But Corruption isn't on a deadline/schedule. R2G is. You see, I want to follow the WWE's schedule with it's PPVs and the best way to do a full year is to start after their "Super Bowl" event, Wrestlemania. Which is in March.
March 28th, that is.
Something of a deadline coming up there. And I still have TONS of work to do. Until the other day, I still had slots open on the roster, the guys I had created didn't have entrances or movesets and I had virtually no biographies written. Now, the roster is full, there are a few more entrances and movesets done and I still need to do biographies. In the next 20 days. Normally that's not a big deal, right?
Well, movesets take forever to do. Especially if you want them to be different... That's never easy, making 50+ different movesets with only maybe a few hundred? or so moves available to you. But I'm determined to get it done!
The Legend of Zelda; Phantom Hourglass for the DS also consumed a good amount of my time. Just yesterday, I FINALLY beat it! The ending was definitely a challenge, but it felt really drawn out. How many times do you have to attack and kill the same person, just to have them run off and find a new host to possess? Lame.
Good game, though. Now I'm back to my Gameboy roots; Pokemon Diamond [and maybe FireRed, afterwards] but not nearly as hardcore as I went into PH.
I've also been getting back into reading. I'm on book 5 of my 6 book series and I have to say, it's really getting good. I think it was book 4, the author was not my favorite, though. Lisa Something really took characters and objects in completely different direction, almost none of them I liked. Major, strong characters wavered and looked like idiots or weaklings. Definitely no like.
But now this 5th book is hard to get into. Don't know why, but it's like when I tried to read Twilight; Read the same few pages over and over and I still can't remember what happened. It just isn't catching me... But I'll keep at it and eventually I'll be in just the right mood. Then, once I'm in, I'll be good :)
And that's it for the update. I still haven't put enough notes into my organized structure to warrant showcasing it yet... I really need to re-direct some attention into that!
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