Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Silly Heathen. Have a seat on the crucifix, won't you?

Ah, I love religious topics. I typically love how people constantly try to debate back and forth who's religion is more believable. Because, you know, in today's society that is so desensitized to things like Hell, Satan, Demons, Magic and all the fun stuff life used to scare the piss out of us with, an omni-potent being [or beings, depending] is not, in the least, far fetched and possibly insane.


See, I'm not an atheist. I'm not an anythingeist. I'm me, Seth Cross. That's good enough for me. I know what I believe in and my form of what I believe happens to the human soul [and yes, I do believe we all have souls. Some just... Darker! [Like mine!]] after we die. I could go on a reel and rant and rave about how my religious views and thoughts make so much sense and are so much better than yours but in the end... Would ya care? Think about it.

A belief is a belief because it is.. WHAT YOU BELIEVE! With all those possibilities, beyond all the what-if's and "hey here's my proof why you're an idiot!" people, you still believe in this one thing. You don't question it because with all your heart and soul [if you believe you have one, that is] you KNOW in your mind, always, that it's right.

Naturally, if you're wrong, you're going to be tormented for all eternity for it. Kinda... A bit over-kill, don't you think? But hey. Eternal torment's gotta be good for some people. What about the masochistic crowd? I bet they're having an orgy in Hell, right now.

That disturbing mental image aside, my point remains, quite simply [regardless of how many times I've repeated it so far, in different forms] that my religion is mine, not yours. You don't need to believe it. I do.

And you know what? I bet you twenty bucks [well, okay, five bucks, but only cause I'm poor!] that those people that are SO STRONG to protest other religions and preach to the crowds and attempt to convert the world are, in the end, the most insecure about their own beliefs. They feel [sub-consciously, of course. No one's going to admit this kinda stuff] that the more people that believe in what they believe, the better the chance is that they're right. Or, who knows... If the whole world is wrong, maybe whatever's right and real will go easy on us as a group. Crazy thinking, but people are crazy things.

In the end, who knows. Maybe we make it real by believing it. Maybe whatever created us gives us what we want after death. You believe you'll be reborn? Good. You're reborn. You believe you'll go to some paradise called Heaven? Welcome to the Pearly Gates of Heaven, baby! Why? Because you believe it.

Think also on this little number. A human [average, not that most of us are up to that level are we? Awww, who's a cute advanded primate? You are!] typically uses about 10% of their potential brain copacity. [Who figures these things out?! To such a general number, too... "10%! Not 10.1%, not 9.99%! No, it's definitely 10%. Trust me, I checked. C'mon, I'm wearing a white coat. I gotta be right!"] Now, our bodies are obviously a limited thing. They expand and then they wither. Technically, some rare people continue to develop their minds as they age and people like this are becoming more and more common as we develop sciences to help those with a few years [or decades of them] under their belt keep the ol' think machine from spewing out oil and exploding.

What if [famous last words there] our minds continue to develop after our bodies wither out? What if "death" is merely the shedding of a shell, like the catipillar does, into something much more... Well, I don't know if I'd use the word "beautiful" like I would for a butterfly, but something much MORE, if that makes any sense. What if a "soul" is really a cloud of BEING that was once a human's mind?

Think on THAT philosophy.

... If you can :)


  1. What if [famous last words there] our minds continue to develop after our bodies wither out? What if "death" is merely the shedding of a shell, like the catipillar does, into something much more... Well, I don't know if I'd use the word "beautiful" like I would for a butterfly, but something much MORE, if that makes any sense. What if a "soul" is really a cloud of BEING that was once a human's mind?

    That is very interesting, a good outlook on death.

    Never really thought of that, but it's insanely possible. :]


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ""hey here's my proof why you're an idiot!" people, you still believe in this one thing. You don't question it because with all your heart and soul [if you believe you have one, that is] you KNOW in your mind, always, that it's right."

    Thats the exact reason I avoid debates most of the time. They are ammusing to read, I dont post becuase nothing comes of it.




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