happened to my father when he picks up. Five minutes later, I'm sitting on the phone enraged with him as he proceeds to tell ME that I had forgotten his birthday. He proceeds to tell ME that I obviously did NOT work hard enough to be tired after work and fall asleep. He proceeds to tell ME that I started an argument with my mother when she called me, trying to excuse myself for "not calling" him.

Excuse me?!

No. I do not think so. I do not work my ASS off at my job where I'm SUPPOSED to have a partner and I DON'T and I STILL get everything everyone needs done ON TIME so someone who doesn't know JACK SHIT about my job to tell me I do not work hard enough. I do NOT struggle with a short-term memory problem that typically leaves me not realizing WHAT'S GOING ON without immense attempts to concentrate on whatever needs to be remembered SPECIFICALLY TO REMEMBER HIS BLOODY BIRTHDAY to be told I did not remember.

Screw. This. Shit.

I am one of two of their children. They have an older daughter. Yet somehow, despite everything, I have always been considered the "bad kid". I didn't do well in school, I was known to talk back and when I was very young, I admit I had a tendency to lie. However, as time went on, I did not go out without telling them and stay out forever so they would be worried all night long. I did not break their rules and let them find out about it. I did not ask for money, nor did I steal it from them. I did not total any of the cars they gave me, as a matter of fact, I am still using the first one they ever gave me. I did not do drugs or have friends who did drugs and then screw me over for money which my parents then had to cover. I have never not paid my parents back for a money loan.

My sister cannot make any of these claims. Yet I am the "bad kid".

Screw. This. Shit.

I am furious. I am beyond furious. I am enraged like someone like me should never become enraged. My blood is boiling, raising, and anything else that can be described as a symptom of extreme uncontrollable anger. Which is sad, considering that despite having a temper, I am actually very laid back most times.

I anger, therefore I am.

So think on THAT philosophy, you bunch of bastards.

~Class Bloody Dismissed~

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Silence is Golden...

But duct tape is silver!

What's that got to do with anything? I HAVE NO IDEA! But I am DAMN hyper!

I've been working on Road to Glory the past few hours and I am MUCHO excited about this Sunday, where I'll be posting Extreme Rules, our first PPV. Someone mentioned trying to do videos to accompany the PPVs, but I don't know how possible that is. Currently I'm using a lot of wrestlers NOT in the game, so I would either have to make THOSE wrestlers or simply not put those matches in the video... Except Extreme Rules would only have 3 or 4 out of 7 matches in the video! Is that really worth it? I don't think so...

I don't know. We'll see as things keep going...

Work was good. I finally caught up the receiving and even better; I got to talk to my boss and manager about the new guy! They're going to be offering him a job the first week in August. And we have tons of stuff to move over to the other warehouse within the next four weeks... Grrreat. That's always tons of work. And four weeks isn't a lot of time for the amount of stuff we have to actually move. Again... Grrreat. But the boss seems to be pretty understanding. And... That's a good thing.

Ugh, though. I bloody found out that apparently, we were not shipping things correctly for our BIG customer. Of course, they made it seem like 10+ orders we screwed up... Know how many we really screwed up? REALLY?! 2. Not 10. Not more. Not half. 2. And they made a huge deal about it to the BOSS and naturally, it came back down to me that I wasn't doing things right. Of course, afterwards, he was apologetic and a lot more understanding... 1 or 2 mistakes are bound to happen, even though we aim to have 0.

In the end, no biggie. No harm. No foul. Wootles.

~Class Dismissed~

Monday, July 13, 2009


I'm one of the few people in the world who can LOVE Mondays. How could I not? I almost caught up receiving at work, I only got in 12 boxes today and that's all I have left! It's so quiet because Production isn't there Mondays and Fridays and even the office seems to leave me alone... Maybe I don't need a part-timer after all!

I think we'll wait until I say that either way, though. Maybe I just had a quiet day of receiving. If they dump extra stuff on me tomorrow, I'm kinda back to square one.

R2G is two days completed! Well, after today it'll only be one, but it feels good to be ahead of the schedule. I think I'm going to start trying to get a few done ahead of schedule and then I can just start doing the future shows on the days I'm posting shows that are already done. But at least if I don't feel like it one day, I can sorta shrug it off.

Today's title was going to be something completely different... Except I can't remember what it was...


~Class Dismissed~

Friday, July 10, 2009

Short but Sweet

Ugh. This is going to be REALLY short.

Work wasn't too bad. Part-time Production means quiet Fridays! Woot!

Push is good so far. Nice movie.

This weekend = sleep. World = Piss off.

Me = Done.

~Class Dismissed~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Maybe... Just Maybe

Today, I had 100 boxes on my dock to start. I gained more than 30 throughout the day. I ended with somewhere around 60. You know what that means? That maybe... Just maybe I am good enough to do my own bloody job.

Gotta admit, Manager taking over planning the Warehouse? Not the high point of my career. I'm starting to feel as though the company has resigned to the idea of "Seth can't hack it yet so we'll basically let him do the little stuff he's been doing and we'll do the big boy stuff for now"... Not a great feeling.

I was driving TO work this morning when something clicked and I threw both my arms up [and my hands off the wheel] and said in obvious shock and dismay "IT'S THURSDAY! ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT!" Yes, my week has felt that long.

I'm starting to want to smack people who keep talking about my haircut. Die, vermin. Die.

I used my iPhone to jot down some notes about Bones Begone, the first book in a series of fantasy/crime novels I plan on writing called the Graveyard Crew. They center around Gregory Hellson, a detective who finds out he's got magic in his family tree when he dead grandfather, David, reveals their past to him and he takes in a fugitive Vampire/cyber criminal named Michael and meets a number of other freaks and weirdos as the story progresses. Eventually Gregory must embrace this part of his life and become a detective of the supernatural, leading his team of allies, which get nicknamed the Graveyard Crew [because they begin to work "graveyard hours", late night shifts. Get it?!]

I have chapter one starting to form in my mind, which is exciting. That means after I begin to map out the scenes, writing comes next. I won't know when or how or why until that time comes, though... FUN FUN! Mucho exciting.

I've been re-reading bits and peices of Corruption and all I can think is "Oh my God, did I really think this shitty dialog wasn't going to suck raw eggs when OTHER people read it?!" I mean, really. The talking just sucks to me. Everyone loves it, but I think it blows chunks like a $1 prostitute who doesn't swallow.

Yeeeah. Enjoy that little mental image. Bitch!

~Class Dismissed~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Backed Up

I have 100 boxes on my dock and I still don't think my Manager has spoken to our Boss about possibly bringing in a part-time receiver. I'm starting to wonder if Manager is going to talk to him at all until the time they originally designated to hire a new guy... Which means I'll have a few hundred boxes on my dock.

I like the fact that Manager was talking about helping me do receiving on Friday and Monday, though. Again, it's kind of a "He'll help me when I need it and that's good"/"I shouldn't need anyone's help to begin with" situation that I spoke about yesterday.

I came home exhausted. I've been going in an extra hour to do the cleaning because I'm only supposed to take an hour to do it. If you factor it out with the idea that they're paying me $600 a month for it, it comes out to like $25 an hour. Nice! I almost wish it wasn't done on payroll, though, because I'm sure I'll lose about $100 to taxes... However, I won't pay more at the end year for taxes... Again... Good news/Bad news.

Overall, I'm still pretty happy. I'm still REALLY excited about moving... When when when?! I just can't wait. I call them in less than a month!


~Class Dismissed~

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not Enough

Ugh. I had a crap day. My Manager had to help us out with putting stuff away today and it's kinda good news, bad news.

I enjoy the fact that if I'm in a tight spot, I can actually trust in my Manager to help me get things done. It's reassuring to know he's willing to do whatever it takes not just for Production, where he typically stays, but the Warehouse, where I'm in charge. My old Supervisor painted a very different picture of him. I'm beginning to realize that without my old Supervisor, I have to completely wipe the slate clean on my opinion's of everyone in the company and restart with my own opinions, completely unhindered. Not that I meant to have them influenced, but I guess when you work with someone for 40 hours a week, that's what happens... I hope I don't do that to anyone else.

Anyway, the bad news is that I needed help. I know, I know. Someone's going to say "But aren't you short-staffed? Doesn't that mean you're GOING to need help?" [mainly because Bunny and others have been saying that] but that doesn't matter to me. They expect me to get things done and if I need to turn to Managers just to get those things done, then the Manager should be running things. Not me. I can't say I'm worried about the situation, but I'm not happy either...

Woot. I got a haircut. Finally, the long hair has become annoying and it was getting really unhealthy with the split ends... It feels good to shed a little.

Overall, I'm bloody tired. But in order to fill this blog a bit, I'll end it with a poem. GASP!

Not Enough

Sometimes it feels like there's nothing I can say
And nothing I can do
To make it all better
To make it up to you

I try to escape this hell
Try to climb this hill
I try not to fall
But I know I will

I can't do it
It's just not in me
Don't you understand?
Can't you see?

Everything in front of me
It's all too tough
What I've got
It's not enough

I try to soar
Spread my wings to fly
But I crash and burn
Looks like I can't touch the sky

I tried to be on your side
Stood by you on your place
But I just can't
Put a smile on your face

But it's not enough
It's not enough
It's just not enough!
I'm sorry...

And you say
I'm not that strong
I'm too weak
You're wrong

I've got it all
I've got enough
I can beat
Whatever you call tough

But I won't accept your words
I don't need the pain
So I wash it all off
Just like water in the rain...

Now the tables are turned
Now you're struggling with what's tough
You can't keep up
You're not enough.

~Class Dismissed~

Monday, July 6, 2009

Silver Lining?

I finally stopped being such a lazy bastard and went to my old retail job and spoke with a former co-worker I had worked with a noticed a good work ethic of about maybe jumping ship to work at the Warehouse with me. Overall, he seemed pretty excited about it, but there are some kinks to work out. Since it's not about me, I guess I won't be divulging too much information, shall I?

We emptied 1 and 1/2 of the containers that we need emptied by Wednesday. So there's 1 and 1/2 left and the 1 whole container is already on pallets... That one may take 30 minutes to unload and the other one, well... We unloaded the first half in about 2 hours. Since it'll be the morning and I noticed my guys worked a bit quicker in the morning [less tired, hadn't sat down for 30 minutes on a break to kinda let the tiredness catch up to them... Understandable] so I'm pretty confident we'll be done with MORE than enough time to do other things.

UPS killed me today, though. I have 26 boxes from Thursday. They dumped 40 more on me and claimed there was supposed to be another 7. A customer came by and dropped off almost another 10. I've got over 75 boxes on my dock, completely untouched because I was putting boxes away all morning and unloading half that second container and then doing the shipping... I am so screwed. I'm hoping the Boss and my Manager "ok" my friend to start NEXT WEEK, part-time. If he can just do receiving and nothing BUT receiving for 4 hours everyday... Damn. I would love that.

I got to speak to an old friend of mine today and she was really down. It makes me realize that most of my good friends that I enjoy the company of almost never speak to me. It kinda depresses me... Either I'm hard to approach or my friends that I love spending time with are all inconsiderate assholes. Ugh. Bastards. All of you.

Did I mention that Wednesday we have ANOTHER container coming IN with 517 boxes? LOVELY!

I posted this Monday's R2G and overall, I was happy with it. The main event was hard because THE two main eventers were used early in the show, but not in a match. I can't use the same people too many times without people getting tired of seeing the same bloody people over and over again. You'd think with such a huge roster... I wouldn't have to do that. I do have a lot of main eventers, so it should have been easy... But I guess I'm old fashioned. The title picture should be THE main event. And when it isn't, I guess it's just funny to me.

So I was driving to work and I had so many ideas of how to start another book, I think I would have if I wasn't so tired when I got home. That's a really lame excuse, but it's the truth. I actually just forgot about it until now. Speaking of writing, though, I have to remember to get those summaries out of my phone and onto either the internet or my computer. Either way, we'll see!

~Class Dismissed~

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here's Sethy!

For those of you who missed it, I wrote this awhile ago;

That's the blog where I was on a forum as an administrator and a lot of crap happened and I basically went inactive. I've recently been told I shouldn't call this "leaving" as that implies I was actually somewhere and "it's the internet and I don't live there", yadda yadda. [Really, who's taking things too seriously? Me for being upset over something someone said to my girlfriend or the people who are dissecting my every word to have a literal meaning that doesn't fit the context clues?!]

Anyway, I recently checked up on the forum out of random boredom and a few people noticed me and posted I was "back". I impolitely stated I wasn't going to return because nothing had changed and the person I had a problem with replied to my post with a rather... Well, he wasn't happy in his reply. Let's leave it at that.

So, in order to avoid internet drama [because this is the internet and this is serious] I took the topic off the internet and contacted the person via IM. About an hour later, we had more or less finished voicing our opinions and the entire situation and it would appear I have "returned" to the forum [I'm active now, you literal bastards]

One could say I'm a hypocrite for going back, but I could also say that those people should be Gibb-style smacked in the back of the head. I guess either way it isn't important, but I felt like announcing my return, because I am, after all, much like Jesus. My return shall, obviously, be legendary.

Thank God I'm so modest, eh?

Today was beautiful and I simply had to go out to enjoy it a bit. I wound up at the mall and then back home, but overall, if Bunny hadn't been working, I would have dragged her fluffy ass to the beach. See, that's a double plus because 1) I would have enjoyed the beach and 2) I'd have seen Bunny in her bathing suit. That is always good fun!

I find myself growing disgusted with my Myspace and Facebook pages. I find myself sacrificing the integrity of my friends lists for more members on application games. How horrible does that sound? The "integrity of my friends list"?! What the bloody Hell is wrong with people today?! Why am I yelling about something when the person doing it is me?!

But yeah. I'm hooked into Mobsters, Bloodlines and Overdrive, those kind of browser games where you buy weapons and attack people or do missions based upon how much energy you have and get experience to level up and in the end, there's no actual point to the entire damn thing. [That was a very long sentence]

~Class Dismissed~

Friday, July 3, 2009

Eve of Independence

It's a sad, sad day in my life when I realize that I may be required to wear my knee braces to work from now on. Both of them. Ugh.

When I was around... 8 years old, I was playing soccer in my own back yard. I was kicked in the back of the knee by someone and my left knee was badly injured. I was on crutches for a few months and during that time, my right leg was used to shoulder all my body's weight and ever since, my right knee has been almost as bad as my left knee, especially considering my left knee didn't seem to heal correctly.

Nowadays, I can feel something in my knee pop in and out of place as I bend and unbend the damn thing. Sometimes the entire knee gives out and I'm in pain for a few minutes afterward... It's never good times.

Yesterday, I was at work and just walking around to get from the desk to the receiving tables seemed... Achy. It didn't HURT, like a great deal of pain, they just ACHED a lot. The braces will give me a bit more support and maybe wearing them throughout the week will keep them from aching or maybe make it a bit better... Either way, I have to try to find my braces before Monday and give them a shot. I just cannot wait for questions from people who work there, though. That's going to be fun.

I had the day off and instead of doing anything productive, I elected to spend the day with a Vampire Movie Marathon and wound up watching the Blade trilogy. Good actions movies, but in the end, they kind of suck for Vampire movies. They're the kind of movies you watch for the cool explosions and weapons, not to watch a good Vampire movie. Underworld was a great Vampire movie, Van Helsing was one of the best new Vampire movies... Lost Boys, John Carpenter's Vampires... Good Vampire movies. Blade trilogy... Not so much.

I still cannot believe they tried to make a TV show out of it. I saw a few episodes and decided I was wasting my time. Speaking of television, that new show, Royal Pains? It's actually really good. It reminds me a bit of House and Burn Notice... House is a famous medical show and Burn Notice is a newer show about a resourceful ex-spy trying to live life after being fired from his spy job. The reason I relate Burn Notice to Royal Pains [which has absolutely nothing to do with spies] is because the doctor in Royal Pains his extremely resourceful, as he usually does not have the capability of going to the hospital to treat people who are sick or injured. It's very cool to see how he makes everyday things work in a medical situation. Very cool indeed.

So this past week was the first week I was alone in the warehouse with just our NFL stock guy. It wasn't easy and the weather didn't really help. It poured like crazy a few days and when it wasn't pouring, it was really REALLY hot out. All in all, not a great time, but I think I've got things under control for now. I'm finding out that talking to my bosses doesn't seem as hard as the old Supervisor made it sound like. The way he talked about their conversations, it was like they refused to compromise about anything and everything had to be done as it was set down in the beginning and nothing could ever change. So far, I haven't seen that kind of attitude or mindset, so I'm pretty relaxed with how things are going.

I'm not looking forward to next week, though. I have to empty three containers into the already over-crowded warehouse and then receive another fourth container on Wednesday. THEN I have to find time and manpower to pack up probably about two container-fulls of old merchandise and have it transferred to our other warehouse in the next town over. All while trying to keep our daily activities relatively still on-time... Yeeeah. We'll see.

I do have to try to walk into my old job and talk to a few guys about if they want full-time work and to get out of retail. I know at least one guy is definitely looking and another guy used to complain a lot, but never seemed to try too hard to actually get out of that store... We'll have to see, either way. And speaking of either way, I doubt I'll get anyone into the warehouse within the next month, even with the projects of next week. I'd be lucky to get anyone as early as the middle of August.

Oooh, I have to post Road 2 Glory, too! Almost forgot, even though I'm sitting here, watching WWE Smackdown! Ah well. Here we go.

~Class Dismissed~


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