Honestly, I couldn't even remember the URL for the site. How bad is that? I found it on my signature on a forum... WEAK! But oh well. I has it now!
So. What has been going on... Not much new, not much... Working at Boxer and Stone, still. It's gotten a little better as I have help now and made a great friend outta the new help; Greg. Good times, good times.
Oh, here's news! I'M JOINING THE MILITARY! ... What? Stop laughing! It's not a joke! I'm seriously joining the Air Force. I'm actually waiting for my "MEPS", the "medical processing" where I get a physical, go through job counseling and swear into the Air Force. From there, I wait til they call me for "BMT" [basic military training] From there on they'll send me to school for whatever job I get and then I'll be military for awhile til I decide it's time to retire! Good stuff right there!
My work buddy Greg is even talking about joining the Army. He's a bit older with something of a record, so he couldn't do the Force with me. But he's hoping to get a non-combat job in the Army and that's better than being cannon fodder, no? So that's some exciting stuff right there, too.
It's amazing, I guess it wasn't until I started talking about joining that I realized I know a LOT of people IN the military, FORMER military or are JOINING... It's crazy, man. Crazy.
I know what you're thinking... "So, Sethy, baby... How's the writing going?!" Well, honestly, it really hasn't been going at all... I know, I know. People want me to write more... I want to write more myself, but iunno. Between doing stuff with friends, working and everything, I don't have much time to sit down and devote to writing. At least, not without being completely exhausted and on the verge of sleeping on the keyboard.
Speaking of keyboards, my laptop is FRIED! No more. Kaput. I'm working on Danielle's laptop now, with the use of my flash drive, which I was lucky enough to load up with all of my stuff before the ol' laptop decided to tell me to piss off. I'm considering getting one of those little "notebook" things like my sister has, but iunno. Gotta do more research there.
SPEAKING OF SISTERS! I need to stop adopting family! Greg - brother, Kathleen and Paula - sisters. That makes little Mia [Paula's baby girl] my niece. STOP. FINDING. NEW. FAMILY.
Not gonna happen.
Greg plays the guitar something wicked, too. I helped him get his first video on Youtube and he's working on more stuff for us to record and post. Good times there, my friends. Good times.
Oh, still working on that R2G! I actually completed Year 1! 10 PPVs, 52 weeks... It was SO awesome, I loved the story line I created. Now I have a small squad of newbies for year 2 and I'm 10 weeks in already! Taking a little break from writing the matches and storyline to actually TRAIN the new guys on the game, though. I like the idea of simulating the title matches and then deciding everything else myself. I'll craft the encounters, but they gotta fight it out for themselves!
OOOH! I took a vacation! I know, it's frigging unheard of! I never take a day off, but I finally did it! An entire week to bum it out and do what I want without work?! HELLS YEAH!
Wow... Writing some stuff out helped and felt good. I miss doing this...
Speaking of writing, I cleaned out the flash drive and started finding scraps of character bios and story synopsis today... Good stuff. Graveyard Shift stuff, Stinda Series stuff... That got me thinking. Especially the Kranin stuff. God, I love Kranin stuff. It is so much fun!
Ah well... Now I'm getting too sporadic, gotta knock this shit off for today and come back with a more clear view of what to blog about!
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