Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friday? Now? Please?

Nah, I kid. I'm actually pretty happy with how my day went. There was so many possible situations going through my head with some of the crap that went on this past weekend and it went off without a hitch. It was almost eerie how well it went. I feel like I should be looking over my shoulder, constantly waiting for something else to go wrong.

Lovely way to live life, no?

I saw that movie "The Other Guys" with Mark Whalburg and Will Ferrel[sp?] and I seriously found it hilarious. The just stupid humor was never-ending. You actually had to pay attention to make sure you were getting all of the small, subtle jokes. Greatness. Danielle wasn't as big a fan, but you know what? That's okay... She sucks! [Nah, she doesn't really suck. She's awesome. We all know it.]

I found out what stopped my Air Force Recruitment... They filled everyone up for this window of processing, so now no one is getting processed til October 1rst... Seeing as it's only September 7th and even after MEPS I could wind up waiting for another YEAR [or more?!] I'm kinda worried.

I finally found proof that I cannot be let go, but I need to go to MEPS and be sworn in before it applies to me. Meaning I need to wait until October 1rst, at the earliest... Damn, it's going to become really REALLY close.

Ah well. Maybe all good things happen for a reason. [Maybe]

~Class Dimissed~

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