Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I put some new shoes on...

And suddenly, everything is right! WOO!

No, really. That song is stuck in my head so badly... For some reason, ever since I bought a new pair of sneakers after my last pair started to fall apart, the song's stuck. DAMN SONG!

For reference to those peons out there unaware of what song I'm talking about:

It's a catchy tune. It's one of those songs/artists I really don't like that much, but this one song of this one artist just sticks with me... Kinda weird. Unfortunately, the song doesn't ring true; My new shoes did not make everything "bright" or "right". Not that anything in particular is "wrong" today, but I guess the long day just got to me.

Some happy news is that I'm getting a new phone very soon. Bunny's going to be on my phone plan and buy a new phone, using my upgrade. I would have used it, but it doesn't really do much for me, considering the fact that I'm getting my iPhone. God, it's exciting!

If you think about this next month, I'm coming into a touch of money. $640 or so from the government for my federal taxes. $260 this Friday from cleaning at work. $308 from an extra paycheck, since there's an extra Friday in this month for me to get paid on. Add it all up and that's about $1,200 EXTRA this month! Wow, I was thinking $1,000 before I really thought it out... Nice!

Hmm. Maybe another couple hundred will go to completing my fantasy 360 set up. I still need my wireless adapter, months of subscriptions and a few thousand MS Points to download some specific stuff. I think I have a headset somewhere, so I don't need that... Got the rechargeable batteries and the charge station that DOESN'T SUCK. What more do you need? What more... Do ya need?

Technically, though... The only thing you NEED in life... Is to die.

Think on THAT philosophy, if you dare.


  1. That's pretty nice! You should definitely put some of that cash aside.

  2. I plan on leaving some in the bank to rot, but there's some stuff waiting for me on the horizon, if I can save up the dough. Moving out, for one. Can't wait for that.

  3. Yea :)

    Just have plan for it and don't go spending hundreds of dollars on games ;)

  4. Damn. I've been found out! Code red, CODE RED!

  5. All you need now is a PS3. And when you get that you wont have to worry about batteries, wifi adapters, internet fees or an HDMI cable etc.

    Yes, I'm a Playstation fanboy, but I do honestly think the higher price makes it worth it when you take into account all the stuff you have to pay for on the 360.

  6. I just love video games. Of course, that new system might be the answer to every gamers problem, if it works out to where you can play every game for every system, all on this one.

    I don't see how Nintendo, MS and Sony games would allow that... Don't they hold copyright for some of their games?



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