Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I don't know what it is, but lately I have been EXHAUSTED! Every day after work, it seems like I'm ready to fall asleep. I don't think we're doing any "extra" at work [nothing was worse than the Mailers] and I'm sleeping along the same schedule as usual... Still eating as much of the same kinds of food... So there was no huge change... Except, DAMN, I am tired...

Maybe I'm sick. Ah well, won't know til I get another symptom. [Wouldn't that be a great time to suddenly puke? Right after typing that? It'd be awesome.]

In all seriousness, I don't feel too sick. Sick of my supervisor, but I've come to an agreement with myself about all of that.

From now on, if I have a problem with someone at work, I'm going to either deal with it professionally [bring it to a manager's attention] or shrug it off. I'm done bitching about things to people who can't do anything except spread rumors. I'm done getting annoyed and upset over everyone's crappy attitudes or doing things I don't like/want them to do. That's free will, I and everyone else in the world just have to learn to bloody accept it. So while I may record things, I'm going to try to be a lot more unbiased about everything that goes on and a lot less bitchy. Let's see how it goes in the days to come.

I'm very impressed with myself. I've managed to keep blogging everyday so far this week. I might even go non-stop over the weekend and into next week. I think a schedule is just not what I need, so from here on out, I'm only blogging when I have something to say... Which, if I know myself [and how would I not? I've known my our whole life!] will be quite often.

Wow. Sleepy's commercials... Or rather, commercials in general... Bloody. Horrible.

I'm starting to think I have ADD when it comes to video games. I was huge into GTA Chinatown Wars what... 2 weeks ago? Barely picked it up since then. I got 3 new games and I've only played like one of them because I went back to Road to Glory.

While we're on the topic of ADD... HEY, LOOK, BUTTERFLY!

~Class Dismissed~

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