We emptied 1 and 1/2 of the containers that we need emptied by Wednesday. So there's 1 and 1/2 left and the 1 whole container is already on pallets... That one may take 30 minutes to unload and the other one, well... We unloaded the first half in about 2 hours. Since it'll be the morning and I noticed my guys worked a bit quicker in the morning [less tired, hadn't sat down for 30 minutes on a break to kinda let the tiredness catch up to them... Understandable] so I'm pretty confident we'll be done with MORE than enough time to do other things.
UPS killed me today, though. I have 26 boxes from Thursday. They dumped 40 more on me and claimed there was supposed to be another 7. A customer came by and dropped off almost another 10. I've got over 75 boxes on my dock, completely untouched because I was putting boxes away all morning and unloading half that second container and then doing the shipping... I am so screwed. I'm hoping the Boss and my Manager "ok" my friend to start NEXT WEEK, part-time. If he can just do receiving and nothing BUT receiving for 4 hours everyday... Damn. I would love that.
I got to speak to an old friend of mine today and she was really down. It makes me realize that most of my good friends that I enjoy the company of almost never speak to me. It kinda depresses me... Either I'm hard to approach or my friends that I love spending time with are all inconsiderate assholes. Ugh. Bastards. All of you.
Did I mention that Wednesday we have ANOTHER container coming IN with 517 boxes? LOVELY!
I posted this Monday's R2G and overall, I was happy with it. The main event was hard because THE two main eventers were used early in the show, but not in a match. I can't use the same people too many times without people getting tired of seeing the same bloody people over and over again. You'd think with such a huge roster... I wouldn't have to do that. I do have a lot of main eventers, so it should have been easy... But I guess I'm old fashioned. The title picture should be THE main event. And when it isn't, I guess it's just funny to me.
So I was driving to work and I had so many ideas of how to start another book, I think I would have if I wasn't so tired when I got home. That's a really lame excuse, but it's the truth. I actually just forgot about it until now. Speaking of writing, though, I have to remember to get those summaries out of my phone and onto either the internet or my computer. Either way, we'll see!
~Class Dismissed~
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