Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Steady Pace

So basically, my plan at work is to maintain the steady pace. We're currently actually behind on some of our things, but we're no more behind than we were on Friday, when my old Supervisor was laid off. Thus, we're not falling more behind, we're just staying where we are. It's not progress, but it's not the opposite, either. If anything, I think we're kind of proving that we can operate through the slow season on fewer people. They'll probably do this again next year, unless we get the College Bookstore thing to work.

Anyway, they're talking about getting a third guy next month because one of our programs starts up again and we'll need the extra help for that program, among other things. I've already offered to try to find a guy, because I have someone in mind that may work out great [someone I've worked with before, so I can trust them to be a relatively hard worker] Either way, if it all works out and we don't get too loaded up BEFORE that third person comes in, I think we'll survive the slow season just fine.

I also offered to my manager that if it's ever necessary, I'd work after hours, off the clock. I wouldn't get paid for it, but in the end, if things aren't done when the boss needs them to be done, it's going to be our fault. In the end, I would rather not get paid for a few hours of work and keep my job because I get everything done than be a bastard about money and eventually get fired for falling behind. But my Manager didn't seem worried and also flat out told me he didn't like the idea of anyone working off the clock. That's decent of him, but in the end; Anything that doesn't get done is my fault now.

Speaking of my boss from before, he's kicking up trouble by apparently trying to clear the warehouse out enough so that we can move everything in the containers inside. See, we have these huge trailers outside on the ground, three of them. Each container holds about an entire rack [36 bins that can hold about 18 boxes in each bin] of boxes inside. So that's 3 racks, 108 bins. How many bins do we currently have open? Maybe 60. See my problem here? So he plans to move about 2 entire racks into the other warehouse, giving us another huge empty space to bring merchandise in from the containers. I love that idea. I am IN love with that idea!

The cool thing was that he asked what we could survive without and two of the things he plans on moving are two of the things I suggested. Meaning he apparently took my ideas into consideration. That feels great. That's a new feeling for me, because I don't think the Supervisor ever actually took what I said into consideration. I actually think he purposely did not tell the other managers and whatnot things I thought up when HE didn't think they were good ideas...

I don't know. The more I find out about him from other people, the less I like him.

We had some NFL people in the warehouse, too. It was fun being the guy to talk to... We worked things out and the woman in charge seemed pretty pleased. I don't know how nervous she was about the "kid" in the warehouse being her contact in charge of getting things ready for her event, but in the end, she seemed pretty satisfied with what we spoke about. Now, I just have to not drop the ball tomorrow. Hopefully the Boss will understand that we have a time limit on that little project, because the equipment we're putting together is actually being picked up tomorrow as well... Fun fun! WOO, TIME LIMITS!

So, a month from tomorrow, I'm going to be calling the apartments Bunny and I looked at to talk to them about holding one for us. I plan on asking for one of the bigger rooms if possible and I cannot wait for the moving. It's still not til November, but I keep getting so excited, thinking about it. I CAN'T WAIT!


~Class Dismissed~

Monday, June 29, 2009

The New Era

So today at work wasn't that bad without my old Supervisor. I was backed up with receiving, but Fedex surprised the crap out of us with almost 30 boxes... Then UPS dumped over 30 on us and with the few customer drop-offs, we had almost 70 boxes in one day, which is kind of a lot. However, I was lucky enough to not be bothered by Customer Service left, right and sideways. That's new since the Customer Service woman got laid off... Interesting, isn't it? I go from phone calls everywhere with one woman devoted to a certain task to two people who are doing half Customer Service and half another job and the two people with other jobs to do don't bother me. Weird.

I was asked by the Boss to try to think of things to get out of the warehouse so we have room to bring everything in our three huge containers inside... Except there just isn't room. We have another warehouse in another city, but I don't think they'll keep our same rate with even more stuff. We've already got more stuff then we're paying for... So I don't know what to do with what we've got.

I re-posted Week 1 - RAW for Road 2 Glory, so if you wanted to see the difference, now's the time. I was pretty happy with it, because it gave me the ability to add 3 brand new matches and use my older characters that I made up with the game's Create-A-Wrestler feature...

All-in-all, I had a rough day and tried to take a nap but woke up from really bad dreams. It's late and I'm exhausted still, so I think that's it for the day.

~Class Dismissed~

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jedi? Sith?

Okay. Remember a few posts ago, I mentioned having bought like... 3 new 360 games and barely playing the Iron Man one?

That's because I started the game binge with the wrong game. Star Wars; The Force Unleashed is an amazing game. The powers are cool, the graphics are amazing and the storyline really draws you in. I was shocked when... Well, after the third mission. It shocked me.

I love how you can customize your saber. I'm trying to unlock more color crystals because I actually like the golden/orange color they have. When I saw there were "lightsaber" options, I was hoping you could construct different kinds of saber handles and whatnot, like the double sided saber and whatnot... But no such luck, or rather no luck I've found.

One thing I'm not huge about is the Apprentice's voice. He's very light voiced and it kind of ruins the moment when you hear a voice that sounds like a teenage kid going through puberty coming out of this big, tough agent of the Dark Side. Speaking of which, how does this big bad boy suddenly fall in love at first sight with his new pilot? I mean, I understand he's still human, but... C'mon. The dude fell like the decapitated heads of the 2 Jedi Knights I killed. Pft. Tough guy my ass.

Overall, though, it's sucking me in. You obviously see a much more violent side of the Force and of course at some point, you have to realize that the Dark Side Apprentice on the side of the Jedi is quite possibly genius.

Oh! You wanna know what pissed me off?! That stupid part where you go to find the Senator and wind up in the belly of some beast in the ground?! And the damn thing sucks you into these little chambers and tries to digest you?! Yeah... THAT'S REALLY BLOODY ANNOYING! I couldn't find any way to stop it, so I just hit my Shield and tried to dash through it [by the way. Dashing didn't work. Go. Figure.] Either way, though, I managed to survive, so it was all good.

But the big question is... Sith... Jedi... Who knows. Maybe I'll start my own branch of the Force. The Awesome. Word.

~Class Dismissed~

Friday, June 26, 2009


Wow. I'm going through the guys I want to add to Road to Glory... And I may double the size of the company with this extension. That might be a bit much... Mucho. Huge.

My Time Starts Now

So. I am no longer the right-hand man of the the Supervisor at the warehouse. I am the Supervisor. I am in shock, confused, worried, nervous and a number of other things at the moment. Apparently, this Monday, I will be sitting down with the Warehouse Manager and my only other co-worker in the warehouse about what we're going to be doing from here on out. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do now, except try to make things run better. I know what I'd want done, but I have no idea if it will ever actually be able to be done. After all... How exactly do I run things any better as a kid than Joe with all this "warehouse experience" can get things done?

I don't know. I just... Don't know.

Road to Glory is going well. I actually got a few comments about how people really like it and one person even said I "need to keep doing this every week". And I plan to. Did it so far for a week!

And I started doing more shows today when I started realizing that I can write the stories a lot more freely if I don't let a computer with crappy stats and features run the story for me. So I ditched the idea of simulating the matches and instead started doing it from mind with knowledge of the characters I have.

Speaking of characters, I overhauled the entire roster. I added all my CAWs that I have ideas for and will probably be adding more... And then I decided to upgrade it to the real roster and added current wrestlers as well. I may even bring a few guys back that aren't in the WWE anymore, just because they're favorites of mine. It is, after all, fantasy wrestling. Why can't I put who I want in it?

Ahhh, creative freedom. Thy name is Seth Cross.

~Class Dismissed~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Late Night

Okay, so almost midnight isn't really a late night for me. But I feel like it bloody is. I'm still exhausted, I'm starting to regret trying to work a second job when I'm feeling like this.

To be honest, I don't have much today... I'm that tired. But I'm determined to keep my streak going as long as possible. Hell, even if I ended it now, I could say I posted SOMETHING. But that's cheap, and I don't like it.

Something at work disturbed me today. It wasn't anything to do with opinion, but mere fact... We were told to dispose of defective merchandise that is logo'd. Meaning it has a logo on it, but there's something wrong with it and the customer who owns the logo wants it unusable... And I watched my Supervisor give one away to one of our customers. And I'm kinda in a crossroad here... I'm not one to rat things out, especially big things. People who make mistakes deserve to make their own mistakes and fall for them. I wasn't going to lie... If asked, I would tell them and maybe only lie to say I assume he had been given permission. I don't have to know what is or is not allowed if I'm not doing anything.

But I think I do need to say something... I'm... Still nervous about it. This is a big thing. Our biggest client said "get rid of this" and he gave it away. Free of charge. Without permission. I'm worried the trouble that can land on him and I'm not sure if he deserves that.

But it wasn't my choice to break the rules.

~Class Dismissed~

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I don't know what it is, but lately I have been EXHAUSTED! Every day after work, it seems like I'm ready to fall asleep. I don't think we're doing any "extra" at work [nothing was worse than the Mailers] and I'm sleeping along the same schedule as usual... Still eating as much of the same kinds of food... So there was no huge change... Except, DAMN, I am tired...

Maybe I'm sick. Ah well, won't know til I get another symptom. [Wouldn't that be a great time to suddenly puke? Right after typing that? It'd be awesome.]

In all seriousness, I don't feel too sick. Sick of my supervisor, but I've come to an agreement with myself about all of that.

From now on, if I have a problem with someone at work, I'm going to either deal with it professionally [bring it to a manager's attention] or shrug it off. I'm done bitching about things to people who can't do anything except spread rumors. I'm done getting annoyed and upset over everyone's crappy attitudes or doing things I don't like/want them to do. That's free will, I and everyone else in the world just have to learn to bloody accept it. So while I may record things, I'm going to try to be a lot more unbiased about everything that goes on and a lot less bitchy. Let's see how it goes in the days to come.

I'm very impressed with myself. I've managed to keep blogging everyday so far this week. I might even go non-stop over the weekend and into next week. I think a schedule is just not what I need, so from here on out, I'm only blogging when I have something to say... Which, if I know myself [and how would I not? I've known my our whole life!] will be quite often.

Wow. Sleepy's commercials... Or rather, commercials in general... Bloody. Horrible.

I'm starting to think I have ADD when it comes to video games. I was huge into GTA Chinatown Wars what... 2 weeks ago? Barely picked it up since then. I got 3 new games and I've only played like one of them because I went back to Road to Glory.

While we're on the topic of ADD... HEY, LOOK, BUTTERFLY!

~Class Dismissed~

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lucky Day

Ha. Ha. Ha. The bloody irony of it all. Man, sometimes things are just so well timed... It's funny!

You remember yesterday, I mentioned that I kinda sold my supervisor up the river with his crappy attitude? Well, I asked my Manager this morning if he'd spoken to my supervisor, because [as per usual] I had been getting a terrible attitude all morning. I was curious if my Manager had accidentally used my name or implied it was me that had complained... Or maybe my Supervisor just intelligently put two and two together and realized that the person who spends the most time with him at work is the most likely to complain.

Either way, it doesn't matter because my Manager had never spoken to him. Meaning I was getting a pissy attitude for no apparent reason, considering that it had started the second I walked in. So I explained to my Manager why I asked and he said I would have to try to bear with him for awhile, as it was busy in Production and he wasn't sure when he'd be able to speak to the Supervisor.

So, I started to think that maybe my Manager wasn't as convinced as the Office Manager I had originally spoken to... You see, the Office Manager has openly admitted to me that she doesn't like my Supervisor. She realizes he's got a temper and an attitude problem and believes he feels he can get away with things like yelling at co-workers and customers whenever he wants because he's special. I wouldn't go that far with my opinion, but that's not the point. Point is that the Warehouse Manager seemed a little less eager to handle the situation and I was curious if perhaps he wasn't convinced. After all, if someone comes to you and tells you someone else is always a shithead to them, but that person is only ever kind and polite with you, wouldn't you be a little... Well, at least suspicious of the claim? I know I would.

And in my greatest luck of the past month, my Supervisor actually extended his list of "people I've given attitude to" to include our Manager. Long story short, he started mouthing off the very Manager I wasn't sure believed that my Supervisor was a pissy bitch! THE FREAKING LUCKY IRONY OF IT ALL!

Okay, let me clarify. My Supervisor is not a bad guy. I don't particularly like him, but I don't want anything bad to happen. My goal is to merely have the guy ease off my back so that I can do the things I need to do at work and not have someone ride my ass trying to make it seem like I'm not doing my job. That's all... I'm not even asking for gratitude or appreciation... Just the ability to work without someone breathing down my neck telling me every thing I do is a waste of time.

Too much to ask? I think not.

In other news, there was another Road to Glory post yesterday night. I'm really starting to like the project, even though there won't be another post to it until Thursday. I'm already concocting an idea to add a fourth post in the week, but perhaps it's best not to get ahead of myself. I have enough fun with three so far.

Bunny's feeling kinda better, which is good. She's not throwing up, but I'm beginning to suspect the worse, something I typically do right away... This time, because it was her, I guess I just wanted to be optimistic... I'm beginning to believe Bunny's gotten Swine Flu. She started getting sick a month ago and it's seemingly gotten worse, even though she's not throwing up now. That doesn't mean it's getting better, but it doesn't mean it's getting worse either... It's really scary to think she might have it. Not because I care if I get it, I know that if I start throwing up, I'm seeing the doctor immediately and hopefully getting healthy just as quickly. But because it's her and not me, I don't know. Very frightening.

I've noticed that I'm continually gaining weight, which is actually a great thing. When I started working at the Warehouse, I only weighed 120 lbs., standing at 5'6" or so. For those of you who don't realize, that's REALLY thin. Like... Unhealthy thin. I now weigh in at 146 lbs. [from a few days ago] and I'm very proud of that. My goal is actually to hit 180 at some point, because I think that's right around where someone healthy should be for my height. I've never been a "healthy" weight and while I typically don't care, I have noticed the physical changes in my form and I like it. I look... Well, I don't look like I'm going to blow away in the wind anymore. It's funny because I went to an old retail job of mine today and everyone who was there when I worked there had to comment that I looked great, a lot healthier than the last time they saw me. I'm also not minding how typically more stressful physical things are becoming easier, probably because most of the 26 lbs. I'm adding is muscle, thanks to the physical nature of my job. Nice.

So, a friend of mine got married today, apparently, and I find the entire thing off... I'm not a huge believer in getting married really young and these people are younger than me. Not only that, but these are a HUGELY religious couple, right? They got married at the municipal court in town. But wait. It gets better. These people are so religious that they have a church in their basement and a website dedicated to their church. They're like... "Cult" religious... And yet, they got married the legal way. Hell, apparently the guy is a pastor... Unless I miss my guess... He can actually PREFORM the ceremony... And yet. Mr. and Mrs. Religious took the Legal route to marriage? I'm confused. Some people don't agree with me that I've spoken to about it and I respect that, but it's just funny to me. Weird.

You're all weird, though.

~Class Dismissed~

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Rat Pack

For the past few months, I have been on the edge of telling my supervisor to piss off, or talk to someone about his shitty attitude. I've been holding back because with the economy the way it is, I know they could probably fire him in a second and not even be hindered. Not only that, but I know a few people in the office don't like my supervisor and that's just another few feet in the hole he's digging himself into by being a pissy son of a bitch to anyone and everyone in the general vicinity.

However, today I was just so tired of being a nice guy and keeping my silence, so I opened my rat mouth and sung like a canary. Before you get excited, no, the guy didn't get fired. He still works there. As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone even spoke to him, even though it was supposedly arranged that someone was going to. The Warehouse Manager was supposed to speak with him privately, but he's kinda too much of a "nice guy" for being an outstanding prick [the irony of all those statements? I like the guy. Good boss.]

Anyway, to make a long story short, I was trying to figure out some of the UPS Bill without the Billing Tool we need to get downloaded, and instantly, my supervisor is bringing up "It's not even your job, I don't know why you're wasting your time doing that when you should be doing what I asked you to do"... See the attitude I'm talking about? Those aren't exact words, but they're damn close.

I feel like if I'm not doing what my supervisor wants at ALL times, he thinks I'm doing something wrong. But the truth of it is, is that "warehouse" employees are never specified to any particular topics. They're always the "jack of all trades", do everything guys. They get pulled here and there, it's like that no matter where I've ever gone or seen guys who either work as stock boys, warehouse employees, anything. We will always be doing things that are not "our responsibility". Not for other people, but for the betterment of the company... Isn't that what we should be worried about anyway?

Not my supervisor. He doesn't seem to care about the company. And the more he talks, the less respect I have for him. According to him, he's been this great warehouse manager his entire life, sooo... Why does he suck so much now? Don't get me wrong, this is my first warehouse job, but I grew up with a father in a warehouse. I've seen other warehouses and had friends in warehouses. I just think that if he were as experienced as he says, he'd actually know what he's doing. So why, most of the time, to I suggest more logical means of doing things than he does? Why am I thinking of things he is not? I'm not egotistical to say I'm smarter than him because I don't really know him that well.

So today, I spoke to both the Warehouse Manager and the Office Manager and basically explained that I feel like if I don't do exactly what my Supervisor says [and explained what it is that my Supervisor believes, which I believe is wrong] I'm doing everything wrong and in trouble. Which is true... And thus, we find that I'm actually at least in the right.

Not a huge surprise. I typically am right. [Here's the end of my egotistical bit]

~Class Dismissed~

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Road To Glory

For those of you that know me, I'm a huge Sports Entertainment Wrestling fan. Since I was a child, I've been a huge follower of the WWF [now known as WWE] and even a bit of WCW and ECW, which are now defunct and bought out by WWE. I've been a huge fanboy of their video games as well, especially their recent trend of "Smackdown! vs Raw" series games [now featuring ECW! WAHOO!]

Also for people who know me, I love to create stories and characters. I like to create things, have people read or experience them and get hooked into them wanting more. Maybe it's a control thing, maybe I'm just starved for attention. Either way, it's something I've always done.

When Smackdown vs. Raw [Smackdown and Raw are TV shows owned by WWE, as is ECW that appear every week... For those of you that don't know] first came out as a video game, I started doing something that I'm slightly fanatical about. The first games had something called a GM [General Manager] Mode, where you could control 1 or all 3 shows, who faces who, who rivals with who, who has what title... Etc. etc. And I began making records of this, using MS Excel.

I've done this for YEARS now, each year developing my records with the games that come out each year. And this year, I decided to make it public. Thus, we have Road to Glory, my SECOND blog. Each week, the day before the show typically is hosted [Raw is on Monday, ECW is on Tuesday, Smackdown is on Fridays... So I'll be posting Raw on Sunday, ECW on Monday and Smackdown on Thursday] I'll be posting my shows, based on my matches and storylines and as I continue to work on them, my own characters will begin popping into the shows to combat the WWE stars. You'll eventually see old superstars that aren't in the business anymore, or completely made-up people, but it's all fanboy stuff... So who cares?

I doubt anyone here is interested, but if you've ever read anything I've written and liked what I do with characters and such, feel free to check it out;


It's going to be a fun project... So we'll see.

Today is Father's Day and I'm ironically happy I'm not spending it with my father. In the end, I guess I do care about my father, but we've had such hardships in our relationship, sometimes spending entire days with him is hard. He and I don't get along great, but sometimes we're okay. He's been a lot less confrontational and bossy since I moved out and now that I'm talking about moving farther away up north, I think he's trying even harder to be more friendly with me... I guess it's good, but you look at it as "Why does it take something this serious to give him a reason to be nice?" you know? He should have been a kinder man to begin with.

I'm not saying I had the worst relationship in the world with my father, but it definitely wasn't good. Details shall remain grayed out, thank you.

Anyway, the reason I'm not doing the Father's Day thing is that Bunny is viciously sick. Off and on this past month, she's been feeling sick and throwing up, then feeling fine again. But last night, she was at work and started vomiting her brains out. She actually had to have me pull over when bringing her home [too sick for her to drive] and yak a bit more on the side of the road. Then she vomited all night long and had to call out of work today [which did not go over well] but luckily, now she's feeling a bit better... She's keeping water down, at least.

Gotta tell you, her being sick freaks me out. I'm not a medical genius because as a kid, I really never got sick. And when I did, I simply dealt with it and if it didn't go away, I continued to deal with it. I even had strep throat for over a week, merely because I was too damn stubborn to go to a doctor without insurance and when I finally did get better, it was because someone else had and knew the proper medication for strep.

If it wasn't for that, I'd have had strep for a few MONTHS until my insurance kicked in and I could afford to go to the doctor. Or maybe I just wouldn't have bloody gone. I'm stubborn, I told you.

So now we're chilling at home, Bunny laying on the couch all day. I think she's actually asleep now [which, by the way, is an adorable sight] and we're watching movies. I hope she feels better because a) I know she hates doctors and b) I just don't like her being anything but the perfect picture of health. She almost never is, but in the end, I can dream.

We can all dream.

~Class Dismissed~

P.S. ~ If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm trying out a new signature. Like it?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scammed and Feeling Stupid

It's no surprise that everyone is feeling the bad economy by now. People are being laid off [A LOT], people are losing their homes [A LOT] and people are just generally miserable [A LOT... Notice a pattern here?!] I am not immune to this bad economy, just like I'm sure you're not. In the end, we're all in a sinking boat and we hope that plugging up the holes with a few corks will keep us afloat long enough to reach the Promised Land (tm)

And sometimes, people make really stupid decisions to try to put more corks in at a time, without realizing the corks are made of sponge and thus, don't stop water for shit.

Confused? GOOD!

Long story short, I'm reading articles [ironically enough, news articles FROM THIS BLOG!] and I start clicking around more and more, reading different bits of news here and there. Eventually, I'm far from the original news article I clicked on from Crossology, but it's still news, right? News is somewhat dependable no matter where you go, right?

Ah, the naive.

I read this article about this woman who loses her job weeks before her husband does. And they find some Google-based home kit on how to make money at home by posting links for Google. And naturally, seeing a good money solution that I could do in my spare time, I check it out and at first, it looks legit. It isn't until I've signed up and been charged $2 that I realize something is wrong and decide to research it a bit. Turns out the company, Profit Studio Learning is a scam and I'm expecting to be charged $70 in about a week which I have to call my bank [again] about to dispute. Turns out, after you pay, they decide to tell you about this extra charge unless you cancel via certified mail. But even people who do that also find that they're being charged anyway and their mail is returned, because apparently the address is to a company that's "moved".

Lovely. The morale of this story is that whenever you're using a credit card online or Hell, even giving our your E-MAIL ADDRESS, please research what it is you're signing up for. Even if it's connected to a bigger company name... That's how places like this get you. You know Google, Google has more money than Bill Gates. So naturally, you don't think paying you a few grand a month is a big deal to them, so why wouldn't it be true?

Well it's not! IT'S NOT, I TELL YOU!

Sigh. There's just no honesty left in this world. It's all very depressing. I can't wait to yell at these people, however... Going to be great fun!

In other news, I went on a slight Video Game Shopping Binge [VGSB for short and future referencing] because Gamestop was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale on anything used [ah, Gamestop... At least I can still trust you!] It's funny because I was actually in Best Buy minutes before walking over to Gamestop and Gamestop is the one handing me the better deal. I kinda feel like I cheated on Gamestop, especially when you consider the fact that I worked for one for about 6 months before being laid off because the former store manager was a thief. Ironically, I also somehow managed to lose my social security card in that store when they hired me and I was never able to find it. By the time I went back to talk to the manager about it [the second manager in 6 months] someone ELSE was the manager and had no idea what I was talking about. Lovely.

I wound up buying Iron Man, Star Wars: Unleash the Force and a game called Legendary that looks really awesome. Originally, I was in Best Buy to look for Iron Man, but I haven't seen it in there for months. I found it in Gamestop and was only going to buy that when they told me about the sale, and like a sucker, I bought more. I played Iron Man for a bit and while it's a lot of fun to destroy stuff, it's also hugely chaotic and just... I don't know. Too easy? Seems like I can't die and that really degrades the entire point to a game. I haven't tried the other two yet and only got slightly into Iron Man, so when I fully test them out, I'll write something up about them.

Can't say I'm looking forward to Father's Day tomorrow. In retrospect, I'm never looking forward to any family outing. I'm sure I'll wind up being miserable, as I'll be spending time with my father and without Bunny, as she's gotta work. I truly hate her job. I wish that scam hadn't been a scam... If I made the kind of money like what I saw in the news articles, Bunny would be able to afford quitting and finding something that didn't abuse her like a mule.

Famous saying: You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

~Class Dismissed.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Does it sound corny to say I want a family crest? Not even a "family" crest, but I guess a personal crest? I've always loved the idea of having a symbol to represent one's self, something flying on a banner that basically says "This is mine, this is where I am" in your own personal colors. Something to be sewn into your clothing or marked on your shield that basically marks what's yours.

Someone design me a crest. Ya bastards.

So the week kinda sucked. From the yelling tirade I had to withstand this past Monday to not knowing if I'm working for UPS this upcoming Monday to just some generally annoying shit. In the end, we were able to really clean up the warehouse... We were finally open the second dock door that has never been opened since I started in September... The place looks huge.

That UPS Billing Training never happened. The Tool didn't download properly and the Trainer didn't have access to the proper resources to fix it. In the end, we have to re-schedule for sometime next week and get a special guy in to fix it. Looovely.

I walked into work this morning and two different people brought two of my screw-ups to my attention almost immediately... Both of which had to do with Shipping, which I try to be very accurate and precise with... Not the greatest way to start my day. It got progressively better, but one thing still continues to bother me and may never stop bothering me until it's resolved.

My supervisor is a dick. Every time I'm not doing whatever HE wants when HE wants it done, he gives me a serious attitude and it's annoying. And it's not like I'm ever screwing around or wasting time. I do the paperwork, I do the computer work, I'm doing things for the office or a manager... I'm doing SOMETHING, just not whatever HIS priority is... If myself and the Warehouse NFL guy only ever did what our Supervisor's priorities, we'd never get anything done. He jumps around a lot, too... So he never keeps the same priorities. Thus, less would get done.

I'm not saying I know what's best for the department. Sometimes he has the right idea and in the end, I do whatever he needs. But I do tend to get what's best for ME done or for the company. Some things are bigger than our things. It's a company, we're not divided amongst our departments. All the departments work toward one goal.

I don't know. Maybe I'm egotistical. Maybe I give myself too much credit and my supervisor too little. Maybe it's a little in between...

Maybe you should think on that philosophy... But maybe... You shouldn't.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Freedom Fighter

Once upon a time, a nation was founded on the idea that people deserve to be free from oppression of their governments. It was a great idea at first and after a few kinks and wrenches in the system, it seemed to work out smoothly and everyone was happy. Well... Everyone IN this new nation with all these lovely freedoms.

Think about something. We have the freedom to criticize just about anything in our country, as Americans. We don't have to like anything about the place, and can say and demonstrate that dislike almost any way, so long as it doesn't harm another person. In the end, if you look at the laws, it's more or less based upon "so long as you don't harm a person, we don't give a flying rat's ass". You can apply this even to areas like theft... Stealing hurts a person financially, so in the end, it's a kind of harm. And in the end, if you avoid all of these harmful things toward other people, you'll pretty much go unnoticed in the world and do whatever you want to do.

I could go outside right now, call our president some pretty racial names in the middle of a crowded area and if anyone were to take physical action against me, I could actually win a lawsuit against them for it. I could go to an elementary school and light an American flag on fire, or drop it on the ground and walk on it and probably argue my right to express myself in that manner, based upon the laws of our country.

And the funniest part of all of this? No, no... Not that we take advantage of these freedoms or that much of the population are seemingly ungrateful FOR these freedoms... But that these freedoms are one of the few things that, if you look at it, make other nations hate and detest us. Sure, there are other reasons... But in the end, aren't a lot of wars built upon the idea of "I don't like you because you do or don't do what I do or don't do"? And why would someone do or not do what you want or don't want? Because they have the freedom to choose for themselves.

Families in China can be limited to one child per family. Their police will break up "crowds" of more than 3 or 4 people, I believe. Meaning if you and 5 friends are standing around, you're breaking the law in China. [Keep in mind, this is dated information... I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure of myself here]

In the end, wrong or right, there are some pretty strange laws and restrictions in countries that we wouldn't stand for here. Hmm... Sounds awfully uppity of us, doesn't it? WE won't stand for things that other countries are FORCED into... No wonder people hate us.

It's insane. People hate us because we are free [to a degree... True freedom is, in essence, chaos. True freedom means you can do ANYTHING you want without consequence... Kill, steal, rape. It's basically anarchy. True freedom is anarchy. Slap THAT on a t-shirt and sell it!]

Hmm. It makes you wonder just how bad the world is out there that there are people willing to fight or wage war over freedom. Or worse, over trying to imprint their freedoms on another society? AW, I insulted us.

Guess what! I'M ALLOWED! Free country, jackass.

So think on that philosophy. Or don't... Whatever. It's a free country, after all!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Lovely. So... Apparently, somehow I'm supposed to know what I'm doing this Monday, despite the person helping me setting it up is on vacation this week and left me without much direction to go in. Confused? Good! That means you're learning.

My UPS pick-up driver at work is a buddy of mine and recently, I asked him if UPS is hiring. He's trying to get me to start this upcoming Monday at a nearby hub for UPS, as a truck unloader and I would love the opportunity to make another $400 a month for another 20 hours of work. However, he's on vacation this week and the last time we spoke about it on Friday, he still had to talk to someone on my behalf about my schedule, because it has to kind of center around my current full-time job and my cleaning side-job there.

So basically, I won't know until Monday afternoon if he was able to talk to that person and by then, I'll have skipped the first day of my part-time job... Not the greatest first impression.

I've already been warned about working 60 hour weeks, of course. My parents have out-right told me they're against the idea of it, mainly because my father worked two full-time jobs at some point before I was born and kinda... Lost touch with reality. While I understand how that could be harmful, I have to express I'm very curious about the idea. My entire memory is very in touch with reality, so I'm interested in what it's like to be out of touch with reality.

Remember I mentioned homework awhile back? Yeah, that blew up in my face. One of the reasons I do stuff over the weekends, I admit, is for the brownie points I earn with the boss and with the company in general. Of course, with that in mind, you have to do it properly and actually give the person what they want. I did neither last weekend. Apparently, the bill was a lot less complicated than I thought and in the end, it was actually something I had not been taught. Figures.

It's one of the things that worries and annoys me about my job. It seems, sometimes, like they either expect me to know things I don't or to merely pick up on things that no one else does. Pardon me for being... Average? I think I mentioned recently that there's a few people being trained for the UPS billing at work, and that I am one of them. It seems like because this training session is scheduled, I was supposed to understand a fairly complex bill and be able to work miracles with it, when this is really the first time I've ever had to deal with any kind of bill in this degree. Ever.

Yet... Somehow, me not knowing and doing the best I can was not only NOT met with understanding, but actually earned me a nice little session of being yelled at by my boss which infuriated me to the point where I left his office once he was done, collected my things and threw them all into my car, every intent to drive home at about 9 AM in the morning, only an hour into our work day. Naturally, this would have signified that I had quit. The only thing that stopped me is one of my co-workers who understood part of the situation and was there for our boss screaming at me and somehow either saw I was furious or merely knew I was about to do something in a rash action that I would regret later. She calmed me down and I returned to the project with a renewed urge to complete it, albeit if only to rub it in my boss' face that I was no, in fact, useless.

We should all know by now that I'm big on respect. We should all realize that if I feel I'm disrespected, my infamously short temper will flare and I'll probably light a few houses on fire. So, the temper flared and before I could set any fires, I was almost forcefully calmed down and in the end, it didn't turn out so bad. As a matter of fact, my boss came back at some point and apologized, saying that the stress of the situation was what was getting to him, not me or any person. I even asked my little savior later on if she had TOLD him how upset I was and she told me no. Meaning he apologized merely to apologize. So... I guess some days don't end as badly as they start out. But does that mean that sometimes they don't end as good as they start out?

Think on that philosophy.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Down with UPS

First of all, does anyone get the joke in the title? Down with UPS? As in "ups", the direction up? Contradicting directions... It's funny. Laugh, damn you!

But yeah, UPS is not my friend. We use UPS at work, constantly. I know I've spoken about a recent 15,000+ piece mailing we did at work for our big NFL client... And now, I have homework for the weekend, dealing with the billing of this mailing.

My boss wants to pay the now overdue invoices UPS has sent us. What UPS wants is for us to pay our bill for our regular shipments and to try to estimate the price for the mailers, and single out the Address Corrections [whenever UPS finds an error with an address and corrects it, they charge you $8. We have 1,000+ such corrections] and pay everything BUT the Address Corrections, and the estimated left over after the contracted rate of the mailers.

Did that make sense?

Okay. Each mailer was just over $4. But the contract states we will be CREDITED afterward. Meaning we paid our usual discounted rate, probably about double or more than this contracted rate. So we paid for our usual customer shipments under our negotiated rates. We also paid for the mailers under that same rate, but need to only pay it under the contracted rate. We also don't want to pay for the address corrections.

So I need to take the whole bill... Find out how many mailers we did, times that by the contracted rate and a fuel surcharge to get what is estimated to be the actual price we're paying. Then whatever's left over is our regular shipments and the part we're cutting off of the mailers... So... How do you separate the regular shipments from the remainder of the mailers to know what you're paying?

No way to do it. Thus, my problem. I can cut out the address corrections easily because it displays all of those. Simple count, times total by 8, minus from the bill. That's not bad. Trying to figure out the actual rest of it, which I described above... And I have a headache.

So think about that philosophy... If you can figure it out.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Megabyte Me!

Alexander was originally designed to be gruff, hot headed and overall depressing character. As I continued to write his scenes, however, I revealed a lot more sarcasm and humor than I originally meant to. He remained a depressing character with his negative view on his “life” and what he had become, but he also became a source for witty banter.

Another thing that actually didn’t change at all is that Alexander was always meant to be extremely clever, crafty, intelligent and most importantly; Unpredictable. The unpredictability of his character is not only what gave him the tools he needed to survive, but it created a greatly interesting character for reader’s to follow.

When he was a child, Alexander was the first son to a very violent man. His father became a drunk after Alexander’s mother died in the process of giving birth to Alexander’s younger brother, Thomas. Despite hating the child that she died to create, Alexander’s father began to detest his first son, perhaps thinking that the birth of Alexander weakened his wife’s body, making her die during her second pregnancy. This thought fuels over a decade of violence and general dislike toward his first son, and also has him turn into an alcoholic.

Tyrale Corren replaces Alexander’s father as the male, violent, dominant figure in his life when Tyrale pays the young man a visit. According to Alexander’s memories, Tyrale reveals that he has followed Alexander for some time, watching him in his life. Something about the child perks Tyrale’s interest and eventually, he turns Alexander from human to Vampire. Not only is Alexander a direct descendant from Tyrale Corren, but he is actually the second Vampire to ever be born.

For the next century or so, Alexander is under the control of Tyrale Corren. Not only believing it is fruitless to resist his new master, but Alexander is also tormented by the idea that if Alexander disobeys, Tyrale has access and the knowledge of where his father and brother still live and may kill them as a form of punishment. At one point, Tyrale actually holds Alexander’s father hostage and Alexander decides that perhaps it’s better to kill his own father then let him be a pawn in Tyrale’s plan. This burdens him for many years and continues to haunt him in the back of his mind for possibly the rest of his life.

While years pass by, Alexander actually looks for and listens for rumors for people who may have the power to attack and defeat Tyrale. Possibly realizing this, Tyrale begins to spread the idea that if the head of a bloodline dies, the rest of the bloodline will die as well. This would mean that if Tyrale died, so would Alexander and the rest of the Vampires in the entire world. Hoping this would keep any of his own kind from betraying him, Tyrale doesn’t realize that Alexander is, for all intents and purposes, suicidal.

Alexander finally breaks away from Tyrale when the Father Vampire threatens to kill his younger brother Thomas, who is discovered to be a Guardian, the mortal enemies of the Vampires. Furthermore, Thomas is considered a High Guardian, a Guardian with even more enhanced abilities and thus, is a major threat to Tyrale. While hesitate to get rid of his “ace card” over Alexander, possibly one of his most potentially powerful allies, he recognizes that he cannot let a High Guardian survive without risking himself and his other people. Tyrale goes to kill Thomas, but Alexander confronts him. Moments before Tyrale is apparently about to murder Alexander, however, a witch named Zaris stops him with magic, knocking the Father Vampire out cold and erasing Tyrale’s memories of Thomas and supposedly Alexander. Thanking her but feeling paranoid about accepting someone’s help since living life under Tyrale’s wing, Alexander asks why she has done this for no apparent reason. Zaris reveals that there was actually a purpose to her heroics, that she actually wanted Alexander to be indebted to her. Leaving shortly after revealing this, Alexander decides that Thomas is best left alone, with no connection to him, feeling himself to be a bad influence in his current state. Never wanting to feel indebted to anyone or powerless against another creature, Alexander decides to go off on his own and become more powerful.

For several years, he strikes out against the world on his own. He develops his powers beyond anything Tyrale taught him and as time goes by, he begins to integrate himself back into human society. As he becomes close to people who are in situations much like his own as a child, or lost without any family, he “adopts” them and turns them into Vampires. In time, he considers these new Vampires to be his family members, brothers and sisters to him. What he doesn’t realize until later is that Thomas is found by the Guardian society and trained to become a Vampire Hunter. While never being taught who he or his brother is, Thomas is actually put in charge of bringing Alexander down and comes close when he sends a small army against Alexander’s family, killing all of them except his own brother. It’s there that the Vampire reveals his past with his brother and while Thomas doesn’t believe it at first, he finds out eventually that Alexander was telling the truth and begins to have mixed feelings about the situation. Everything in his younger years tells him that Vampires are evil and must die, but as he continues to hunt Alexander, he watches his brother do good deeds for people for no apparent reason and begins to question his own black and white views of the war their two races are waging.

Alexander’s loss with his family strikes him hard and he vows to never take into another family member again. He vows to live his life alone and without anyone’s help.

In the end, Alexander seems to inevitably always do the right thing. He doesn’t always seem to enjoy it and sometimes he even seems to express a desire to not care, but in the end, he realizes it goes against his nature. He hates Tyrale Corren with a passion and develops a similar hatred for Zaris. In the end, he begins to regard most Witches with dislike, except for the few that truly prove themselves to him. He constantly protects his brother and while they occasionally do come to blows, he knows he would never dare kill or truly harm Thomas. He does hate what he has become and even while he begins to embrace his life, he still wishes he could die. However, he feels he owes it to people he’s killed or let die that he should kill Tyrale Corren before he dies, and refuses to give in until then. As he gains fledglings like Sandra and others, he begins to feel another family connection to them, if not a responsibility to survive so they do not die as a result of his bloodline dying off.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Seth Smash!

Very rarely do I have days where I come home and REMAIN upset/pissed off/annoyed, etc. etc.

Today. Is such a day.

My morning started off alright... Until I got to work. And within the first couple hours of working, I had been pulled into a meeting to be told that I'm incompetent at my job and if I don't stop screwing up, I'll be fired and replaced without a second glance.


I'm not perfect. I screw up and when I do, I try to own up to it. Not only own up to it, but be the one to actually say something about it. After all, if I don't, it's not like someone's not going to realize it eventually. They're not morons there, they do tend to pick up on, say... The obvious.

Of course, that's not the only reason I own up to things. I feel you should... It's good character. Good morals. All that other false-sounding, cliched bullshit.

So that was the beginning of my day. Then, the Warehouse Manager came back from a week of vacation and he's kind of "The Man" there, so it was a royal bloody mess trying to put back the pieces of what was once a real company after going without him for a week. It's sad that the company can fall apart like that with the loss of one person for such a short period of time, but apparently it did. I did a lot of running around and bullshit stuff... And it looks like tomorrow might be more of the same.

In the end, I spoke to my friendly neighborhood UPS guy about possibly working for UPS instead. At least that's a real, well-established company... Chances are, though, a bigger company makes people nameless, faceless. They don't matter as much because they're a dime a dozen... And in the end, being on the ground floor of a company and staying there can be highly beneficial if you can make yourself important. While I don't think I'm "The Man" there, I don't think I'm nameless/faceless. I do all of the shipping and recently have been getting more and more into the billing aspect of the company.

As a matter of fact, I was told today that I'm to be properly trained in UPS Billing, whatever that is. Either way, it means I'll be another step toward being hard to get rid of, especially since there's only one other person learning the training we're getting.

In the end, I'm already kinda... Hard to replace. Three people know how to do Shipping, but one is horrible at it and the other is the Warehouse Manager, who has much better things to do. I'm the only person in the warehouse who does all the e-mailing, even though the Supervisor is capable of it. I also do all kinds of running around the Supervisor is against doing because he only believes in getting HIS work done. Now I'm going to be doing billing that only me and one other person, the Administrative Assistant is going to know how to do?

It's an up and down. If I did want to try to go to UPS, I was recommended to work a morning shift for a year or so and then try to get full-time as a driver... I'm highly considering it. After all, if my job is so meaningless as to threaten me for it, I guess I don't matter as much as I thought I did.

Think on that philosophy... Or don't. I don't care.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Drawing Board

Ugh. I am personally disgusted with myself. I'm missing TWO blogs from this week! What's wrong with me?!

So many things... Sooo many things!

Either way, I'll probably just write a couple over the weekend to make up for it. Nothing else to be done.

Speaking of this weekend, I'm really excited. A few blogs ago, I started talking about summarizing the characters of Corruption to help me better define them and thus, better create personality for the characters in Re-Birth. I also plan on using this to help me develop the Corruption characters into Re-Birth, as most of the characters go through a lot in between and thus, must mirror this fact in the new book.

I'm getting excited about the idea of writing again. I wish I could do it for a living. Despite liking my job at the warehouse, despite loving the idea of being a history teacher, I would love to get paid for my stories. I feel I'm worth it.

Interestingly enough, my job gave me some homework this weekend. Actually, I volunteered for homework. First of all, I like to help the company out and don't mind doing computer/paperwork. I actually wish I did that instead of the warehouse job, as I feel I'm worth more in front of a computer than lifting boxes. All in good time though. Secondly, though, I'm kind of making up for something I screwed up at work that I'm not sure they're aware of yet.

Thursday night, we had 5 people stay for overtime, myself included. We had an order that was supposed to go out Wednesday and HAD to go out Thursday, because it wouldn't get to our customer's customers until Friday and Saturday, these kids were leaving for a camp. Looking up tracking numbers for the customer, I found out there were three shipping mistakes and guess who's Mister Shipping? Yours truly.

I'm not sure if the issues caused the delays that UPS is saying they can, considering it's all NJ shipping [which shouldn't EVER take more than a day] So while I'm hoping things got worked out and did ship properly, I'm realizing that Monday, even though I might be the golden boy for the work I did over the weekend, I may still be the asshole that screwed up 3 orders. In the end, though, 3 out of 80 isn't too bad... Right? Let's see... Thaaat's 3.75% of the whole order. Huh, that sucks I was hoping it wasn't even a percent, but I guess that's kind of a stupid idea. Three out of 100 would have been 3%, so with less than 100 pieces total, you have to have more than 3%... Didn't think that out.

I actually wish I had done better in my math classes in High School. In the end, it was never that anything was confusing to me, I just hated doing homework. Teachers would tell me they knew I was really smart and could probably do their work and then some without trouble. My response was a cocky "Well, if you know I can blow this work away, why do I have to bother?" I still don't really see a point... It's stupid. If a kid can blow tests out of the water, why does he have to do homework? He's either cheating... Like, cheating really good. Or he can be bloody smart.

I understand the idea of discipline and respect, but some of my teachers weren't worth respecting. Some of the teachers didn't respect any of the students, even if they WERE good students. Not that they were bluntly rude or cruel, but the way they spoke to the kids was sometimes... Well, I didn't like it. And if I'm not respected, I owe no one any respect.

That another thing I never got as a kid. "Respect your elders". How about "Lead by example"? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I always respected people who did respect me, but for the most part, as a child, I was never respected to begin with. I think if you respect a child when they're young and bring them up with respect, they'll grow into respecting those people who respect them. It's one thing to do what my parents did and demand respect, it's another thing to actually earn it. Just because someone gives birth to you doesn't suddenly make them all-powerful or worth respecting. Trust me, with the parent stories me and my friends have [without mention any names, of course] we can definitely poke a whole in the parental defenses.

People are so quick to ask "What's wrong with kids these days?", well I'm more interested in "What's wrong with parents these days?". Are we in an ever spiraling decline of crappy parenting? Did our parents' parent's crappy parenting create our crappy parents? Are we going to be even crappier parents to our children, who will in turn be even CRAPPIER parents to THEIR children?!


So think on that philosophy. You product of crappy parenting.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Hanged Man

I find myself interested in Tarot. I don't know why. But I am. The idea of seeing the future in cards seems insane, irrational and well... Kinda stupid for the most part. I'm open minded to most kinds of possibilities, but I cannot believe in any form of divination.

How can one know the future? An action cannot be done or seen before it is actually done. I believe that God, or rather God as I believe in It exists outside of time and I believe in time, people can also live outside of this minor restriction, but I don't believe in random, normal people seeing into the future while being IN time [if you understand the idea of being "in" time]

Time moves in motions. The moment you're reading THIS happens before you read THIS. It's just how time works, one foot in front of the other. The idea of being able to LOOK at moments in different moments, I guess you'd technically have to be everywhere at once. Or rather, every when. Think about it... In order to look at moments, you can't be IN that moment. But the moment in which you're looking at a moment IS a moment. The action of looking and watching a timeline means that your action of looking must exist within a sense of time. Therefore, even if you're outside of OUR time dimension, you're in ANOTHER time dimension... God's or whatever "higher being" you decide to grovel on your knees at.

It's all very frustrating. Keep in mind, now, that this is the understanding based on the fact that you and I have never been outside of time. Thus, we really don't have any clue how one feels or acts outside of something we've never been outside of.

Wow. Complex. Confused? Good. Means you don't know everything and when you don't know everything, there's more to learn.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a police officer. As I grew up [middle school - recently] I upgraded "police officer" to "soldier". Now, while I am actually not planning on joining the army, it's amazing how things to change. If you had to guess what one of my favorite passions in life is, would you ever guess history? Believe it or not, history was one of my favorite classes in school and I took a huuuge liking to it in high school. As a matter of fact, I helped a few friends with their history lessons back in the day and was told I didn't have a choice but to become a history teacher. Obviously I didn't follow their advice, as I'm working in a warehouse. However, I have to admit if I did have the opportunity and the means to get to that goal, I think I would. In the end, I would rather be a college professor than a high school teacher.

My favorites are United States and Chinese. Russia is vaguely interesting, but I think I find United States and China so interesting is that once upon a time, they weren't all put together, but actually separate tribes. The idea that people as united nations [not to be confused with the United Nations] can band together and try to kill each other just to say who rules where is fascinating. It's no small wonder that the only war that makes me giggle is the US Civil War. Two parts of one nation trying to kill each other over who owns or does not own other people, which is a disgusting notion in itself [which, in turn, makes the war all the more hilarious]

The funnier part is that if the Confederate States had won the war, I would probably a) have servants in my home and b) not find the war as funny. And before we get carried away with ourselves, I don't honestly find any kind of violent action like war "funny", it's more of a sadistic play on words.

Ugh. The idea of slaves... Bothers the crap out of me. Not just black slaves, but slaves in general. Creeps me out because what if the Spanish or the Blacks had been in the shoes of the White people? Would I be a slave today? Would I be facing anemosity and racism?

Interesting idea. Always think about things from the other side of the fence.

"What if" should be a course in middle school you take to learn respect and manners. Or even proper drug/sex control. "What if" you got high and died? "What if" you have sex and get a baby in 9 months? I mean, the younger we smack the crap out of kids and kick some sense into them, maybe the better.

So think on that philosophy. And don't take 9 months!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome to Chinatown!

I don't know why, but ever since I was younger, I've been fascinated by the idea of "Chinatown". The idea of a mini-Chinese culture in the middle of an American culture is, for some reason, really interesting. As a kid, the only real experience I've ever had with them was in movies. A little older, I've been to Chinatown in New York, but wasn't as impressed as I think I deserved to be.

Cocky sounding, wasn't that?

Either way, this has one major point I'm leading to... I love GTA Chinatown Wars. This is the first GTA game for the DS and I think it did a terrific job. It brings everything GTA was famous for, in mobile handheld form. The funniest thing is that I suck at driving in this game like I do in any of the other ones.

I've heard a lot of people complain about the overhead view of the game and I have to say I disagree. In the end, GTA 2 was my all-time favorite and the entire thing was done from a bird's eye view. At the time, it made it a lot easier to see, and while Chinatown doesn't have a great view, it still brings back that slightly vintage feel [which is really popular these days, or so I believe] More people were complaining about the gunfire, but I've found nothing wrong with it, expect that maybe it's too easy to fire. It seems like if you point yourself in the general direction you need to be in, the game will auto-lock your line of fire onto the nearest hostile person. Both easy but still enjoyable for those huge gunfights.

In the end, they intergrated the entire DS-ness into the game well. You use the stylus for a number of things, from cutting into car doors to check for drugs to searching dumpsters for weapons, and let's not forget! Hotwiring cars! Gotta admit, one of my favorite things to do is hotwire cars. I wish there was a chop shop in the game...

Sadly, the only real means of income, aside from being a cabbie [if you're any good at it, which I am not] is drugs. I'm quite the little drug dealing Chinese bastard, as I make a few thousand every time I actually run drugs from one dealer to the next. It's all about supply and demand, an incredibly simplistic yet impressively used idea. Some drug dealers will sell you drugs for cheap while others will need them so badly they'll pay oodles. [Yes. I said oodles.]

In the end, if you play your cards right and keep some loose cash [like a few thousand] you can turn your tiny stock pile of cash into a few houses all around the city. I have.

In the end, there's so much pro to this game and not a lot of con. Gotta love it.

I'm kinda not in the mood for much blogging, so I think we're going to leave it off there... Because I can.

So think on that philosophy. Or don't. I don't care.


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