It's amazing. I, for once, never believed in New Year's Resolutions. I believe people are too hypocritical, too false and too set in their ways [and thus, too lazy to change them] to truly succeed in achieving whatever it is they claim they want to do. Thus, I've never promised myself something, only to break it.
That changed this year. I didn't make this resolution AT New Year's, but sure enough it happened in the beginning of the year and I'm hoping to continue it through the year;
I resolute to read more. Once upon a time, I did a lot of reading, always carrying a book with me. I created quite the collection of literature, which nearly doubled when Danny and I moved in together. We have an entire corner of our room with two book shelves and we still have to stack more books into our bedroom's entertainment system's shelves. Dear Lord.
I've only really gotten 5 books under my belt. Two books from a six book series from R. A. Salvatore's War of the Spider Queen [Dissolution and Insurrection], Whitechapel Gods by S. M. Peters, Night Life and Street Magic from Caitlin Kittredge. They're larger books with smaller font and almost no line spacing. I'm on book 3 for the War of the Spider Queen and quite frankly, I'm loving it. I'm not exactly sure what I'm reading next, considering I need to get through a lot of the books I already own. I can't believe I have so many that I haven't read yet. Really, what's wrong with me?
Don't answer that.
I've been trying to do more work on the Corruption re-write, but sadly... Well, I haven't. Recently, I'm happy to say my distraction has occasionally being sucked into my reading, but before that and in between it now, it's been video games. I'm finding that they're definitely my weak spot and I'm both working to overcome that weakness while still dedicate some time to them, as R2G is going to be starting in APRIL!!!! Seriously, that's amazing. More on R2G later.
Back to Corruption. I spoke with my parents about my issues with the original copy. The negative criticism I received really kind of rattled me. I thought I had a good work of art on my hands and it seems like people outgrew it and it became choppy, immaturely written and the former flow everyone loved and was pulled in by seemingly evaporated. I'm not exactly sure how, but it bothers me. I know I was never a fan of the dialog and some of the plot holes I discovered after re-reading it in it's entirity, but I still thought it was good. Seems like I was the only who thought so.
Of course, that's not true. Bunny loves it and apparently, so did/does my mother. Does that make me a loser? That my mommy likes my book? Either way, it was refreshing that someone didn't put it down but praised it. Bunny most definitely is not my mommy.
Hmm. Resolution #2; I will do some kind of actual work on Corruption every week. I would say every day, but I know I wouldn't keep to that. Hell no.
Now I just have to figure out the first step this week. Back to basics... I should probably start creating something of a map to plot the story within. Gives me a clearer view of where a person has to go to get where they're going.
Say that five times fast.
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