Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Silence is Golden...

But duct tape is silver!

What's that got to do with anything? I HAVE NO IDEA! But I am DAMN hyper!

I've been working on Road to Glory the past few hours and I am MUCHO excited about this Sunday, where I'll be posting Extreme Rules, our first PPV. Someone mentioned trying to do videos to accompany the PPVs, but I don't know how possible that is. Currently I'm using a lot of wrestlers NOT in the game, so I would either have to make THOSE wrestlers or simply not put those matches in the video... Except Extreme Rules would only have 3 or 4 out of 7 matches in the video! Is that really worth it? I don't think so...

I don't know. We'll see as things keep going...

Work was good. I finally caught up the receiving and even better; I got to talk to my boss and manager about the new guy! They're going to be offering him a job the first week in August. And we have tons of stuff to move over to the other warehouse within the next four weeks... Grrreat. That's always tons of work. And four weeks isn't a lot of time for the amount of stuff we have to actually move. Again... Grrreat. But the boss seems to be pretty understanding. And... That's a good thing.

Ugh, though. I bloody found out that apparently, we were not shipping things correctly for our BIG customer. Of course, they made it seem like 10+ orders we screwed up... Know how many we really screwed up? REALLY?! 2. Not 10. Not more. Not half. 2. And they made a huge deal about it to the BOSS and naturally, it came back down to me that I wasn't doing things right. Of course, afterwards, he was apologetic and a lot more understanding... 1 or 2 mistakes are bound to happen, even though we aim to have 0.

In the end, no biggie. No harm. No foul. Wootles.

~Class Dismissed~

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