Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Freedom Fighter

Once upon a time, a nation was founded on the idea that people deserve to be free from oppression of their governments. It was a great idea at first and after a few kinks and wrenches in the system, it seemed to work out smoothly and everyone was happy. Well... Everyone IN this new nation with all these lovely freedoms.

Think about something. We have the freedom to criticize just about anything in our country, as Americans. We don't have to like anything about the place, and can say and demonstrate that dislike almost any way, so long as it doesn't harm another person. In the end, if you look at the laws, it's more or less based upon "so long as you don't harm a person, we don't give a flying rat's ass". You can apply this even to areas like theft... Stealing hurts a person financially, so in the end, it's a kind of harm. And in the end, if you avoid all of these harmful things toward other people, you'll pretty much go unnoticed in the world and do whatever you want to do.

I could go outside right now, call our president some pretty racial names in the middle of a crowded area and if anyone were to take physical action against me, I could actually win a lawsuit against them for it. I could go to an elementary school and light an American flag on fire, or drop it on the ground and walk on it and probably argue my right to express myself in that manner, based upon the laws of our country.

And the funniest part of all of this? No, no... Not that we take advantage of these freedoms or that much of the population are seemingly ungrateful FOR these freedoms... But that these freedoms are one of the few things that, if you look at it, make other nations hate and detest us. Sure, there are other reasons... But in the end, aren't a lot of wars built upon the idea of "I don't like you because you do or don't do what I do or don't do"? And why would someone do or not do what you want or don't want? Because they have the freedom to choose for themselves.

Families in China can be limited to one child per family. Their police will break up "crowds" of more than 3 or 4 people, I believe. Meaning if you and 5 friends are standing around, you're breaking the law in China. [Keep in mind, this is dated information... I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure of myself here]

In the end, wrong or right, there are some pretty strange laws and restrictions in countries that we wouldn't stand for here. Hmm... Sounds awfully uppity of us, doesn't it? WE won't stand for things that other countries are FORCED into... No wonder people hate us.

It's insane. People hate us because we are free [to a degree... True freedom is, in essence, chaos. True freedom means you can do ANYTHING you want without consequence... Kill, steal, rape. It's basically anarchy. True freedom is anarchy. Slap THAT on a t-shirt and sell it!]

Hmm. It makes you wonder just how bad the world is out there that there are people willing to fight or wage war over freedom. Or worse, over trying to imprint their freedoms on another society? AW, I insulted us.

Guess what! I'M ALLOWED! Free country, jackass.

So think on that philosophy. Or don't... Whatever. It's a free country, after all!


  1. You just very strongly reminded me of the philosopher John Stewart Mill and his No Harm Principal in his essay On Liberty. Nerd moment aside.

    I heard that they have recently upped the amount of children that they can have in China to two, a boy and a girl, because the families are more likely to keep male children over female, and the female ones were turning into animal food. Disturbing moment aside.

    I like the issues that you brought up in this, and I really think that you should look up the essay that I mentioned in the nerd moment.

  2. Why were children becoming animal food? O.o

  3. Sad post.
    Welcome to the system.



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