Does it sound corny to say I want a family crest? Not even a "family" crest, but I guess a personal crest? I've always loved the idea of having a symbol to represent one's self, something flying on a banner that basically says "This is mine, this is where I am" in your own personal colors. Something to be sewn into your clothing or marked on your shield that basically marks what's yours.
Someone design me a crest. Ya bastards.
So the week kinda sucked. From the yelling tirade I had to withstand this past Monday to not knowing if I'm working for UPS this upcoming Monday to just some generally annoying shit. In the end, we were able to really clean up the warehouse... We were finally open the second dock door that has never been opened since I started in September... The place looks huge.
That UPS Billing Training never happened. The Tool didn't download properly and the Trainer didn't have access to the proper resources to fix it. In the end, we have to re-schedule for sometime next week and get a special guy in to fix it. Looovely.
I walked into work this morning and two different people brought two of my screw-ups to my attention almost immediately... Both of which had to do with Shipping, which I try to be very accurate and precise with... Not the greatest way to start my day. It got progressively better, but one thing still continues to bother me and may never stop bothering me until it's resolved.
My supervisor is a dick. Every time I'm not doing whatever HE wants when HE wants it done, he gives me a serious attitude and it's annoying. And it's not like I'm ever screwing around or wasting time. I do the paperwork, I do the computer work, I'm doing things for the office or a manager... I'm doing SOMETHING, just not whatever HIS priority is... If myself and the Warehouse NFL guy only ever did what our Supervisor's priorities, we'd never get anything done. He jumps around a lot, too... So he never keeps the same priorities. Thus, less would get done.
I'm not saying I know what's best for the department. Sometimes he has the right idea and in the end, I do whatever he needs. But I do tend to get what's best for ME done or for the company. Some things are bigger than our things. It's a company, we're not divided amongst our departments. All the departments work toward one goal.
I don't know. Maybe I'm egotistical. Maybe I give myself too much credit and my supervisor too little. Maybe it's a little in between...
Maybe you should think on that philosophy... But maybe... You shouldn't.
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