Anyway, they're talking about getting a third guy next month because one of our programs starts up again and we'll need the extra help for that program, among other things. I've already offered to try to find a guy, because I have someone in mind that may work out great [someone I've worked with before, so I can trust them to be a relatively hard worker] Either way, if it all works out and we don't get too loaded up BEFORE that third person comes in, I think we'll survive the slow season just fine.
I also offered to my manager that if it's ever necessary, I'd work after hours, off the clock. I wouldn't get paid for it, but in the end, if things aren't done when the boss needs them to be done, it's going to be our fault. In the end, I would rather not get paid for a few hours of work and keep my job because I get everything done than be a bastard about money and eventually get fired for falling behind. But my Manager didn't seem worried and also flat out told me he didn't like the idea of anyone working off the clock. That's decent of him, but in the end; Anything that doesn't get done is my fault now.
Speaking of my boss from before, he's kicking up trouble by apparently trying to clear the warehouse out enough so that we can move everything in the containers inside. See, we have these huge trailers outside on the ground, three of them. Each container holds about an entire rack [36 bins that can hold about 18 boxes in each bin] of boxes inside. So that's 3 racks, 108 bins. How many bins do we currently have open? Maybe 60. See my problem here? So he plans to move about 2 entire racks into the other warehouse, giving us another huge empty space to bring merchandise in from the containers. I love that idea. I am IN love with that idea!
The cool thing was that he asked what we could survive without and two of the things he plans on moving are two of the things I suggested. Meaning he apparently took my ideas into consideration. That feels great. That's a new feeling for me, because I don't think the Supervisor ever actually took what I said into consideration. I actually think he purposely did not tell the other managers and whatnot things I thought up when HE didn't think they were good ideas...
I don't know. The more I find out about him from other people, the less I like him.
We had some NFL people in the warehouse, too. It was fun being the guy to talk to... We worked things out and the woman in charge seemed pretty pleased. I don't know how nervous she was about the "kid" in the warehouse being her contact in charge of getting things ready for her event, but in the end, she seemed pretty satisfied with what we spoke about. Now, I just have to not drop the ball tomorrow. Hopefully the Boss will understand that we have a time limit on that little project, because the equipment we're putting together is actually being picked up tomorrow as well... Fun fun! WOO, TIME LIMITS!
So, a month from tomorrow, I'm going to be calling the apartments Bunny and I looked at to talk to them about holding one for us. I plan on asking for one of the bigger rooms if possible and I cannot wait for the moving. It's still not til November, but I keep getting so excited, thinking about it. I CAN'T WAIT!