So once upon a time, I had a pretty nice desk that my mother had given me while I was still living with my parents. I used it for my computer and even after getting my laptop, typically used it to type at, not to mention resting my scanner/printer and keeping track of paperwork and other things with the drawers.
When I moved in with my sister, I couldn't fit it in my room, so we decided to put that and my old computer in the living room for my sister and I to both use, her naturally getting more use out of the computer, since I had my laptop.
Lately, my sister's been spending most of her time out of the house because she's either working or practically living with her other friends. When she is home, I typically have claim over the living room and she tends to just go to her room to do whatever it is she decides to do. So, in the end, this corner of the living room has been virtually unused for months now. I did use the desk for awhile, but after a few weeks, it was overrun with sister-crap. And thus, I kinda stopped caring about it. I even stopped cleaning that area of the living room because I never did anything to make it messy.
Then the computer's monitor died. It doesn't turn on anymore and my sister apparently isn't interested in buying a cheap replacement. So I finally turned and told her that I was going to take the computer out and use the desk. I just finished cleaning out the entire desk of anything that isn't mine and I plan on it staying that way. Considering that Bunny and I are looking to move in November, I don't need anyone else's stuff getting mixed into my stuff and dealing with a "Do you have this or that of mine" later on. I just don't need it!
So, this blog is currently from the desk of Seth Edgar Cross. Official sounding, innit?
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Bunny and I woke up early to go down to her father's place, a good hour drive. Afterward, we took both her father's and her father's friend's boat over to a friend of the family's place and basically spent the entire day eating barbecue, playing card games, drinking and going out on the boats. It rained us in for a little while, but it cleared relatively quickly and we took one of the boats home. I was able to find a really cool GPS app for my iPhone and help get us home, which I found very interesting. I hope the next time we go out, Bunny's father and I can go out on one of the boats and really test out how useful it is. Finally driving home, Bunny and I got home around 3 in the morning. Luckily, I'm off of work today, but she did have to work from 2 til 11, which kinda sucks.
Spring cleaning is everly approaching. Technically, it's already summer by now, but that point is moot for this particular topic.
Why do people spring clean? I mean, I understand the point to cleaning. Bunny and I typically clean our portions of the house every week. It's good to keep the place looking clean and presentable, even if we don't have people over. It makes us feel better about living here, that's for sure.
But the entire idea behind spring cleaning is what? To clean places and things you typically never clean, right? Except... You're only doing it once a year. Even if you did this kind of cleaning every single season, you'd still really accomplish nothing except cleaning the house for a few days, a few weeks at most.
Think about it. Experiment if you have to. I know from personal experience that I clean my bedroom and the living room once a week. Every time I go to do this cleaning, the rooms are flithy. Meaning a week after spring cleaning, some of that grime and disgusting crap you're cleaning off is either back or building up already.
Seems kind of ridiculous to me.
But don't get me wrong. Like I said, I'm not attempting to persuade anyone away from cleaning up. It's necessary to having a decent lifestyle and people who don't clean are pretty bloody disgusting. But don't get fanatical about spring cleaning. If you're like me, or have a boyfriend/girlfriend like me, you're only going to annoy the crap out of yourself or him/her.
You know what's a better idea? Stop being so content with the bit of cleaning you're currently doing and start cleaning MORE every day. Not only will you basically eliminate the need for spring cleaning, this is going to increase the cleanliness of your home and maybe you'll feel better while you're there. I know sitting in this now beautifully clean room, I'm feeling a lot better about the whole thing.
Random subject swerve! So we saw one of the apartment places this past Saturday and I have to say, I'm pretty sold if there's still a place there in a few more months. Not only are they willing to do co-signing [because Bunny and I don't have much credit to begin with] but they work with places like ShareDeposit to make our deposit less, as well as possibly willing to hold an apartment for a couple of months for us. This means we can be more sure when November comes around, because we might already have a place stashed away that we just have to get our stuff into.
All in all, the Saturday place was great. The apartments were pretty big, I'd wager to say almost the size of what we're currently living in, minus the kitchen and extra bedroom. Of course, there's a kitchen area, but not a whole separate room. Still, for Bunny and I, it's more than enough space. And it's 5 - 10 minutes away from both Bunny's and mine workplace. You can't get any better than that? It's even in a better part of a kinda crappy town, which is actually a good thing. Because the town has some "bad" parts, places typically rent out places a lot cheaper because no one wants to live there. But because we're in a better place of this town, we're not as at risk as if we lived next to, say, the prison? Not bad. Not bad at all.
So think on that philosophy... If you feel safe enough.
P.S. ~ Don't worry. At least it's the better part of a bad philosophy.
That's awesome that you've guys all but settled on a place to live.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for spring cleaning, it means opening all the windows and airing out the place after it being shut in for all of winter, taking out the rugs and giving them a good beating and things that you couldn't do in the colder months.
No, I don't have random bits of knowledge stored in my head.
Cleaning... I hate it. Aften cleaning I can never find anything :<
ReplyDeleteTechnically, Krys, anyone who does that has that "random" bit of knowledge in their possession. I mean, my family did that for the 19 years I lived with them, but that doesn't mean I find spring cleaning to be anymore useful.
Truly, we are kindred spirits.