Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here... It... Comes!

For starters, let's say this;

Next week is Post #100! In about a year and a half, I'll have done 100 posts, meaning a little under 1 per week. Not bad, not bad.

People. Irritate. Me. Namely? My boss... I run a warehouse for a living. I do shipping/receiving and handle the inventory and NFL programs. All lovely things, but I am not a few things; I do not work the factory. I do not do the art. I do not do customer service.

OH! HAHAHA! I lie! I apparently DO work customer service... But not... All of the customer service? Let me explain.

Today we got a call from the customer of our customer. Apparently we accidentally shipped them a wrong item that had nothing to do with their order. We were told by OUR customer after THEIR customer told them. Now, this is a big customer of ours and we have an agreement NOT to talk to THEIR customers. So I didn't. But that was apparently the wrong thing because, FOR SOME REASON, I should be resolving the problem.

Now, who packs the orders? The warehouse? No. The factory's Quality Control department. This is completely out of my hands, but I'm resolving it against an agreement we have with a big customer.

But when our NFL customer talks to me instead of the office about things the office doesn't understand, it's suddenly a problem. See, the NFL doesn't even like talking to the office; They don't handle the problems like I do. And the NFL doesn't like that. The office doesn't like handling issues they don't understand, but Mister Bossman is avid about keeping me out of the loop with the NFL, but sees no issue with me running after smaller customers when the problem doesn't concern me.

Confused? Good. Join the club.

~Class Dismissed~

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Imagine that!

It's weird, finding myself in some of the situations that come up in my life. A number of new experiences are constantly rushing at me and I'm starting to realize I often don't know how to respond to them. I know this isn't a huge anomally in normal life, but every once in awhile I find myself taking a step back, looking at some of the stuff going down and just laugh at how outrageous my life can be. Then I laugh at how outrageous some of my first reactions are.

Take my situation at work. I find myself talking to my replacement about how my boss plans to lay me off soon because of my entering the military. I explain that I have no legal backing until I'm processed and sworn in and how long that can take. Having found out my replacement is ex-military (Navy), I guess I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was to hear him say he'd talk to the owner on my behalf to keep me until I'm ready to go. But there you have it: I was surprised.

Don't get me wrong, he (Ralph, for future notice) seems to be a good guy. But I guess I just don't typically expect people to put their necks out there for me. After all, how often has that really happened in my life? Aside from maybe my Brothers(tm), I can't think of many people willing to go to bat for me.

Another weird situation surrounds me and my work buddy Greg... We were good friends but a situation this past weekend escalated to the point of where I didn't think we'd even manage a professional work environment this week. Oddly enough, Tuesday went off without a hitch and we spoke to each other like nothing happened. There were some obvious signs that there was still a space between us, but it was barely noticeable throughout the day. Then today he tells Danielle (while I had fallen asleep, of course) that he wanted to chalk everything up to a misunderstanding and let bygones be bygones.

On a side note, really quick; what the Hell is a bygone?!

Anyway, I admit that the idea of never really speaking to a close buddy of mine eve again did not appeal to me, but as we all know, I'm a stubborn ass. I know everything was not as simple as a misunderstanding and while I don't believe Greg MEANT any ill will over the weekend, I believe he still managed to cause it. Some of it was definitely unintentional but he certainly lost his temper and flew off the handle not once, but twice. Once of which was at Danielle, which I take VERY seriously...

Now I'm presented with the chance to be the bigger and better man and say no more on past discrepancies and, well... I'm struggling with that notion. I find myself loathing the idea of looking out for this person the same way I previously did, feeling as though it would mean I'm being a pushover, a sucker. I'm anything but that.

But I know myself. Despite being a stubborn ass over respect and whatnot, I do have a good heart. It doesn't necessarily work all the time and is colored black, but hey. It's a good heart all the same. I think, eventually, things will go back the way they were...

GCW. It's good stuff! I'm still working on Year 3, but I'm adding new shows everyday. I'm loving the characters and the storyline, which I swear sometimes writes itself. I'm especially excited that I'm forming multiple plots at once, really giving the storyline some depth. I need to stop being such a procrastinating bitch and start putting more of Year 1 online though. That and my biographies. I think I have bios to write for characters I didn't even keep at this point! Oy vay!

Damn procrastination!!!

~Class Dismissed~

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friday? Now? Please?

Nah, I kid. I'm actually pretty happy with how my day went. There was so many possible situations going through my head with some of the crap that went on this past weekend and it went off without a hitch. It was almost eerie how well it went. I feel like I should be looking over my shoulder, constantly waiting for something else to go wrong.

Lovely way to live life, no?

I saw that movie "The Other Guys" with Mark Whalburg and Will Ferrel[sp?] and I seriously found it hilarious. The just stupid humor was never-ending. You actually had to pay attention to make sure you were getting all of the small, subtle jokes. Greatness. Danielle wasn't as big a fan, but you know what? That's okay... She sucks! [Nah, she doesn't really suck. She's awesome. We all know it.]

I found out what stopped my Air Force Recruitment... They filled everyone up for this window of processing, so now no one is getting processed til October 1rst... Seeing as it's only September 7th and even after MEPS I could wind up waiting for another YEAR [or more?!] I'm kinda worried.

I finally found proof that I cannot be let go, but I need to go to MEPS and be sworn in before it applies to me. Meaning I need to wait until October 1rst, at the earliest... Damn, it's going to become really REALLY close.

Ah well. Maybe all good things happen for a reason. [Maybe]

~Class Dimissed~

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hey... Suck This!

So, today marks my last day of vacation. I still get the weekend and Labor Day [Monday] off, but Tuesday starts a new era at my job, where I begin training my own replacement so that the company I've busted my ass for the past 2 years for can lay me off because I'm talking about joining the military. Which, by the way... Is illegal. But that's neither here nor there.

But who cares?! I'm having fun this week, I loved it. Holy crap, I relaxed this week. I never knew I was allowed to do that!

I didn't get much reading in the past couple of days, but that's okay. I'm not worried about it. But then... I'm not worried about anything at this point. That's how relaxed this week off as made me.

I'm kinda annoyed about the job stuff, though. The week I wasn't here, I received phone calls every single time. And my buddy Greg at work seems to think I'm going to be bumped off on Day 1 because of this new guy. I recognize that the new guy is going to be more experienced in warehouse duties, but he's worked for different companies, bigger companies. He isn't going to come in and completely re-organize my world just because he's EVENTUALLY going to replace me. And I'll be damned if he does that within the first month or so of him being there. I'm not going to bend over for someone who doesn't know a damn thing about our process or anything that we do. Not going to happen.

Worked on the GCW a bit. Good stuff, in Year 2. But the funny stuff? I'm already working on Year 3's roster. I like the new guys, I just hope I use them all. That's the only thing I've noticed lately; I don't use the entire roster all the time. And I haven't really found the right set of guys to keep all the time.

You know what I spent the entire morning doing? Watching True Blood season 2! It was freaking great, but the story line was... Odd. I mean, the entire hometown bad guy was trying to summon a God that... Never showed. Kinda disappointing, eh?

Ah well. Vampire goodness.

In such a lazy day, I guess there's not much else to say!

~Class Dismissed~

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Size doesn't matter?

In all honesty? Size does not matter. At least, not to me when it comes to the size of my new NETBOOK! Yeah, I needed to replace my old laptop... And I saw the Netbooks were a lot less expensive and still decent for the amount I'd use it. Got one today, my birthday present from Danielle. Gotta love her.

It's pretty cool so far. I have to get used to the tiny keyboard, but aside from that, the speed is actually pretty decent. Nothing too horrible.

What is horrible is all these rookies on the New York Giants football team. Just watched the New England Patriots run halfway down the field for a touchdown, making it 16-12 in the 4th with only a few minutes left. Dammit all.

Anyway, in addition to my Netbook, we got the Season 2 for True Blood... Only seen 4 episodes, but holy Hell is it good. I'm really confused by some of the characters so far, but it's a good confused. It's a mysterious confused. Gotta love it.

Love Sookie's new attitude. And I think I like Jessica. When she was introduced in the first season, all I could think was "Oh. I am going to HATE this bitch!" but she's actually got a really complex character with a lot of shit going on. That, and she's a fucking psycho.

What's not to love?

I finished another book [reading, not writing] It's actually a book I've read before, Dhampir by J.C. & Barb Hendee... I got into the series, but never finished it. I've done that with a lot of series, I've noticed and I'm trying to get over that. Hence why I re-read Dhampir and got into the first chapter last night of Thief of Lives, the second Noble Dead Saga book [Dhampir being the first, duh]

It's interesting, reading a Vampire story helped me think about Ressurection, the second book [formerly known as Re-Birth] in the Stinda Series. [Does Stinda Saga sound better?] I didn't start writing anything, but I did make notes for Chapter 1 of Ressurection, changing it around a bit. Hopefully I'll keep reading Vampire stories and eventually get back to that. You never know.

After Noble Dead Saga, I'm considering finishing the War of the Spider books. I was in book 5 of 6 when I stopped reading it because they killed one of my favorite characters, Ryld the Drow weaponsmaster. But I'll have to suck it up and keep reading to finish the series. Next on my list?

The entire Harry Potter series. No lie, starting from book 1! What inspired that series next after such "dark" books like War of the Spider and Noble Dead Saga?

Lego Harry Potter.

Hey, don't laugh! It was a great fucking game. It was hours of entertainment and even though I beat the storyline, I really want to get back to it and start finding EVERYTHING, all the House crest pieces, getting the True Wizard coins and etc. etc. I definitely wanna get all the little curse spells you can buy, those are so funny. I love the head shrinking cure. That one's a laugh and a half!

GCW got it's own blog and I even found I could designate when I want the post to be from. I was able to jump back to June and post Week 1 when it belonged being posted. Once I catch up to today's date, eventually, I'll release and spread the link a bit. That, and after I do all of the Character Bio's in the Locker Room of the GCW section of the Crossology board I created awhile back.

It's all a WIP. You'll see.

Year 2 is coming along, but I'm stuck at a certain part... Anti-Americans. But I don't want every year to be "buncha title rivalries in the first half of the year, then a group forms, takes on the rest of the locker room and climax match at Critical Mass". Too predictable. Great stories, but too predictable.

Ah well. LET'S GO GIANTS! Stop sucking ass, ya jackoffs...

~Class Dismissed~


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