Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Imagine that!

It's weird, finding myself in some of the situations that come up in my life. A number of new experiences are constantly rushing at me and I'm starting to realize I often don't know how to respond to them. I know this isn't a huge anomally in normal life, but every once in awhile I find myself taking a step back, looking at some of the stuff going down and just laugh at how outrageous my life can be. Then I laugh at how outrageous some of my first reactions are.

Take my situation at work. I find myself talking to my replacement about how my boss plans to lay me off soon because of my entering the military. I explain that I have no legal backing until I'm processed and sworn in and how long that can take. Having found out my replacement is ex-military (Navy), I guess I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was to hear him say he'd talk to the owner on my behalf to keep me until I'm ready to go. But there you have it: I was surprised.

Don't get me wrong, he (Ralph, for future notice) seems to be a good guy. But I guess I just don't typically expect people to put their necks out there for me. After all, how often has that really happened in my life? Aside from maybe my Brothers(tm), I can't think of many people willing to go to bat for me.

Another weird situation surrounds me and my work buddy Greg... We were good friends but a situation this past weekend escalated to the point of where I didn't think we'd even manage a professional work environment this week. Oddly enough, Tuesday went off without a hitch and we spoke to each other like nothing happened. There were some obvious signs that there was still a space between us, but it was barely noticeable throughout the day. Then today he tells Danielle (while I had fallen asleep, of course) that he wanted to chalk everything up to a misunderstanding and let bygones be bygones.

On a side note, really quick; what the Hell is a bygone?!

Anyway, I admit that the idea of never really speaking to a close buddy of mine eve again did not appeal to me, but as we all know, I'm a stubborn ass. I know everything was not as simple as a misunderstanding and while I don't believe Greg MEANT any ill will over the weekend, I believe he still managed to cause it. Some of it was definitely unintentional but he certainly lost his temper and flew off the handle not once, but twice. Once of which was at Danielle, which I take VERY seriously...

Now I'm presented with the chance to be the bigger and better man and say no more on past discrepancies and, well... I'm struggling with that notion. I find myself loathing the idea of looking out for this person the same way I previously did, feeling as though it would mean I'm being a pushover, a sucker. I'm anything but that.

But I know myself. Despite being a stubborn ass over respect and whatnot, I do have a good heart. It doesn't necessarily work all the time and is colored black, but hey. It's a good heart all the same. I think, eventually, things will go back the way they were...

GCW. It's good stuff! I'm still working on Year 3, but I'm adding new shows everyday. I'm loving the characters and the storyline, which I swear sometimes writes itself. I'm especially excited that I'm forming multiple plots at once, really giving the storyline some depth. I need to stop being such a procrastinating bitch and start putting more of Year 1 online though. That and my biographies. I think I have bios to write for characters I didn't even keep at this point! Oy vay!

Damn procrastination!!!

~Class Dismissed~

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