Friday, September 3, 2010

Hey... Suck This!

So, today marks my last day of vacation. I still get the weekend and Labor Day [Monday] off, but Tuesday starts a new era at my job, where I begin training my own replacement so that the company I've busted my ass for the past 2 years for can lay me off because I'm talking about joining the military. Which, by the way... Is illegal. But that's neither here nor there.

But who cares?! I'm having fun this week, I loved it. Holy crap, I relaxed this week. I never knew I was allowed to do that!

I didn't get much reading in the past couple of days, but that's okay. I'm not worried about it. But then... I'm not worried about anything at this point. That's how relaxed this week off as made me.

I'm kinda annoyed about the job stuff, though. The week I wasn't here, I received phone calls every single time. And my buddy Greg at work seems to think I'm going to be bumped off on Day 1 because of this new guy. I recognize that the new guy is going to be more experienced in warehouse duties, but he's worked for different companies, bigger companies. He isn't going to come in and completely re-organize my world just because he's EVENTUALLY going to replace me. And I'll be damned if he does that within the first month or so of him being there. I'm not going to bend over for someone who doesn't know a damn thing about our process or anything that we do. Not going to happen.

Worked on the GCW a bit. Good stuff, in Year 2. But the funny stuff? I'm already working on Year 3's roster. I like the new guys, I just hope I use them all. That's the only thing I've noticed lately; I don't use the entire roster all the time. And I haven't really found the right set of guys to keep all the time.

You know what I spent the entire morning doing? Watching True Blood season 2! It was freaking great, but the story line was... Odd. I mean, the entire hometown bad guy was trying to summon a God that... Never showed. Kinda disappointing, eh?

Ah well. Vampire goodness.

In such a lazy day, I guess there's not much else to say!

~Class Dismissed~

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