God, it's sad how much I love Marvel comics and movie. I own a whole batch of the Marvel movies, ranging from the cartoons to the live-action kind. I'm actually sitting here, watching the opening credits to the new Punisher: War Zone movie that Bunny and I rented [along with Bedtime Stories, which, by the way, was really good]
Truth be told, I'm kinda nervous about seeing this. The first Punisher had a different actor for the main guy and I'm always nervous when they change actors... Why do they do it? Especially when the first movie is so great? It's like saying "Hey, this was awesome! Now... How can we screw it up and expect better ratings and sales because we don't want to do things right?!" I mean, sometimes it's stupid stuff... Sometimes different producers take on the next one or something and thus, you get a different view of the situation. In the end, a different product.
I guess it's a good thing, perspective. Sometimes you see things from multiple angles and sometimes it gives you new ideas or thoughts on the matter that maybe you hadn't thought of before. Gives you a greater insight, right?
But it doesn't always work that smoothly. I'm sitting here, trying to think of a different perspective to a situation that's giving me a bit of trouble. Friend A is having a birthday party at a club. I don't do clubs. I've never done clubs. To the best of my knowledge, ALL of my friends know I don't do well in big crowds of people, even if I know each and every single one of them. I get nervous, I start looking over my shoulder constantly, trying to watch what everyone is doing behind my back. I have trust issues.
Anyway, so I tell Friend A and suddenly, he's acting annoyed while Friend B "mysteriously" texts me if I'm going. I tell her probably not and she basically grinds my butt for about 20 minutes, drilling the idea of "You should go" into my head... For a number of different reasons, too.
1) It's Friend A's birthday and he wants me to.
2) Bunny may want to go.
3) Try something new.
My response:
A) We already did Friend A's birthday thing with him. We celebrated it, Bunny even cooked him dinner and we all got drunk [and half naked!]
B) Bunny can do whatever the Hell she wants to do. She doesn't need me to go, just so she can go to some party. She can go without me.
C) Fuck that.
Another "reason" Friend B gave? To keep her boyfriend, who also kinda doesn't like the club scene, company.
... The Hell? I barely know this kid. And no offense to anyone, but I really wouldn't care if he was kept company or not. Can you blame me? Really? It's like saying your friend of a friend of a friend needs you to do them a favor. The HELL would you care what they want or need? They're not YOUR friend, you only know them through a friend-connection. Friend of a friend connections are basically worthless.
Look, I like my friends. They're the family I chose and now I can't get rid of them and all that jazz... But c'mon. Sometimes things simply aren't up my alley and I'm not always welcomed to walking down alleys I'm not familiar with. Yes, I just used "alley" figuratively in two very different manners.
So that's my rant. I go from super heroes in spandex to how my friends annoy me.
Think on THAT philosophy, why don't ya?
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