It's an age old problem. Regardless of how far we advance, it seems to always become an apparent issue. It's worldwide, an epidemic really.
Crappy. Writing.
Okay, so it wasn't that serious. Shut up. It's serious enough to me to want to bitch about it. Everything we do for entertainment, be it watching movies, listening to music or, the obvious, reading a book... It all has something to do with writing. Hell, even as you speak, your mind is writing the words you're going to say. And in turn, crappy writing creates crappy movies, crappy music, crappy books and I guess... Crappy conversations. Or at least, crappy conversationalists.
I don't know why it's bugging me so much. I love movies and music. I constantly am either experiencing one or the other, trying to expand my collection of them both or thinking about one or the other [or both, in some sick twisted way] And lately? While there have definitely been a few good movies coming out, there hasn't been any good music coming out. Most of it is mainstream rap, which I can't stand because it's so "ghetto" and "gangsta" [homeslice!] or some boy band/pop singer which, while sometimes decent, is everywhere. I'm sorry but when I put the radio on, change the station five different times and somehow hear the SAME EXACT SONG, I tend to find that a bit overkill.
I think I blame it on today's kids. They're so obsessed with getting whatever they want, whenever they want it, there is no such thing as moderation. They over-do it, they get so much of something, they tire of it in minutes [if that] Hell, that may indeed be the birth of all these damn fads that are all over the place. Give it another month, kids won't even remember what "Twilight" was, despite that you can't walk into a bloody store without finding the movie's merchandise... EVERYWHERE!
When you think about it, though, kids aren't the only ones getting fed up with things. Isn't every one using more and more of everything? Gas, food, electricity... We're overusing the entire world and I bet it's going to be the death of us all. WOO, APOCALYPTIC RANTING!
Naw, I'm not going quite there yet. Yet, of course, being the keyword.
So, I'm sitting here watching T.V., and like any normal person, I'm watching cartoons [mmm, Nickelodeon, even. The creme de la creme of cartoons] and I'm watching this crap about powering down for a whole minute, the whole world over. Okay, I admit it... I did it. Turned my light and T.V. off and unplugged the laptop. But in the end, as my own sister even asked me, does it really even make a difference? If the entire world is constantly burning power, how much difference does one minute make?
Why not an hour? Wouldn't that help a lot more? But still, when you look at the grand scheme of things, an hour of lights out vers. hours upon hours of lights on... Doesn't seem to do a lot. It's like if you're a tyrannical national leader and one day you set a slave free after 365 days of killing a slave every 10 minutes.
Does it matter? I think not.
And think on that philosophy, why don't ya?
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