Monday, November 30, 2009


I find it amazing how much time one spends waiting around for things.
Some people spend their entire lives waiting for a certain something
to come their way. Other people don't even know what they're actually
waiting foe, but they're waiting all the same. Some people are stuck
in an uncomfortable chair on their lunch break in a cold warehouse,
waiting for some terminal manager to get their rear ends from one
building to the next to let them in their companys storage facility,
just so they can drop a co-worker off and then drive another 20
minutes back to their job to eat canned food!

In case you missed it, the really descriptive, detailed variation was
about me. I'm actually writing the rough draft to what will be a blog
post by the time you read it, stuck in this cold place on thus
uncomfortable thing. I say thing because I feel it may be an insult to
chairs around the world to call whatever this is a chair. And let's
face it, you don't want something that's as close a companion to your
ass as a chair revolting against you. Such a revolution can only end
in pain.

In times like these (times of waiting that is. Because I am still
waiting...) I find something else amazing. The level of which my short
attention span is reliant upon technology to keep it constantly
entertained. I mean, when you think about it, I'm never bored because
I'm always surrounded by technical marvels of this modern age. Even
here in a warehouse, my trusty phone is helping me get a heads start
on todays blog while also giving me something to do other than pacing
and losing my temper (which, by the way, I'm very good at)

You know, on a pissy side note, I was told to wait maybe 7 minutes for
this guy approximately 20 minutes ago. I do not do well with extended

Getting back to the technology topic, not only does my phone help keep
me from slaying the innocent with my Wrath of Wrathiness(tm) but it's
great in the work place. I recently discovered that I could set up my
work e-mail on my phone, so now I can be bothered 24/7, 365 days a
year, any place! I'm looking forward to customizing my iPhone
signature on e-mails to "Sent from my iPhone while I sit on the

I can practically smell the back of the unemployment line already!

~Class Dismissed~

A footnote: is it sad that I even included my signature on my phone

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A new definition of "Crossology"?

So, I've said in the past that I wish I could do more with this blog, something to make it more popular, or at least more interesting to the people who read it [all... 5? of you] Well, it's recently occurred to me that for the most part, no one gives a flying fuck what I talk about, so long as I rant like a lunatic while I write it and either a) make a great point that the entire world would do well to listen to [99% of my posts consist of these, naturally] or b) make myself look like an idiot/nutcase in the process of said ranting.

So I sat down and thought about the term "Crossology" and what it meant to me. Crossology is, in a nutshell, whatever I want it to be. The term "Crossology" doesn't even actually exist in the English language. Yes, I was a big enough loser to spend 3 minutes looking up the possibility. "Crossology" is, quite frankly, anything and everything about me, Seth CROSS. [I can see it now, everyone just read the word "Crossology" like fifteen times in the post already, then saw my last name and everyone collectively went "OOOH, NOW I GET IT!!!" like a bunch of nitwits. God, I love you people. The very idea of you makes me giggle like a school girl on crack.]

Anyway, to stop the Rant of Silliness [which is quite different from a "Rant of Anger" or "Rant of Insanity". Believe me, I know.] let's get down to BUSINESS! [Always wanted to say that!]

Turkey Day was good for all, I hope? Mine was pretty good... I got a new TV out of it, which is always fun for all. I now have a bigger TV in my living room and unlike the old TV, this one has enough inputs for the 360 and the Wii, along with the cable box... No more constant switching around of cables and then getting annoyed when I have to get up to switch them back.

Only downfall of the new TV? It isn't programed into the new universal remote yet, so I need to use both the TV remote and the cable remote to watch TV. It's kind of funny because the volume works off of the TV remote, but the channels work off of the cable remote. It's probably loads of fun to watch me wake up from a nap half-asleep and start yelling at the "piece of shit TV" because I'm using the wrong remote to change the channel.

Ha ha, my friends. Ha ha.

Bunny and I got that new "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" game for... C'mon, guess... Guess which system... HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS FOR THE WII?! You crafty devils! But yeah, it's for the Wii and it's a lot of fun. It brings back memories, as the original game for what... The NES? Super NES? was one of my first favorite games, despite the fact that [according to my father, anyway] I initially sucked at it.

GASP! Yes, all you devout Crossologists... I actually used to suck at one of the most famous first video games! According to my father, I had trouble combining "run" and "jump"... I'd run to a hole, stop, jump up and down, then run off the edge and into the "dark pit of doom" [tm].

You see, it's stories like this that make me want kids. I would have loved to been my father, watching this mini-me version of myself do something incredibly stupid like that, and just crack up laughing. Of course, with my luck, Bunny will see me laughing at our child and I'll get the patented "Gibbs Smack"[tm], which, well... That's never fun.

But in the end... It might be worth it! After all, she can't hit that ha-OW!

~Class Dismissed~

Friday, November 20, 2009

Back from the Dead

It's been awhile since I released in a blog... And not the kind of messy release that comes with fun with a girl! But let me get right to it...

I am a ball of stress. I don't have blood running in my system, I have liquid stress. Work, home... It doesn't matter anymore. I'm constantly on the edge of a very VERY deep pit. Sometimes, I'm actually falling down that pit... Don't ask how I get back up... Like Nathan Petrelli, maybe I can bloody fly. I wish. Then I could fly me and Bunny far far FAR away from here.

"Here", by the way, would be our new apartment. It's actually really great. Having a home that's a normal temperature where I'm not suffering, space all to ourselves and not constantly sharing it with drunken morons. It was expensive as Hell to get here, but I definitely feel better living here than the old house. I love the way it's set up and we finally got the last piece of the puzzle; Cable and internet. Of course, we're still going to be buying little things here and there, so the home isn't complete, but we have everything we need to keep going for now.

Of course, the stressful side of things is the money. Like I said, it was expensive as Hell to get here and as such, I'm becoming a worrying sod over money. I know it's kind of annoying or worrying Bunny, but I can't help it. It's how I am... When I have money saved up and I'm only ever saving more, I tend to spend it a lot more for fun and other people. When I see my money going down, I can't help be freak out and want to stop spending money entirely and watching every little transaction.

Eh. I was going to post this huuuge update. But now I'm not into it. I guess there's something to always leaving them wanting more after all, eh?

~Class Dismissed~


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