Often, I feel as though my time is running out. For what? I have no honest idea. That's the beauty of the idea... To have something getting away from you and the frustration of not knowing what that thing is.
Anyway, I realize that one of these things I feel is getting away from me is my time to do any real writing. I'm not a fool, nor am I in denial. Years ago, I would write a chapter every week and Corruption was finished within a year. These days, I barely read anything, let alone write it. Why? I think a big deal of it is my video game obsessions. I've gotten sucked into certain games that I spend hours on, most notably WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 and Fable II. I recently got my 360 working online [more on this later, I don't think I posted about this landmark in my gaming career] and downloaded more content for both games. In the end, this has only re-ignited the flame of my obsession.
I remember that I used to find a great joy in talking to people about my writing. Angel and Kitty [my then-girlfriend] were huge fans of Corruption and they seemed to hang on the words I wrote, even though sometimes I didn't see them written as well as they seemed to be in my head. In the end, I think exciting them about future installments of the story and leaving them with cliffhangers is one of the things that got me to write so much. I wanted to see that reaction, the reaction I got when they were done reading what I had written and wanted to see or hear or feel the hunger they had for more. With Corruption ending the way it did, I can't be the least bit surprised if people want more of it [as it's part 1 of 5 in a series and the endings I tend to leave are massive cliffhangers] but in the end, it's a new beginning and I have a huge issue with beginnings.
I think the hardest part of writing a novel or even a short story [nay, even a poem!] is the beginning. How do you create an impression on a reader who may lose interest in the first few lines. What can you say that will pull people in? Corruption's original beginning was actually one that did not hold the reader. As a matter of fact, that's one of the reasons it changed; an ex-girlfriend [yes, I do make it a policy of staying in touch with ex's. I find the emotional scars this situation creates to be quite thrilling!] bluntly said the story was great once the boring beginning was behind her. So I added a bit more of an interesting scene to the beginning, wrote it up as a dream of the main character [a dream which, ironically, had NOTHING to do with the rest of the plot and was never referenced again throughout the entire novel] and went ahead with the "boring" beginning [which was now really the beginning after the new beginning, I guess]
Cheapness, thy name is Seth Cross.
Either way, it was the first blunt and negatively honest criticism I ever received and I appear to have worked past it rather well. No one else since the "publication" [that act of making something public, not to be confused with publishing something] has ever commented that the ending is boring, so mission accomplished!
Now with this next book, I can't feel the same kind of flow. Thomas Stinda is merely not as interesting a character to me as his big brother Alexander. Thomas is pretty cut and dried, even in Re-Birth where he first begins to lose his grip on his beliefs... The Guardian [Thomas] has always been "Good is good, evil is evil, I am one and must destroy the other before they destroy me". A noble idea, provided you're right. When you're wrong about who's good and evil and when there really is a shade of gray in between your black and white views, you tend to become more of a psychotic facist, a fate I've decided to keep Thomas away from with the choices he makes in the series.
My biggest fear, I belief, is a novel without almost any Alexander really in it. I have to change a lot of characters, force them to grow up very quickly to make it so they a) stay alive and b) do what they need to do. I also have to explore the depths of a new protagonist, and somehow make sure he's different from the last one. Perhaps I should truly define the characters of the first novel and then that will guide me to creating new characters by definition. Then, it's merely a hop, skip and leap away from streamlining these definitions with character traits, flaws and common little glitches that people do tend to have.
I guess that's a good way to get things started. When I started Corruption, I didn't have the twists and everything else mapped out, but I had a basic plot and the general characters thought out. As it progressed, the characters became people and they did things I didn't intend them to do originally. And in the end, we got Corruption, a plot wrought with twists and turns and people doing nothing but trying to survive while stabbing one another in the back. No one can be trusted. There is no trust, only corruption, the Corruption of character.
So think on that philosophy. Because I told you to.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I greatly dislike responsibility. I dislike having to be responsible for mine and other people's actions. I like the idea of being unable to get in trouble. Some people are blessed, they don't take responsibility for their mistakes. Some people can blame them on other people.
Some people tend to blame them on me, even.
Not to be a bitter blogger, but I tend to realize that some people at work never take responsibility for their actions. Mr. NFL [our NFL liaison, so to speak] is just such a person. Today, we discovered that the website had waaay too many of a certain kind of football listed. More than we had in our actual inventory. When we presented this information to Mr. NFL, he checked the transactions of the site and it was revealed he did enter the pieces in. Naturally, that would kind of mean that he had made a simple mistake... Perhaps entering inventory to the wrong item, or a typo, adding another 0 at the end of a number...
No. The idea of him making a mistake is impossible. It is, however, completely possible that the boys in the warehouse gave him the wrong numbers to enter. THAT is a possibility.
Now. Let's reflect on one little fact; It IS truly possible that we could do something like that. Perhaps we gave him a number and he mistook it for that, or we gave him a misleading e-mail... But let's face it; There was no e-mail. I can go through my entire list of e-mails for the past few weeks/months, and honestly tell you; No e-mail went to add this inventory into the website. Thus... How did it get there?
Why... Mr. NFL must have, for one reason or another, entered it.
I'm waiting to find out we're missing lots of pieces from another item, enough to balance out the extra of whatever it was we had extra of.
I try not to hold grudges. I try not to let people get to me or get under my skin.
But this is the third or fourth time I've been blamed for something that I can either prove isn't my fault or something that cannot be proven as my fault. What's that sound like? Well... It sounds I'm being used as a scapegoat. And I don't like being anyone's goat, scape or otherwise.
Think on that philosophy. Before it's all your fault.
Some people tend to blame them on me, even.
Not to be a bitter blogger, but I tend to realize that some people at work never take responsibility for their actions. Mr. NFL [our NFL liaison, so to speak] is just such a person. Today, we discovered that the website had waaay too many of a certain kind of football listed. More than we had in our actual inventory. When we presented this information to Mr. NFL, he checked the transactions of the site and it was revealed he did enter the pieces in. Naturally, that would kind of mean that he had made a simple mistake... Perhaps entering inventory to the wrong item, or a typo, adding another 0 at the end of a number...
No. The idea of him making a mistake is impossible. It is, however, completely possible that the boys in the warehouse gave him the wrong numbers to enter. THAT is a possibility.
Now. Let's reflect on one little fact; It IS truly possible that we could do something like that. Perhaps we gave him a number and he mistook it for that, or we gave him a misleading e-mail... But let's face it; There was no e-mail. I can go through my entire list of e-mails for the past few weeks/months, and honestly tell you; No e-mail went to add this inventory into the website. Thus... How did it get there?
Why... Mr. NFL must have, for one reason or another, entered it.
I'm waiting to find out we're missing lots of pieces from another item, enough to balance out the extra of whatever it was we had extra of.
I try not to hold grudges. I try not to let people get to me or get under my skin.
But this is the third or fourth time I've been blamed for something that I can either prove isn't my fault or something that cannot be proven as my fault. What's that sound like? Well... It sounds I'm being used as a scapegoat. And I don't like being anyone's goat, scape or otherwise.
Think on that philosophy. Before it's all your fault.
Monday, May 25, 2009
From the Desk of Seth Cross
So once upon a time, I had a pretty nice desk that my mother had given me while I was still living with my parents. I used it for my computer and even after getting my laptop, typically used it to type at, not to mention resting my scanner/printer and keeping track of paperwork and other things with the drawers.
When I moved in with my sister, I couldn't fit it in my room, so we decided to put that and my old computer in the living room for my sister and I to both use, her naturally getting more use out of the computer, since I had my laptop.
Lately, my sister's been spending most of her time out of the house because she's either working or practically living with her other friends. When she is home, I typically have claim over the living room and she tends to just go to her room to do whatever it is she decides to do. So, in the end, this corner of the living room has been virtually unused for months now. I did use the desk for awhile, but after a few weeks, it was overrun with sister-crap. And thus, I kinda stopped caring about it. I even stopped cleaning that area of the living room because I never did anything to make it messy.
Then the computer's monitor died. It doesn't turn on anymore and my sister apparently isn't interested in buying a cheap replacement. So I finally turned and told her that I was going to take the computer out and use the desk. I just finished cleaning out the entire desk of anything that isn't mine and I plan on it staying that way. Considering that Bunny and I are looking to move in November, I don't need anyone else's stuff getting mixed into my stuff and dealing with a "Do you have this or that of mine" later on. I just don't need it!
So, this blog is currently from the desk of Seth Edgar Cross. Official sounding, innit?
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Bunny and I woke up early to go down to her father's place, a good hour drive. Afterward, we took both her father's and her father's friend's boat over to a friend of the family's place and basically spent the entire day eating barbecue, playing card games, drinking and going out on the boats. It rained us in for a little while, but it cleared relatively quickly and we took one of the boats home. I was able to find a really cool GPS app for my iPhone and help get us home, which I found very interesting. I hope the next time we go out, Bunny's father and I can go out on one of the boats and really test out how useful it is. Finally driving home, Bunny and I got home around 3 in the morning. Luckily, I'm off of work today, but she did have to work from 2 til 11, which kinda sucks.
Spring cleaning is everly approaching. Technically, it's already summer by now, but that point is moot for this particular topic.
Why do people spring clean? I mean, I understand the point to cleaning. Bunny and I typically clean our portions of the house every week. It's good to keep the place looking clean and presentable, even if we don't have people over. It makes us feel better about living here, that's for sure.
But the entire idea behind spring cleaning is what? To clean places and things you typically never clean, right? Except... You're only doing it once a year. Even if you did this kind of cleaning every single season, you'd still really accomplish nothing except cleaning the house for a few days, a few weeks at most.
Think about it. Experiment if you have to. I know from personal experience that I clean my bedroom and the living room once a week. Every time I go to do this cleaning, the rooms are flithy. Meaning a week after spring cleaning, some of that grime and disgusting crap you're cleaning off is either back or building up already.
Seems kind of ridiculous to me.
But don't get me wrong. Like I said, I'm not attempting to persuade anyone away from cleaning up. It's necessary to having a decent lifestyle and people who don't clean are pretty bloody disgusting. But don't get fanatical about spring cleaning. If you're like me, or have a boyfriend/girlfriend like me, you're only going to annoy the crap out of yourself or him/her.
You know what's a better idea? Stop being so content with the bit of cleaning you're currently doing and start cleaning MORE every day. Not only will you basically eliminate the need for spring cleaning, this is going to increase the cleanliness of your home and maybe you'll feel better while you're there. I know sitting in this now beautifully clean room, I'm feeling a lot better about the whole thing.
Random subject swerve! So we saw one of the apartment places this past Saturday and I have to say, I'm pretty sold if there's still a place there in a few more months. Not only are they willing to do co-signing [because Bunny and I don't have much credit to begin with] but they work with places like ShareDeposit to make our deposit less, as well as possibly willing to hold an apartment for a couple of months for us. This means we can be more sure when November comes around, because we might already have a place stashed away that we just have to get our stuff into.
All in all, the Saturday place was great. The apartments were pretty big, I'd wager to say almost the size of what we're currently living in, minus the kitchen and extra bedroom. Of course, there's a kitchen area, but not a whole separate room. Still, for Bunny and I, it's more than enough space. And it's 5 - 10 minutes away from both Bunny's and mine workplace. You can't get any better than that? It's even in a better part of a kinda crappy town, which is actually a good thing. Because the town has some "bad" parts, places typically rent out places a lot cheaper because no one wants to live there. But because we're in a better place of this town, we're not as at risk as if we lived next to, say, the prison? Not bad. Not bad at all.
So think on that philosophy... If you feel safe enough.
P.S. ~ Don't worry. At least it's the better part of a bad philosophy.
When I moved in with my sister, I couldn't fit it in my room, so we decided to put that and my old computer in the living room for my sister and I to both use, her naturally getting more use out of the computer, since I had my laptop.
Lately, my sister's been spending most of her time out of the house because she's either working or practically living with her other friends. When she is home, I typically have claim over the living room and she tends to just go to her room to do whatever it is she decides to do. So, in the end, this corner of the living room has been virtually unused for months now. I did use the desk for awhile, but after a few weeks, it was overrun with sister-crap. And thus, I kinda stopped caring about it. I even stopped cleaning that area of the living room because I never did anything to make it messy.
Then the computer's monitor died. It doesn't turn on anymore and my sister apparently isn't interested in buying a cheap replacement. So I finally turned and told her that I was going to take the computer out and use the desk. I just finished cleaning out the entire desk of anything that isn't mine and I plan on it staying that way. Considering that Bunny and I are looking to move in November, I don't need anyone else's stuff getting mixed into my stuff and dealing with a "Do you have this or that of mine" later on. I just don't need it!
So, this blog is currently from the desk of Seth Edgar Cross. Official sounding, innit?
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Bunny and I woke up early to go down to her father's place, a good hour drive. Afterward, we took both her father's and her father's friend's boat over to a friend of the family's place and basically spent the entire day eating barbecue, playing card games, drinking and going out on the boats. It rained us in for a little while, but it cleared relatively quickly and we took one of the boats home. I was able to find a really cool GPS app for my iPhone and help get us home, which I found very interesting. I hope the next time we go out, Bunny's father and I can go out on one of the boats and really test out how useful it is. Finally driving home, Bunny and I got home around 3 in the morning. Luckily, I'm off of work today, but she did have to work from 2 til 11, which kinda sucks.
Spring cleaning is everly approaching. Technically, it's already summer by now, but that point is moot for this particular topic.
Why do people spring clean? I mean, I understand the point to cleaning. Bunny and I typically clean our portions of the house every week. It's good to keep the place looking clean and presentable, even if we don't have people over. It makes us feel better about living here, that's for sure.
But the entire idea behind spring cleaning is what? To clean places and things you typically never clean, right? Except... You're only doing it once a year. Even if you did this kind of cleaning every single season, you'd still really accomplish nothing except cleaning the house for a few days, a few weeks at most.
Think about it. Experiment if you have to. I know from personal experience that I clean my bedroom and the living room once a week. Every time I go to do this cleaning, the rooms are flithy. Meaning a week after spring cleaning, some of that grime and disgusting crap you're cleaning off is either back or building up already.
Seems kind of ridiculous to me.
But don't get me wrong. Like I said, I'm not attempting to persuade anyone away from cleaning up. It's necessary to having a decent lifestyle and people who don't clean are pretty bloody disgusting. But don't get fanatical about spring cleaning. If you're like me, or have a boyfriend/girlfriend like me, you're only going to annoy the crap out of yourself or him/her.
You know what's a better idea? Stop being so content with the bit of cleaning you're currently doing and start cleaning MORE every day. Not only will you basically eliminate the need for spring cleaning, this is going to increase the cleanliness of your home and maybe you'll feel better while you're there. I know sitting in this now beautifully clean room, I'm feeling a lot better about the whole thing.
Random subject swerve! So we saw one of the apartment places this past Saturday and I have to say, I'm pretty sold if there's still a place there in a few more months. Not only are they willing to do co-signing [because Bunny and I don't have much credit to begin with] but they work with places like ShareDeposit to make our deposit less, as well as possibly willing to hold an apartment for a couple of months for us. This means we can be more sure when November comes around, because we might already have a place stashed away that we just have to get our stuff into.
All in all, the Saturday place was great. The apartments were pretty big, I'd wager to say almost the size of what we're currently living in, minus the kitchen and extra bedroom. Of course, there's a kitchen area, but not a whole separate room. Still, for Bunny and I, it's more than enough space. And it's 5 - 10 minutes away from both Bunny's and mine workplace. You can't get any better than that? It's even in a better part of a kinda crappy town, which is actually a good thing. Because the town has some "bad" parts, places typically rent out places a lot cheaper because no one wants to live there. But because we're in a better place of this town, we're not as at risk as if we lived next to, say, the prison? Not bad. Not bad at all.
So think on that philosophy... If you feel safe enough.
P.S. ~ Don't worry. At least it's the better part of a bad philosophy.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wow. I guess now that it is Friday, I can't believe how quickly the week went by. But as I was at work, going through the days, I couldn't believe how long it was taking. Interesting. Damn you, Einstein.
Yeah... TGIF needs to be put on a t-shirt and sold. To me. By the dozens. Because I would wear a new one every Friday for the rest of my life.
I'm in a constant... Inner struggle with something. I do enjoy my job. I like physical labor, to an extent and I can take it easy when I need to by doing paperwork and computer stuff. I actually did that today, honestly. So I have it pretty good.
But... At the end of the day, I can't wait to go home most of the time. And I do tend to get pissed at a lot of the people at work. They can make my day difficult by constantly doing things at the last minute or loading us up with tons of projects, projects we don't have the resources to get done in the time limits they need them done. Sadly enough, we tend to get these things done anyway, but that's neither here nor there.
Thus, we see my dilemma. Not only that, but there are some outside reasons for why this is a bit of a struggle for me. My father hates his job and he drives a forklift in a factory that makes and ships cardboard boxes. I work in an apparel warehouse and our machine is like a forklift... Me and my father have never gotten along very well, so you can kind of see where I get into the issue of why I don't WANT to hate my job. I don't want to be like my father, especially in 30 years when I'm getting into my 50's. I don't want to be coming home to Bunny, telling her how much everyone at work sucks ass and that I want to quit. My mother deals with that all the time and she doesn't seem... Happy with it. I don't think she hates or resents my father or anything, but I don't think she likes that little quality very much.
I'm profusely worried about becoming my father. I already developed his short temper and the lovely little ability to say massively angry, cruel things to people in the middle of my temper tantrums, specifically to cut them down. I struggle with this temper almost every day and definitely every week. I'm also very head strong and very proud, maybe to a point where I'm TOO proud to sometimes say I was wrong or mistaken. I don't deny it's a hard thing for me to swallow my pride and say anything like that.
I worry a lot about stuff like this... Probably why my hair is already graying... And yeah. I'm only 20.
Ah well. I guess some things can't be helped. At the end of the day, I'm not looking for another job so I guess I like my job that much. I really like and respect the owner of my company and I feel I'm respected and liked by him. I tolerate the more annoying people and enjoy the cooler people at work. Maybe sometimes I just forget that it's worth it at the end of the week, especially if the company blows up like it wants to with the direction they're headed in.
In a completely random, sudden change of direction, Bunny and I are going to check out an apartment place tomorrow. I'm mucho excited, we're finally going to move out in November. I did finally break the news to my sister, too. She kinda pissed me off with something she said, so I sorta threw that in her face... Not my proudest moment, but hey... Don't piss me off!
All in all, life can't get much better than this. Bunny and I are looking at places to move out to that DON'T SUCK! and are closer to work. She's off Sunday, so that's a day to spend with her. OH! I have Monday off! Hellooo Video Game Day.
Wait. What? ... What the Hell is Memorial Day?
So think on that phil... Sorry. Video games... What was I talking about again?
Yeah... TGIF needs to be put on a t-shirt and sold. To me. By the dozens. Because I would wear a new one every Friday for the rest of my life.
I'm in a constant... Inner struggle with something. I do enjoy my job. I like physical labor, to an extent and I can take it easy when I need to by doing paperwork and computer stuff. I actually did that today, honestly. So I have it pretty good.
But... At the end of the day, I can't wait to go home most of the time. And I do tend to get pissed at a lot of the people at work. They can make my day difficult by constantly doing things at the last minute or loading us up with tons of projects, projects we don't have the resources to get done in the time limits they need them done. Sadly enough, we tend to get these things done anyway, but that's neither here nor there.
Thus, we see my dilemma. Not only that, but there are some outside reasons for why this is a bit of a struggle for me. My father hates his job and he drives a forklift in a factory that makes and ships cardboard boxes. I work in an apparel warehouse and our machine is like a forklift... Me and my father have never gotten along very well, so you can kind of see where I get into the issue of why I don't WANT to hate my job. I don't want to be like my father, especially in 30 years when I'm getting into my 50's. I don't want to be coming home to Bunny, telling her how much everyone at work sucks ass and that I want to quit. My mother deals with that all the time and she doesn't seem... Happy with it. I don't think she hates or resents my father or anything, but I don't think she likes that little quality very much.
I'm profusely worried about becoming my father. I already developed his short temper and the lovely little ability to say massively angry, cruel things to people in the middle of my temper tantrums, specifically to cut them down. I struggle with this temper almost every day and definitely every week. I'm also very head strong and very proud, maybe to a point where I'm TOO proud to sometimes say I was wrong or mistaken. I don't deny it's a hard thing for me to swallow my pride and say anything like that.
I worry a lot about stuff like this... Probably why my hair is already graying... And yeah. I'm only 20.
Ah well. I guess some things can't be helped. At the end of the day, I'm not looking for another job so I guess I like my job that much. I really like and respect the owner of my company and I feel I'm respected and liked by him. I tolerate the more annoying people and enjoy the cooler people at work. Maybe sometimes I just forget that it's worth it at the end of the week, especially if the company blows up like it wants to with the direction they're headed in.
In a completely random, sudden change of direction, Bunny and I are going to check out an apartment place tomorrow. I'm mucho excited, we're finally going to move out in November. I did finally break the news to my sister, too. She kinda pissed me off with something she said, so I sorta threw that in her face... Not my proudest moment, but hey... Don't piss me off!
All in all, life can't get much better than this. Bunny and I are looking at places to move out to that DON'T SUCK! and are closer to work. She's off Sunday, so that's a day to spend with her. OH! I have Monday off! Hellooo Video Game Day.
Wait. What? ... What the Hell is Memorial Day?
So think on that phil... Sorry. Video games... What was I talking about again?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Check, please!
So despite being this... Egotistically lovable, weird, mysterious, insanely unusual and typically pretty laid back person... I am subject, nay, victim to random, harsh fits of depression. I have been since I was a child. Although, when I was a child, I guess I had a better "excuse" for it, as my childhood wasn't ideal [but really... Who's ever is?]
I got a nice dose of that age-old depression today and it makes me wonder. Why do I get these fits? Why does anyone? I mean, a few people have lives that... Well, they suck. People live on the street, people live on corners and take money to do horrible things to them. Some people have lost their homes, money, family and basically everything else imaginable.
Me? I work in a warehouse at a steady job that pays me enough to get my bills paid, I have an amazing girlfriend whom I love and she loves me back. We're considering getting our first place together and I'm already vaguely figuring out how and when to propose to her. I have friends, from decent to the best of the best. I'm not sick or even that unhealthy. I'm in decent shape, considering my job's physical demands. I'm not poor or in debt.
What the Hell do I have to be depressed about? My entire life cannot be so bad to feel this bad. I can compare my life to dozens of people I know and I'm on freaking cloud nine.
I think people are short-sighted. Or selfish. Or both. But especially selfish. I'm not looking anywhere but my life when I get these depressions, and thus, I'm not grateful for what I have.
You know what holiday is a crock? A bloody failure? Thanksgiving. No one's thankful anymore. We're thankful for maybe a day in front of our family and friends and then the next day, BAM! Right back to whatever it is that's concerning our attention about our own lives at that point in time. Too busy worrying about ourselves.
Now, not everyone is that bad. Not everyone is as selfish and thoughtless as I am for being depressed over... Nothing. Some people are great people and actually think and care for other things, other than themselves. Some are selfish in a third-party kind of way, as their concerns don't stretch farther than their friends or family or people in THEIR lives.
A very select few are openly caring. A terrorist could trip and break his neck and they'd feel bad someone had to die. It's almost... Annoying how caring these kinds of people can be, but do we need more of them? Do we deserve more of them?
Probably not. We're probably screwed and lost and already going to Hell in a variety of hand baskets. And you know what? Those people that we don't deserve? At all? Because we don't deserve them, they will be compelled to help us more. Harder. Sacrifice more. And in the end, maybe because of that it won't be in vain. It won't be wasted effort.
Maybe in the end, we'll all be worth a damn.
So think on that philosophy. Before it's too late.
I got a nice dose of that age-old depression today and it makes me wonder. Why do I get these fits? Why does anyone? I mean, a few people have lives that... Well, they suck. People live on the street, people live on corners and take money to do horrible things to them. Some people have lost their homes, money, family and basically everything else imaginable.
Me? I work in a warehouse at a steady job that pays me enough to get my bills paid, I have an amazing girlfriend whom I love and she loves me back. We're considering getting our first place together and I'm already vaguely figuring out how and when to propose to her. I have friends, from decent to the best of the best. I'm not sick or even that unhealthy. I'm in decent shape, considering my job's physical demands. I'm not poor or in debt.
What the Hell do I have to be depressed about? My entire life cannot be so bad to feel this bad. I can compare my life to dozens of people I know and I'm on freaking cloud nine.
I think people are short-sighted. Or selfish. Or both. But especially selfish. I'm not looking anywhere but my life when I get these depressions, and thus, I'm not grateful for what I have.
You know what holiday is a crock? A bloody failure? Thanksgiving. No one's thankful anymore. We're thankful for maybe a day in front of our family and friends and then the next day, BAM! Right back to whatever it is that's concerning our attention about our own lives at that point in time. Too busy worrying about ourselves.
Now, not everyone is that bad. Not everyone is as selfish and thoughtless as I am for being depressed over... Nothing. Some people are great people and actually think and care for other things, other than themselves. Some are selfish in a third-party kind of way, as their concerns don't stretch farther than their friends or family or people in THEIR lives.
A very select few are openly caring. A terrorist could trip and break his neck and they'd feel bad someone had to die. It's almost... Annoying how caring these kinds of people can be, but do we need more of them? Do we deserve more of them?
Probably not. We're probably screwed and lost and already going to Hell in a variety of hand baskets. And you know what? Those people that we don't deserve? At all? Because we don't deserve them, they will be compelled to help us more. Harder. Sacrifice more. And in the end, maybe because of that it won't be in vain. It won't be wasted effort.
Maybe in the end, we'll all be worth a damn.
So think on that philosophy. Before it's too late.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So, for starters, I think I need to address something. Last Friday, I wrote a blog, "iPhone Ahoy!" where I was definitely bitter. I was really pissed at the day and how poorly it had gone. I was definitely not my usual happy-go-lucky philosophical self.
And for that, I apologize. Not just to readers [if there are any] but even to the people I complained about. They may never know this is written about them or who I really am, but in the end, I'm sorry to them that I took out my frustrations on people.
In the end, a lot of my frustration comes from this major project where we were supposed to ship out 15,000+ mailers for our biggest customer. It was supposed to be done last Friday and we've been kicked and beaten up every day we didn't meet quota, even after spending days and days telling people quota wasn't possible. How... Do you not get frustrated?
It's my fault, really. Sometimes my anger gets the better of me and it shouldn't. I guess my biggest demon is myself.
And while this is a short one, I think I'm going to leave you all hanging with that...
So think on that philosophy. If you can.
And for that, I apologize. Not just to readers [if there are any] but even to the people I complained about. They may never know this is written about them or who I really am, but in the end, I'm sorry to them that I took out my frustrations on people.
In the end, a lot of my frustration comes from this major project where we were supposed to ship out 15,000+ mailers for our biggest customer. It was supposed to be done last Friday and we've been kicked and beaten up every day we didn't meet quota, even after spending days and days telling people quota wasn't possible. How... Do you not get frustrated?
It's my fault, really. Sometimes my anger gets the better of me and it shouldn't. I guess my biggest demon is myself.
And while this is a short one, I think I'm going to leave you all hanging with that...
So think on that philosophy. If you can.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Whole New World
It's official. I haven't actually made the deposit or whatever, but I think we can safely say it without a "maybe" or "trying".
Bunny and I are moving out away from my sister's place. Thank. God.
[Looking at this and last Friday's blog, I'm thanking God a lot lately. Hmm.]
Anyway, the whole moving thing is huge news. Bunny and I have been wanting to move since a month or so after she moved in from being kicked out of her old place by a jackass former friend of hers. My sister hasn't been very... Accepting of Bunny, to say the least. She's flat-out admitted to me that she's not fond of my girlfriend, whom I love a great deal. I can understand it, I guess... Not everyone gets along and Bunny and my sister are very different personalities. But in the end, Bunny moving in decreased my sister's rent by a couple hundred. She does the dishes and to be blunt, she makes me happy, happier than before she moved in.
You'd think my "loving" sister would be... I don't know. Happy? Content? Maybe even grateful?
I'm convinced my parents were right about one thing, possibly the only thing I can agree with them about in my entire life. My sister is selfish. She doesn't seem to care about anyone but her. Sometimes I even think she puts her friends and partying before me, and my sister even talks those people down behind their backs.
Hmm. I wonder if my sister ever reads this?
Random song moment!
"As far as I know, it's just voices in my head
Am I talking to myself because I don't know what I just said"
Go on. Sing it. If you can, find the song ["Walking Disaster" by Sum 41] and listen to that one part. It's mucho importante...
Why? Because it sounds good. HA! I just probably wasted about 2 minutes of your life [if you did it. If you didn't do it, you're not cool! You're... UNCOOL!] See? There's 2 minutes of your life you're never getting back. Because of me. Who knows how many minutes I just rid the world of? [Yeah, like anyone reads what I write.]
So, the sister subject aside [mainly because it's boring me now] I'm happy to be moving for a lot of other reasons. The place we live in now is simply a shithole. I mean, the place costs us over $1,500 a month, so far and the heat doesn't work, there's no AC, the oven doesn't work, the kitchen sink faucet drips non-stop, the electricity is funky and shorts occasionally, there's only a stall shower and NO bathtub and the lawn work is MURDER because of the steep hill in the front. I simply have grown to hate the place. I'm not a huge fan of the wooden floors, either, because it makes the winter's brutal on my feet without the heat working. Bunny and I basically shut ourselves in our room with the electric heater going full-blast, non-stop.
Bunny's making an appointment to see a place for Wednesday and I have an appointment for both of us to see a place on Saturday morning. That's two out of the four places we saw that we liked.
And guess how we found the places? MY iPHONE! This thing gets cooler and cooler. I've found a lot of cool stuff so far, mostly games... I do a lot from it these days... Food? Find it on my iPhone. Call the place. Get directions. Etc. etc. Movie times... Check my bank account... Listen to music the entire time...
I actually set up the appointment for Saturday at work, while working, and on my phone. How freaking cool is that?! This thing is kinda stream-lining my entire life... Little by little...
Of course, too much of something is always a bad thing. I've seen some applications that kinda disturb me. Why in all the nine hells would someone want to turn their phone into their remote control? What happens if you lose your phone? What happens if your entire life runs off this little thing and someone sits on it or something? Bam! There goes your life.
My supervisor, for as worthless as he can be, gave a really great quote to kinda embody the situation. "Laziness is the genius of invention." Meaning quite frankly, that people are driven to create new techologies that will make their lives easier and lazier.
So think on that guest-appearence philosophy. If you're not... Too lazy.
Bunny and I are moving out away from my sister's place. Thank. God.
[Looking at this and last Friday's blog, I'm thanking God a lot lately. Hmm.]
Anyway, the whole moving thing is huge news. Bunny and I have been wanting to move since a month or so after she moved in from being kicked out of her old place by a jackass former friend of hers. My sister hasn't been very... Accepting of Bunny, to say the least. She's flat-out admitted to me that she's not fond of my girlfriend, whom I love a great deal. I can understand it, I guess... Not everyone gets along and Bunny and my sister are very different personalities. But in the end, Bunny moving in decreased my sister's rent by a couple hundred. She does the dishes and to be blunt, she makes me happy, happier than before she moved in.
You'd think my "loving" sister would be... I don't know. Happy? Content? Maybe even grateful?
I'm convinced my parents were right about one thing, possibly the only thing I can agree with them about in my entire life. My sister is selfish. She doesn't seem to care about anyone but her. Sometimes I even think she puts her friends and partying before me, and my sister even talks those people down behind their backs.
Hmm. I wonder if my sister ever reads this?
Random song moment!
"As far as I know, it's just voices in my head
Am I talking to myself because I don't know what I just said"
Go on. Sing it. If you can, find the song ["Walking Disaster" by Sum 41] and listen to that one part. It's mucho importante...
Why? Because it sounds good. HA! I just probably wasted about 2 minutes of your life [if you did it. If you didn't do it, you're not cool! You're... UNCOOL!] See? There's 2 minutes of your life you're never getting back. Because of me. Who knows how many minutes I just rid the world of? [Yeah, like anyone reads what I write.]
So, the sister subject aside [mainly because it's boring me now] I'm happy to be moving for a lot of other reasons. The place we live in now is simply a shithole. I mean, the place costs us over $1,500 a month, so far and the heat doesn't work, there's no AC, the oven doesn't work, the kitchen sink faucet drips non-stop, the electricity is funky and shorts occasionally, there's only a stall shower and NO bathtub and the lawn work is MURDER because of the steep hill in the front. I simply have grown to hate the place. I'm not a huge fan of the wooden floors, either, because it makes the winter's brutal on my feet without the heat working. Bunny and I basically shut ourselves in our room with the electric heater going full-blast, non-stop.
Bunny's making an appointment to see a place for Wednesday and I have an appointment for both of us to see a place on Saturday morning. That's two out of the four places we saw that we liked.
And guess how we found the places? MY iPHONE! This thing gets cooler and cooler. I've found a lot of cool stuff so far, mostly games... I do a lot from it these days... Food? Find it on my iPhone. Call the place. Get directions. Etc. etc. Movie times... Check my bank account... Listen to music the entire time...
I actually set up the appointment for Saturday at work, while working, and on my phone. How freaking cool is that?! This thing is kinda stream-lining my entire life... Little by little...
Of course, too much of something is always a bad thing. I've seen some applications that kinda disturb me. Why in all the nine hells would someone want to turn their phone into their remote control? What happens if you lose your phone? What happens if your entire life runs off this little thing and someone sits on it or something? Bam! There goes your life.
My supervisor, for as worthless as he can be, gave a really great quote to kinda embody the situation. "Laziness is the genius of invention." Meaning quite frankly, that people are driven to create new techologies that will make their lives easier and lazier.
So think on that guest-appearence philosophy. If you're not... Too lazy.
Friday, May 15, 2009
iPhone ahoy!
Okay, so aside from the fact that it didn't work, it was kinda cool trying to post a new post for this from my iPhone. I tell you, I've been playing with the damn thing so much, it's sad. I even sat with it playing music for most of my break on work today.
I don't think I could have done another day in a row... Had they asked me to come in for a Saturday, I'd probably have simply started laughing as I walked out. With this mailers thing, I just couldn't take it. Plus, with such a huge project, a lot of other things started falling behind and it got to the point where everyone was blaming everyone else for everything going wrong and I was getting fed up with it.
I'm getting tired of doing everything at work. I come in 30 minutes early everyday and it seems like I still can't always keep up on things... We check the Wall of Shame [where we put merchandise that doesn't have orders or if only a part of the merchandise came in] and that's become "my" responsibility. My boss never does it, he has me do it. And when I don't do it, even if I mention I haven't gotten time to do it, it just doesn't get done. I e-mail all our customers about problems with their orders. I handle all the questions from the office unless it's something with billing and that's only because my supervisor doesn't seem to want anyone else talking to the people he talks to for billing.
I do all the shipping and when I don't have time to help my supervisor with the receiving, he gets pissy and starts storming around with an attitude. I help him and the NFL guy with moving around the warehouse. I check in the new orders.
Lately with this one big project we've been doing, we've had multiple technical support issues. Guess who sat on the phone with technical support for the entire day? Was it my supervisor who should be in charge of the situation and dealing with it? NO! It was me. For hours and hours at a time. Figuring out what was wrong, who to call, what to do. Not my supervisor, ME!
I'm sorry, I don't mean to make it sound like I'm being egotistical or anything like that, but I feel hugely under appreciated. Why am I doing almost everything? Why does my supervisor do virtually none of the responsibilities in the warehouse by himself, but I do? I have "my jobs" but I'm also expected to help my supervisor with everything he has to do.
Recently, however, I have picked up a trick from him. I deal with a lot of people... UPS, our customers, various vendors or other important people. And instead of having them call the warehouse, I've started giving out my cell phone number, too. UPS Tech Support actually specifically has my phone number on file for problems, not the warehouse's. That means that if something goes wrong, they'll want me there, too.
I don't really like it... I mean, I'm not worried about my cell phone going out there to customers and stuff... But now it means I have to answer my phone if it goes off. It also means that if I take a day off, I'll be getting calls for issues I don't understand what's going on. But in the end, if that's what's going to make me a bigger part of the warehouse, so be it.
In the end, the whole week stressed me out. I'm tired of being told everything going wrong is because I'm not doing my job when I'm doing everything I can. I know everything's falling behind, I don't expect someone else to suddenly start doing everything for me, but that's the problem. NO ONE WAS HELPING ME WITH IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! When my daily schedule is packed to the point where I don't have time for ANYTHING ELSE and then you put me in charge of a major part of a major project, you either have to get more help in this area for me to not fall behind, or at least REALIZE AND EXPECT some things to fall behind.
I'm not Superman. I'm getting sick of everyone assuming "OH, Seth will fix this." or "It's okay, Seth can do this for me so I don't have to." The worst part? Some people will turn around [when I complain] and tell me "It's part of your job. Get over it." AND THE BEST PART IS?!
It never was part of the job. I have started doing so many things that I've heard from this person or that person that, when there were other people before me, these things were either done by OTHER PEOPLE as THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES, or not done at all. No one in the warehouse did spreadsheets. Warehouse people didn't do the NFL Tracking Numbers, the NFL Office guy did. Warehouse people didn't ship the pick-ups, the Warehouse Manager did. TONS of things weren't done properly or as efficiently as they are now that I'm here. But now they are.
And people are taking advantage of that. It's only a matter of time until it pisses me off enough to start taking things away.
So think on THAT philosophy. Before I take that away, too.
I don't think I could have done another day in a row... Had they asked me to come in for a Saturday, I'd probably have simply started laughing as I walked out. With this mailers thing, I just couldn't take it. Plus, with such a huge project, a lot of other things started falling behind and it got to the point where everyone was blaming everyone else for everything going wrong and I was getting fed up with it.
I'm getting tired of doing everything at work. I come in 30 minutes early everyday and it seems like I still can't always keep up on things... We check the Wall of Shame [where we put merchandise that doesn't have orders or if only a part of the merchandise came in] and that's become "my" responsibility. My boss never does it, he has me do it. And when I don't do it, even if I mention I haven't gotten time to do it, it just doesn't get done. I e-mail all our customers about problems with their orders. I handle all the questions from the office unless it's something with billing and that's only because my supervisor doesn't seem to want anyone else talking to the people he talks to for billing.
I do all the shipping and when I don't have time to help my supervisor with the receiving, he gets pissy and starts storming around with an attitude. I help him and the NFL guy with moving around the warehouse. I check in the new orders.
Lately with this one big project we've been doing, we've had multiple technical support issues. Guess who sat on the phone with technical support for the entire day? Was it my supervisor who should be in charge of the situation and dealing with it? NO! It was me. For hours and hours at a time. Figuring out what was wrong, who to call, what to do. Not my supervisor, ME!
I'm sorry, I don't mean to make it sound like I'm being egotistical or anything like that, but I feel hugely under appreciated. Why am I doing almost everything? Why does my supervisor do virtually none of the responsibilities in the warehouse by himself, but I do? I have "my jobs" but I'm also expected to help my supervisor with everything he has to do.
Recently, however, I have picked up a trick from him. I deal with a lot of people... UPS, our customers, various vendors or other important people. And instead of having them call the warehouse, I've started giving out my cell phone number, too. UPS Tech Support actually specifically has my phone number on file for problems, not the warehouse's. That means that if something goes wrong, they'll want me there, too.
I don't really like it... I mean, I'm not worried about my cell phone going out there to customers and stuff... But now it means I have to answer my phone if it goes off. It also means that if I take a day off, I'll be getting calls for issues I don't understand what's going on. But in the end, if that's what's going to make me a bigger part of the warehouse, so be it.
In the end, the whole week stressed me out. I'm tired of being told everything going wrong is because I'm not doing my job when I'm doing everything I can. I know everything's falling behind, I don't expect someone else to suddenly start doing everything for me, but that's the problem. NO ONE WAS HELPING ME WITH IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! When my daily schedule is packed to the point where I don't have time for ANYTHING ELSE and then you put me in charge of a major part of a major project, you either have to get more help in this area for me to not fall behind, or at least REALIZE AND EXPECT some things to fall behind.
I'm not Superman. I'm getting sick of everyone assuming "OH, Seth will fix this." or "It's okay, Seth can do this for me so I don't have to." The worst part? Some people will turn around [when I complain] and tell me "It's part of your job. Get over it." AND THE BEST PART IS?!
It never was part of the job. I have started doing so many things that I've heard from this person or that person that, when there were other people before me, these things were either done by OTHER PEOPLE as THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES, or not done at all. No one in the warehouse did spreadsheets. Warehouse people didn't do the NFL Tracking Numbers, the NFL Office guy did. Warehouse people didn't ship the pick-ups, the Warehouse Manager did. TONS of things weren't done properly or as efficiently as they are now that I'm here. But now they are.
And people are taking advantage of that. It's only a matter of time until it pisses me off enough to start taking things away.
So think on THAT philosophy. Before I take that away, too.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blood, Chocolate... AND SEX!
Vampire. Movie. Marathon.
Three words that never sounded so good. Well, actually... The title, blood, chocolate and sex... Those three words sound really good, too. Especially sex. I do like the sex.
But anyway, yeah... Tuesday was the release of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. This was a pretty big deal to me, Bunny and our little group of friends, as we were/are all huge Underworld fans. I even tried to play the chess-like Underworld online game they had, though I don't think I did very well if I remember correctly.
Anyway, the third movie came out Tuesday and Bunny had off today, so we decided on Monday to do a three movie marathon of all three and we just finished the first of three... Which was actually movie three.
You see, the trilogy goes movie 3 [the prelude] movie 1 and finally, movie 2 [where most of the characters all die, if any are even left alive at this point] The movies were excellent and I wish there was a game based on this world, as in-depth as WoW. But then, I don't think I would ever be able to stop playing. I'd need one of those new hut things they built for WoW, so I could crap and keep playing.
Sick, innit?
While that's neither here nor there, it's a pretty good way to end a really shitty day. I found out I cost my company about $5,500 today by shipping an order incorrectly and I'm kind of worried about the repercussions of that little blunder. While my boss did not seem at all happy with me, I'm hoping he respects the fact that I owned up to it when he asked me. I would have come forward about it, but I had no idea until someone told me. But I admitted it was my mistake, because it was.
And the day in general sucked ass. I couldn't cash my federal taxes, so me and Bunny's phones have to wait until tomorrow after we were all excited about getting them today before the movie marathon. The shipping at work was insane, as it seems like everyone's lately waiting until after lunch to get anything done for me to ship. And naturally, this huge project for shipping that we're trying to get done all this week is now getting rushed full-speed ahead because... Well, just because it's natural that it couldn't be done calm and smoothly because nothing at work is ever calm and smooth.
It's sad, because I honestly do love my job. My dream is that the company grows and expands to the point where the shipping/receiving department is like 20+ guys instead of just 3 and I can spend most, if not all of the day doing computer work, or watching over the other minions that will be doing the computer work. I want to be printing the orders in the back, entering the inventory ourselves, adjusting the website to reflect what we have and offer... The afternoon would be filled with shipping, three or four computers lined up while people picking the orders were weighing the boxes on individual scales and giving the shipper's the weights... It'd be a beautiful thing.
I keep thinking that I should stop and try to map out the progression of merchandise throughout the company's work, try to see what I can fix-up or improve. My boss seems to really respect the people who try to improve the company and I don't think I've ever liked working at a place as much as I like working here. This is another reason why I'm so nervous about what's going to happen with this shipment I screwed up from Monday.
I guess in the end, the worst part is the waiting game. You know how time seems to speed up when you're trying to get stuff done and slow down when you're either dreading or looking forward to something? You'd think time would speed up when you're dreading it because then you'd get stuck BAM wherever you are, which would suck. But then you also have to realize that the longer it seems to take, the longer you're antagonized by ... Well, the waiting.
It's like Einstein said... Time is relative... Put your hand on a hot stove, a second is an hour. Put your hand on a hot woman and an hour is a second.
So think on that philosophy! ... AND GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!
Ya bastards.
Three words that never sounded so good. Well, actually... The title, blood, chocolate and sex... Those three words sound really good, too. Especially sex. I do like the sex.
But anyway, yeah... Tuesday was the release of Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. This was a pretty big deal to me, Bunny and our little group of friends, as we were/are all huge Underworld fans. I even tried to play the chess-like Underworld online game they had, though I don't think I did very well if I remember correctly.
Anyway, the third movie came out Tuesday and Bunny had off today, so we decided on Monday to do a three movie marathon of all three and we just finished the first of three... Which was actually movie three.
You see, the trilogy goes movie 3 [the prelude] movie 1 and finally, movie 2 [where most of the characters all die, if any are even left alive at this point] The movies were excellent and I wish there was a game based on this world, as in-depth as WoW. But then, I don't think I would ever be able to stop playing. I'd need one of those new hut things they built for WoW, so I could crap and keep playing.
Sick, innit?
While that's neither here nor there, it's a pretty good way to end a really shitty day. I found out I cost my company about $5,500 today by shipping an order incorrectly and I'm kind of worried about the repercussions of that little blunder. While my boss did not seem at all happy with me, I'm hoping he respects the fact that I owned up to it when he asked me. I would have come forward about it, but I had no idea until someone told me. But I admitted it was my mistake, because it was.
And the day in general sucked ass. I couldn't cash my federal taxes, so me and Bunny's phones have to wait until tomorrow after we were all excited about getting them today before the movie marathon. The shipping at work was insane, as it seems like everyone's lately waiting until after lunch to get anything done for me to ship. And naturally, this huge project for shipping that we're trying to get done all this week is now getting rushed full-speed ahead because... Well, just because it's natural that it couldn't be done calm and smoothly because nothing at work is ever calm and smooth.
It's sad, because I honestly do love my job. My dream is that the company grows and expands to the point where the shipping/receiving department is like 20+ guys instead of just 3 and I can spend most, if not all of the day doing computer work, or watching over the other minions that will be doing the computer work. I want to be printing the orders in the back, entering the inventory ourselves, adjusting the website to reflect what we have and offer... The afternoon would be filled with shipping, three or four computers lined up while people picking the orders were weighing the boxes on individual scales and giving the shipper's the weights... It'd be a beautiful thing.
I keep thinking that I should stop and try to map out the progression of merchandise throughout the company's work, try to see what I can fix-up or improve. My boss seems to really respect the people who try to improve the company and I don't think I've ever liked working at a place as much as I like working here. This is another reason why I'm so nervous about what's going to happen with this shipment I screwed up from Monday.
I guess in the end, the worst part is the waiting game. You know how time seems to speed up when you're trying to get stuff done and slow down when you're either dreading or looking forward to something? You'd think time would speed up when you're dreading it because then you'd get stuck BAM wherever you are, which would suck. But then you also have to realize that the longer it seems to take, the longer you're antagonized by ... Well, the waiting.
It's like Einstein said... Time is relative... Put your hand on a hot stove, a second is an hour. Put your hand on a hot woman and an hour is a second.
So think on that philosophy! ... AND GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!
Ya bastards.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
System Security - BEWARE!
Okay, so last night I started getting pop ups from a program called System Security, claiming tons of viruses and other forms of baddies were infecting my computer. Now, I didn't think much of it as I know some of the sites I go to have cookies and other kinds of things that sometimes these security programs pick up on [whether I think they're dangerous or not] so I exited the first few boxes. Then it sent me something else.
Some kind of key logger was trying to steal my personal information and send it through my internet connection. Now, I do a lot of my personal stuff online. I've used my bank cards, I've logged into my bank accounts, I've signed into all of my personal e-mails and whatnot. My entire life is probably easily stolen from my PC if you know what to look for. If I really had a key logger, I was screwed.
Except I didn't have a keylogger. Or if I did, it was FROM the System Security. It started asking me to pay for it's service and luckily I didn't have the money in my account. I was going to have to wait... So I attempted to use my PC without signing into my personal stuff, knowing that if the keylogger was new, I wasn't too worried for the moment... It could wait a day or so and all I'd really risk losing is maybe some Myspace/Facebook passwords. Who cares?
So I started doing my general crap on the computer and the System Security continued to pop up every five or so minutes... Which is weird. Even Norton, the previous [legitimate] security software I had previously been using [which expired] never bothered me this much. It actually seemed more like a virus that ran constant pop-ups. And I realized that while "System Security" had a very professional-looking interface... I had never heard of it. Thus, I Googled it.
It was a virus. Designed to look as professional as I had believed it to be. It gets you to install it and starts shutting systems down, claiming these problems are from Trojans and Viruses that have been inhabiting your computer for some time. It gives you the idea the only way to get rid of said baddies is to buy it's services.
I was lucky I didn't have the money in my accounts. I probably would have done it without realizing what I was doing and tonight instead of cleaning my laptop up, I'd most likely be fighting identity fraud.
BEWARE SYSTEM SECURITY! If you do get infected, Googling it should help you find a few answers. That's how I found mine... For a hint; bleepingcomputer.com
After a battle with System Security, a day without my computer, I guess I'm kinda tired... And lazy. And what do I care? Since, after all... Here, I control EVERYTHING! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Think on that philosophy! ... Or else!
Some kind of key logger was trying to steal my personal information and send it through my internet connection. Now, I do a lot of my personal stuff online. I've used my bank cards, I've logged into my bank accounts, I've signed into all of my personal e-mails and whatnot. My entire life is probably easily stolen from my PC if you know what to look for. If I really had a key logger, I was screwed.
Except I didn't have a keylogger. Or if I did, it was FROM the System Security. It started asking me to pay for it's service and luckily I didn't have the money in my account. I was going to have to wait... So I attempted to use my PC without signing into my personal stuff, knowing that if the keylogger was new, I wasn't too worried for the moment... It could wait a day or so and all I'd really risk losing is maybe some Myspace/Facebook passwords. Who cares?
So I started doing my general crap on the computer and the System Security continued to pop up every five or so minutes... Which is weird. Even Norton, the previous [legitimate] security software I had previously been using [which expired] never bothered me this much. It actually seemed more like a virus that ran constant pop-ups. And I realized that while "System Security" had a very professional-looking interface... I had never heard of it. Thus, I Googled it.
It was a virus. Designed to look as professional as I had believed it to be. It gets you to install it and starts shutting systems down, claiming these problems are from Trojans and Viruses that have been inhabiting your computer for some time. It gives you the idea the only way to get rid of said baddies is to buy it's services.
I was lucky I didn't have the money in my accounts. I probably would have done it without realizing what I was doing and tonight instead of cleaning my laptop up, I'd most likely be fighting identity fraud.
BEWARE SYSTEM SECURITY! If you do get infected, Googling it should help you find a few answers. That's how I found mine... For a hint; bleepingcomputer.com
After a battle with System Security, a day without my computer, I guess I'm kinda tired... And lazy. And what do I care? Since, after all... Here, I control EVERYTHING! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Think on that philosophy! ... Or else!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hail Mary
I am not a completely heartless monster. I tend to hold grudges and be a jerk for a lot longer than most people. While most of my friends can be cool with people who do stupid, sometimes mean and heartless things to them, I tend to hold something against those people for long, long periods of time. Sometimes, it even creates fights between me and the hurt party of those situations because they eventually feel I'm creating another problem or being mean to someone who no longer deserves it.
I admit that I can be a lot worse with this than... Well, most anyone you know.
And you know what?
I am damn proud of it.
I realize people screw up, people make mistakes and people sometimes do things that even they regret, especially when they're angry. God knows I've said and done things in the midst of my own anger that I later regretted and had to be forgiven by my friends for. But in the end, I just don't get people. "Friends" or family can be so cruel to these people and some of them will turn over the next day with forgiveness, telling me that they can understand the other person's point of view or that they just don't care anymore.
I guess that's a good quality to have, not having to always care or get worked up over people doing you wrong. It probably makes for a much more relaxed life, but I wouldn't know. I'm big on a few things and respect is one of them. Most of the things that my friends get into fights with other people about have to deal with being blatantly disrespected and I don't understand how people don't care about that. I do a lot at work, for my friends and for my family. I have sacrificed or changed or striven to do better. I have improved when I even felt that personally, I had no real reason or personal benefit from trying to do so.
And I will be DAMNED if I do not get the respect that comes with. Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing the things I do for respect. A lot of the time I do it for [famous words coming up here] I simply felt like it.
Why do I pay for my friend's food when we go out?
Why do I have my friends over here when I know they just really want to get away from their family?
Why do I buy people gifts just because I think they'll like something I randomly see in stores?
Because I want to. If anything, me doing things for people is selfish. I do it because I want to, whether they feel awkward accepting it, indebted, whatever. I don't really give a damn how they feel about the act, so long as they enjoy what I'm giving them in the end.
But at the end of the day, I expect some respect. And typically, I get it. Hmm.
Perhaps I don't truly care about respect until I don't have it/aren't getting it. I don't think I really think about how respected I am until I'm disrespected to a degree where I have to stop and realize that I think I deserve more. [Wow. THAT didn't sound egotistical or anything, did it?! ... Note the sarcasm oozing out of your monitor screen]
The forgiveness thing, though. I can't understand it. People need to be shown that they've really affected you, in a negative manner. If they don't understand that they've wronged you, what's to stop them from doing it again?
Think on that philosophy. If you can.
I admit that I can be a lot worse with this than... Well, most anyone you know.
And you know what?
I am damn proud of it.
I realize people screw up, people make mistakes and people sometimes do things that even they regret, especially when they're angry. God knows I've said and done things in the midst of my own anger that I later regretted and had to be forgiven by my friends for. But in the end, I just don't get people. "Friends" or family can be so cruel to these people and some of them will turn over the next day with forgiveness, telling me that they can understand the other person's point of view or that they just don't care anymore.
I guess that's a good quality to have, not having to always care or get worked up over people doing you wrong. It probably makes for a much more relaxed life, but I wouldn't know. I'm big on a few things and respect is one of them. Most of the things that my friends get into fights with other people about have to deal with being blatantly disrespected and I don't understand how people don't care about that. I do a lot at work, for my friends and for my family. I have sacrificed or changed or striven to do better. I have improved when I even felt that personally, I had no real reason or personal benefit from trying to do so.
And I will be DAMNED if I do not get the respect that comes with. Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing the things I do for respect. A lot of the time I do it for [famous words coming up here] I simply felt like it.
Why do I pay for my friend's food when we go out?
Why do I have my friends over here when I know they just really want to get away from their family?
Why do I buy people gifts just because I think they'll like something I randomly see in stores?
Because I want to. If anything, me doing things for people is selfish. I do it because I want to, whether they feel awkward accepting it, indebted, whatever. I don't really give a damn how they feel about the act, so long as they enjoy what I'm giving them in the end.
But at the end of the day, I expect some respect. And typically, I get it. Hmm.
Perhaps I don't truly care about respect until I don't have it/aren't getting it. I don't think I really think about how respected I am until I'm disrespected to a degree where I have to stop and realize that I think I deserve more. [Wow. THAT didn't sound egotistical or anything, did it?! ... Note the sarcasm oozing out of your monitor screen]
The forgiveness thing, though. I can't understand it. People need to be shown that they've really affected you, in a negative manner. If they don't understand that they've wronged you, what's to stop them from doing it again?
Think on that philosophy. If you can.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Dick on a Stick!
Alright. ALRIGHT! I admit it... I knew I couldn't keep it from you for long... You'd find out. You always do. It's like you know!
I didn't write.
BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT! ... Well, okay, that's not entirely true. Actually, it's not true at all. It is my fault. But I can still explain, to some degree... You see, I had full plans to write on Saturday... My day was SUPPOSED to consist of hanging out with Bunny until about 12, 12:30 when she would go to work. Then, at some point, I was supposed to go out to a late lunch with my parents, sister and grandmother for Mother's Day because Sunday was bound to be over-crowded everywhere. But I get a call at like 1 or so from them, while I'm playing a video game [WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2009] to tell me that something was not working for them and they would have to go tomorrow. This was both good and bad news. The good news is that Bunny could come along, as she wasn't working today [Sunday] The bad news is, however, that I was already into my video games and with my kind of gamer addiction, the only thing that would pull me out of it is sex, family events, sex, the bathroom, sex, Bunny coming home to spend time with her, sex, exhaustion and sex.
Did I mention sex?
So I wound up playing a few of my video games... For awhile, I kept playing WWE, leveling up one of my favorite CAWs [Create-A-Wrestler] Styx [no, not the band] but after that got on my nerves, I started playing Fable II, which I realized how much I've missed as I picked up where I left off with my female character, Blade [more about this later as you keep reading. If you keep reading, that is!] Then today, Bunny and I woke up to do the whole "family" thing and afterward, we spent some time together. We also bought something really cool, a Vampire-Werewolf themed chess board, which we've already christened and was a lot more fun than regular chess, for some reason. Anyway, the end result is that there's no way I'm blowing a whole day with Bunny just to write, as days for "us" are few and far between with her recent working schedule [no more on this, though. MIND YOUR BUSINESS!] I might try writing sometime during the week when Bunny closes at her store [she's an Assistant Manager in a retail store near where my warehouse is, 30 minutes from where we live] to make up for it, but with how tired I typically come home, that's kind of a "who knows"/"no promises" thing, ya know?
Lots to talk about in this one... That was just the top of the skyscraper... Iceberg... What is that saying? Tip of the something... Iceberg, right? I'm not crazy...
Okay. It's the tip of the condom. There. My version.
ANYWAY! I've been thinking of a lot of stuff lately, one of them being the old Goth's High comic. For those of you who DON'T know, I created and ran and online comic for almost a year called [as I'm sure you've guessed] Goth's High. It centered around three high school students [who were, yes, goths] Kevin, Sarah and Chris. They basically went through their school days, being picked on by Jocks, Preps, Cheerleaders and the other social groups of school, while still having reckless, typically destructive fun. There was going to be a huuuge plot line later on in the series, involving cults, Satan, God and oh, SO much more! It was a great idea and everything, but sadly the team I collected fell apart for good and bad reasons and in the end, the updates became a chore for me to do alone. So I dropped it and didn't renew our year-long contract for the hosting we had and we all kinda went our separate ways.
Now, my idea isn't to re-make Goth's High, as that would be kinda cliched. However, I am considering a new comic and idea, with a whole new kind of art and plot. It would basically be centered around me and probably named Crossology 101. It would follow me through work and home life, dealing with people I work with to people I'm friends with. All the names would be, of course, fake [like they've been in this blog as of right now] and a lot of things would be changed around to protect certain things. Like changing around people and things at work so that if anyone from work ever finds it, I don't get my ass fired. Because, ya know... That would kinda suck.
So that's the general idea. The art would be more anime-styled and probably black and white to start off with. The only thing really in my way is the scanner, which I do have access to, but is currently in the living room and hooked up to my sister's tower PC. I'm not sure how motivated I am to really screw with it and get it hooked up to my laptop and make sure it works, but I don't think it'd be too hard. In the end, it's not a lot of work, just something that requires dedication. Another huge advantage would be creating a small army of comics before it started, so that I never had to worry about updating on time as I would always have the comic ahead of time. WAAAY ahead of time. In the end, if I worked it out right and scheduled it properly, I could probably do a comic a week or so without much trouble. The only thing is a comic a week is only 52 comics in a year and I'm not sure if I could deal with the comic story moving that slowly... I'd have to work out something I could deal with [time-wise] and still regularly update. One thing I would NOT want to do is skip updates, like we did with Goth's High. I think that was the main thing that eventually killed the web-comic, and it's hype.
We'll have to see.
Okay, so before, I mentioned something about Bunny and I buying a Vampire-Werewolf chess game, right? It was actually really cool. I was never really motivated to play chess before and when I did, I never thought about it much. Thus, I typically never won. However, this time, something about the atmosphere of the game with the different pieces compelled me to do better at this game. I remember a long time ago, someone I knew who was fairly good at chess told me a few little things that didn't really HELP me play, but they made me understand the nature of the game a little better.
"Chess is a game of trading. You don't want to trade a knight for something like a pawn, unless you're going to get something else out of that pawn. Don't give pieces away."
"Chess isn't action and re-action. You can't make a move expecting just to re-act to your opponent's retaliation. You have to try to know what they're going to do, or force them to do what you want if you can. There is no luck in chess, only wits versus wits."
When I was playing, I thought harder about what Bunny's moves would be if I moved this piece there and that piece here. I looked at what available to her, what would be available to me afterwards and then even what was going to be available to her after that. I tried to think a good two or three steps into the future and tried my best to move her where I wanted to move her. It didn't work every time, naturally, as she really surprised me a few times. Some of it was also, from both of us, not understanding which pieces were which. At one point, I had accidentally moved a knight like a bishop and we didn't catch it until we had done three or four moves each. We had to actually back-track until the board was right again and I re-did my move, this time properly.
The pieces are really beautiful, too. Especially the werewolves, as the fur required a lot of detail. The knights were either Vampires dressed as knights with swords, or werewolves crouching over what looked like a fallen knight, a shield on the side. Bishops were either Vampires holding tombs or a Werewolf sitting atop a cross that looked like it might have been a grave. Rooks were forest trees for the Werewolves and castle towers for the Vampires. Then, of course, the Queen and King were simply huge, impressively looking pieces of either race and the pawns were crouching generic looking "warriors" for each race. The board itself is glass and when we have the room for it, it sits in these four corner stands that look like crumbled castle towers. All of it was beautifully made in the end, and I'm very happy with my new toy. I think I'll be playing chess a lot more, now.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Blade, however, is a whole different topic. Blade is my female "pirate"esk character in Fable II. I originally played through as a guy and didn't really know what I was doing. I was evil a lot and wasted a lot of time just killing people, trying to look more and more evil. With this character, I decided to take the good route, especially because when I played as my original character, I didn't know that the Temple of Light crumbled because you didn't donate to it, or protect it from Shadow-Worshippers. I did all that and was amazed to see how beautiful the Temple turned out to be when you got out of your ten years working in the Tattered Spire. Overall, I think I'm pretty happy with my choices.
The character was named Blade as
a) I try to use the Blade spell the most, as I have it maxed out already, while my other spells only have one or two levels in them.
b) I use a Steel Cutlass for now, as I've only recently gotten availability to Master items.
Now that they're available, I'm searching stores for a Master Cutlass with two augmentation slots, not to mention the same type of Flintlock Pistol. My character is probably my best looking one I've ever made on any Fable. I color-co-ordinated her clothing to be all dark brown, colored her hair red and went for an overall "look" [one of a pirate, including the eye-patch]
I'm really happy with her and apparently so is most of the world. I've bought every building in the Bower Lake Gypsy Camp, Oakfield and I was working on Rookridge the last I tried. I'm already a master Level 5 Bartender, so after only a few pints, I'm making hundreds of dollars per pint. And if I can get it maxed out, I make 1125 gold per pint! Not bad! Plus I make about 1k gold from my real estates, gaining tons of purity all the while just from lowering all the rents and prices to -20%. Not a bad deal, really.
Overall, I was pretty happy with Fable II. I even came up with an idea for a Fable III! Imagine another few centuries down the road, the Four Heroes that defeated Lucien have brought Heroes back into the world of Albion. Instead of a single guild, the different Heroes with their radically different personalities have split off, creating 4 different guilds. Hammer leads the Guild of Strength in Oakfield, Garth runs the Guild of Will in Brightwood and Reaver [much to everyone's surprise] cleans up his act as a crook and founds the Guild of Skill in Bloodstone [maybe even turning the port town into something, you know... Decent. What a concept!] and the fourth Hero, who's name is absent from what's left of the legends was rumored to have taken refuge in the old Chamber of Fate and founded the Guild of Justice, training Paladins and Clerics to roam the world and try to heal the lands of the evils of Lucien and past horrors.
The plot line would be that after hundreds of years of bare tolerance, the Guilds general dislike of each other has reached a boiling a point and broken out into all-out war. Now, the enemy isn't some great evil, threatening the entire Hero society, but the Hero society itself threatening the rest of the world in the wake of it's wrath. In the end, I don't know who the Hero would be [direct descendant of the fourth Hero?] or who the main evil would be [Maybe Thereasa? She was in control of the Spire at the end of Fable II, maybe it corrupted her and she manipulates and lies to the lead Heroes until war breaks out?] but in the end, I thought it was something new and interesting.
Like Fable II did, there would, of course, be technological advances. Guns would become more sophisticated, perhaps explorers and trains have broken through the eastern mountains of Albion and revealed new, exciting lands that no one's ever seen before. Ships and perhaps the beginnings of flying machines can populate the seas and air, giving brand new possibilities to the entire thing. Magic could be warped and changed by technology, maybe even merged with it somehow to create brand new fusions of the two.
It'd be a brand new world, that's for damn sure.
So imagine THAT philosophy... If you can.
Class dismissed.
P.S. ~ Extra Credit
The title of this blog came from Looking for Group, a web-comic I really love. One of the main characters is Richard, an undead Warlock with a great sense of humor. At some point, Richard was tied to a ship's mast and another main character had to burst out laughing because he couldn't get over the idea of "Dick on a Stick".
Classic. Loved it.
I didn't write.
BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT! ... Well, okay, that's not entirely true. Actually, it's not true at all. It is my fault. But I can still explain, to some degree... You see, I had full plans to write on Saturday... My day was SUPPOSED to consist of hanging out with Bunny until about 12, 12:30 when she would go to work. Then, at some point, I was supposed to go out to a late lunch with my parents, sister and grandmother for Mother's Day because Sunday was bound to be over-crowded everywhere. But I get a call at like 1 or so from them, while I'm playing a video game [WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2009] to tell me that something was not working for them and they would have to go tomorrow. This was both good and bad news. The good news is that Bunny could come along, as she wasn't working today [Sunday] The bad news is, however, that I was already into my video games and with my kind of gamer addiction, the only thing that would pull me out of it is sex, family events, sex, the bathroom, sex, Bunny coming home to spend time with her, sex, exhaustion and sex.
Did I mention sex?
So I wound up playing a few of my video games... For awhile, I kept playing WWE, leveling up one of my favorite CAWs [Create-A-Wrestler] Styx [no, not the band] but after that got on my nerves, I started playing Fable II, which I realized how much I've missed as I picked up where I left off with my female character, Blade [more about this later as you keep reading. If you keep reading, that is!] Then today, Bunny and I woke up to do the whole "family" thing and afterward, we spent some time together. We also bought something really cool, a Vampire-Werewolf themed chess board, which we've already christened and was a lot more fun than regular chess, for some reason. Anyway, the end result is that there's no way I'm blowing a whole day with Bunny just to write, as days for "us" are few and far between with her recent working schedule [no more on this, though. MIND YOUR BUSINESS!] I might try writing sometime during the week when Bunny closes at her store [she's an Assistant Manager in a retail store near where my warehouse is, 30 minutes from where we live] to make up for it, but with how tired I typically come home, that's kind of a "who knows"/"no promises" thing, ya know?
Lots to talk about in this one... That was just the top of the skyscraper... Iceberg... What is that saying? Tip of the something... Iceberg, right? I'm not crazy...
Okay. It's the tip of the condom. There. My version.
ANYWAY! I've been thinking of a lot of stuff lately, one of them being the old Goth's High comic. For those of you who DON'T know, I created and ran and online comic for almost a year called [as I'm sure you've guessed] Goth's High. It centered around three high school students [who were, yes, goths] Kevin, Sarah and Chris. They basically went through their school days, being picked on by Jocks, Preps, Cheerleaders and the other social groups of school, while still having reckless, typically destructive fun. There was going to be a huuuge plot line later on in the series, involving cults, Satan, God and oh, SO much more! It was a great idea and everything, but sadly the team I collected fell apart for good and bad reasons and in the end, the updates became a chore for me to do alone. So I dropped it and didn't renew our year-long contract for the hosting we had and we all kinda went our separate ways.
Now, my idea isn't to re-make Goth's High, as that would be kinda cliched. However, I am considering a new comic and idea, with a whole new kind of art and plot. It would basically be centered around me and probably named Crossology 101. It would follow me through work and home life, dealing with people I work with to people I'm friends with. All the names would be, of course, fake [like they've been in this blog as of right now] and a lot of things would be changed around to protect certain things. Like changing around people and things at work so that if anyone from work ever finds it, I don't get my ass fired. Because, ya know... That would kinda suck.
So that's the general idea. The art would be more anime-styled and probably black and white to start off with. The only thing really in my way is the scanner, which I do have access to, but is currently in the living room and hooked up to my sister's tower PC. I'm not sure how motivated I am to really screw with it and get it hooked up to my laptop and make sure it works, but I don't think it'd be too hard. In the end, it's not a lot of work, just something that requires dedication. Another huge advantage would be creating a small army of comics before it started, so that I never had to worry about updating on time as I would always have the comic ahead of time. WAAAY ahead of time. In the end, if I worked it out right and scheduled it properly, I could probably do a comic a week or so without much trouble. The only thing is a comic a week is only 52 comics in a year and I'm not sure if I could deal with the comic story moving that slowly... I'd have to work out something I could deal with [time-wise] and still regularly update. One thing I would NOT want to do is skip updates, like we did with Goth's High. I think that was the main thing that eventually killed the web-comic, and it's hype.
We'll have to see.
Okay, so before, I mentioned something about Bunny and I buying a Vampire-Werewolf chess game, right? It was actually really cool. I was never really motivated to play chess before and when I did, I never thought about it much. Thus, I typically never won. However, this time, something about the atmosphere of the game with the different pieces compelled me to do better at this game. I remember a long time ago, someone I knew who was fairly good at chess told me a few little things that didn't really HELP me play, but they made me understand the nature of the game a little better.
"Chess is a game of trading. You don't want to trade a knight for something like a pawn, unless you're going to get something else out of that pawn. Don't give pieces away."
"Chess isn't action and re-action. You can't make a move expecting just to re-act to your opponent's retaliation. You have to try to know what they're going to do, or force them to do what you want if you can. There is no luck in chess, only wits versus wits."
When I was playing, I thought harder about what Bunny's moves would be if I moved this piece there and that piece here. I looked at what available to her, what would be available to me afterwards and then even what was going to be available to her after that. I tried to think a good two or three steps into the future and tried my best to move her where I wanted to move her. It didn't work every time, naturally, as she really surprised me a few times. Some of it was also, from both of us, not understanding which pieces were which. At one point, I had accidentally moved a knight like a bishop and we didn't catch it until we had done three or four moves each. We had to actually back-track until the board was right again and I re-did my move, this time properly.
The pieces are really beautiful, too. Especially the werewolves, as the fur required a lot of detail. The knights were either Vampires dressed as knights with swords, or werewolves crouching over what looked like a fallen knight, a shield on the side. Bishops were either Vampires holding tombs or a Werewolf sitting atop a cross that looked like it might have been a grave. Rooks were forest trees for the Werewolves and castle towers for the Vampires. Then, of course, the Queen and King were simply huge, impressively looking pieces of either race and the pawns were crouching generic looking "warriors" for each race. The board itself is glass and when we have the room for it, it sits in these four corner stands that look like crumbled castle towers. All of it was beautifully made in the end, and I'm very happy with my new toy. I think I'll be playing chess a lot more, now.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Blade, however, is a whole different topic. Blade is my female "pirate"esk character in Fable II. I originally played through as a guy and didn't really know what I was doing. I was evil a lot and wasted a lot of time just killing people, trying to look more and more evil. With this character, I decided to take the good route, especially because when I played as my original character, I didn't know that the Temple of Light crumbled because you didn't donate to it, or protect it from Shadow-Worshippers. I did all that and was amazed to see how beautiful the Temple turned out to be when you got out of your ten years working in the Tattered Spire. Overall, I think I'm pretty happy with my choices.
The character was named Blade as
a) I try to use the Blade spell the most, as I have it maxed out already, while my other spells only have one or two levels in them.
b) I use a Steel Cutlass for now, as I've only recently gotten availability to Master items.
Now that they're available, I'm searching stores for a Master Cutlass with two augmentation slots, not to mention the same type of Flintlock Pistol. My character is probably my best looking one I've ever made on any Fable. I color-co-ordinated her clothing to be all dark brown, colored her hair red and went for an overall "look" [one of a pirate, including the eye-patch]
I'm really happy with her and apparently so is most of the world. I've bought every building in the Bower Lake Gypsy Camp, Oakfield and I was working on Rookridge the last I tried. I'm already a master Level 5 Bartender, so after only a few pints, I'm making hundreds of dollars per pint. And if I can get it maxed out, I make 1125 gold per pint! Not bad! Plus I make about 1k gold from my real estates, gaining tons of purity all the while just from lowering all the rents and prices to -20%. Not a bad deal, really.
Overall, I was pretty happy with Fable II. I even came up with an idea for a Fable III! Imagine another few centuries down the road, the Four Heroes that defeated Lucien have brought Heroes back into the world of Albion. Instead of a single guild, the different Heroes with their radically different personalities have split off, creating 4 different guilds. Hammer leads the Guild of Strength in Oakfield, Garth runs the Guild of Will in Brightwood and Reaver [much to everyone's surprise] cleans up his act as a crook and founds the Guild of Skill in Bloodstone [maybe even turning the port town into something, you know... Decent. What a concept!] and the fourth Hero, who's name is absent from what's left of the legends was rumored to have taken refuge in the old Chamber of Fate and founded the Guild of Justice, training Paladins and Clerics to roam the world and try to heal the lands of the evils of Lucien and past horrors.
The plot line would be that after hundreds of years of bare tolerance, the Guilds general dislike of each other has reached a boiling a point and broken out into all-out war. Now, the enemy isn't some great evil, threatening the entire Hero society, but the Hero society itself threatening the rest of the world in the wake of it's wrath. In the end, I don't know who the Hero would be [direct descendant of the fourth Hero?] or who the main evil would be [Maybe Thereasa? She was in control of the Spire at the end of Fable II, maybe it corrupted her and she manipulates and lies to the lead Heroes until war breaks out?] but in the end, I thought it was something new and interesting.
Like Fable II did, there would, of course, be technological advances. Guns would become more sophisticated, perhaps explorers and trains have broken through the eastern mountains of Albion and revealed new, exciting lands that no one's ever seen before. Ships and perhaps the beginnings of flying machines can populate the seas and air, giving brand new possibilities to the entire thing. Magic could be warped and changed by technology, maybe even merged with it somehow to create brand new fusions of the two.
It'd be a brand new world, that's for damn sure.
So imagine THAT philosophy... If you can.
Class dismissed.
P.S. ~ Extra Credit
The title of this blog came from Looking for Group, a web-comic I really love. One of the main characters is Richard, an undead Warlock with a great sense of humor. At some point, Richard was tied to a ship's mast and another main character had to burst out laughing because he couldn't get over the idea of "Dick on a Stick".
Classic. Loved it.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Weapon XXX
So. X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
That's all you really need to say about it. There's nothing else. Details? Plot? Acting? Pft. It was amazing. For Marvel fanatics, it was almost a religious experience. They followed the general plot behind Wolverine so well, it was beautiful. And for the first freaking time, GAMBIT WAS IN A GOD-DAMNED LIVE-ACTION MARVEL MOVIE! I know everyone loves Wolverine... He's the poster boy of the X-Men team [despite facing them a few times, regardless of which version of the story you read] But c'mon. Gambit has always been a famous, hugely popular character. People love the Ragin' Cajun mutant. I mean... He's a reckless staff-wielding street thug who makes crap explode! THAT'S MARKETABLE TO TODAY'S KIDS!
You know, I was still kinda annoyed that Gambit had such a small part. I mean, all he was in the movie was a few fancy moves where he got his butt kicked in the end, transportation and then a bit-part savior at the end. If anyone has a lot of history to his name, aside from Wolverine, Gambit might be it. The war between the Mauraders and the Morlocks. Working with Mr. Sinister. Becoming Death of the Four Horsemen for Apocalypse. Lover to the amazingly powerful [and hot!] Rogue. I mean, there's no end to how much stuff you could bring up in Gambit's life to make a movie about. Hell, have the Morlock/Maurader war be the climax and at the end, he saves Marrow [mutant baby girl] and get contacted by the X-Men, while secretly vowing not to tell anyone his part in the war. Perfect cliff-hanger ending for Gambit 2.
I did like the array of mutants they did use, mostly guys you haven't seen before. Sabretooth was completely re-done and I like how he looked a bit more normal, as it gave him more possibilities to do things in public. The Sabretooth they used in the X-men Trilogy looked cool, but there was no way he could walk around NYC or something and NOT be noticed. Sabretooth in Origins could pass for human if he didn't smile too much and kept his nails down.
I noticed that they made Sabretooth's real name Victor Creed... I know a lot of the comics used that name for him, but the first time Wolverine's "Origin" story came out in a comic, Sabretooth's name was actually "Logan", named after his drunken, abusive father who was the groundskeeper at the Howlett mansion, where James Howlett lived and eventually became KNOWN as Logan after killing Sabretooth's father. The beginning was almost completely similar otherwise... Except for the lack of Rose. James [Wolverine] as a child WAS really sick and everything, but he was taken care of not by "Victor Creed", but a girl named Rose who ran away WITH Wolverine when he killed Logan Sr.
I know. I'm a comic nerd. Can't help it, I know what I love.
ANYWAY. The movie was the main cause for the lack of update yesterday, but as you can see, I'm making up for it now with a rather lengthy entry now... And it's not over yet!
I'm a little nervous about this weekend. My revolution was to write an entire chapter of... Something. I think for the first weekend, I'm going for Re-Birth, as I've been dying to re-write that for some time now. But I haven't written anything in awhile and every time I go through writing-hiatus, I worry about rusting up too much. I also know this weekend is Mother's Day, and that's going to obviously cut into the time it'll take me to write. Of course... If I write the way I used to write when Corruption got done every other week, I won't have to worry about that.
When Corruption was really HOT HOT HOT amongst my friends, I wrote an entire chapter in a night. I was typically up all night with the T.V. going on in the background, muted. Sometimes I had music in my headphones [Don't forget, I was at my parent's house, in their basement with both my parents sleeping above me. I could only make so much noise without waking them up and getting reamed out for being up and forcing them to follow suit.] And it would be non-stop writing, only stopping to breath or hit the potty [Yeah, that's right. Potty. Deal with it.]
I do miss it, though. Writing, Corruption, Kranin, all of my characters. I still get random scenes in my head that play out like watching T.V. I try to write them down, but by the time I get the time to do the writing, the scenes changed in how the words come out, and I just don't like it as much. Most people don't seem to mind anything I write, but I always wonder if my friends are just biased... I guess that's another reason I always try to put my writing online, hoping that while I'll get mostly good comments, that I'll still get some kind of gruff from someone... I guess that kind of reaction proves that not everyone's just being nice to me. There are people out there being real to me and hopefully all the good comments [or at least most of them] are being real, not just nice.
People are so rarely "real" with one another. That topic came up at work today, interestingly enough. At least, it did in my mind. My supervisor and I were in the back when the CEO's administrative assistant came back to drop off something for shipping and we all started talking about a minor event that had happened the other day. My supervisor had a rather loud argument with the head of the NFL account, who's kind of a suck-up to the CEO [who, in turn, tends to favor the NFL guy] about a shipping problem. In the end, my supervisor was yelled at for relatively stupid reasons [with everyone else in the office AGREEING the situation ended badly]
But the topic came around to people saying things about other people in the work-place and I guess it got me thinking. I don't say anything behind anyone's back. Everything I say to you about someone else, that person can ask me and I will repeat it all right to their face. Even if I'm friends with that person. I could be BEST friends with that person. I will turn around and with a serious, straight face, tell them exactly what I think of them at any given moment. It's cliched and corny, but "honesty is the best policy" is a great motto, in my opinion. If you're completely honest with people, then people you don't like probably won't stick around and people you do like will know exactly how you regard them.
Most people will argue that how I handle the situation is an extreme way. It's "too much", it's unnecessary... I disagree [while respecting their opinions] I understand what they mean, it can lead to hurt feelings that may or may not be intended. I could be best friends with you, but if I think you're doing something bloody stupid and tell you, you might not like it. In the end, I have to both accept and respect that, but I can't really imagine turning around and telling you I'm okay with something I find wrong. That exact same thing has actually happened to me before, but that's someone else's personal business in the end, which isn't my place to post publically on a blog [whether they read it or not]
I guess in the end, I want to be remembered for speaking my mind and not being sneaky or a liar. I would rather be an asshole than someone people couldn't trust.
So think on that philosophy... If you can trust it, to begin with.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For years, I've always wanted one particular thing... Not a big thing, but it's a silly, simple thing that is actually somewhat a fashion statement. I love old-fashioned things. I love the slacks, button-up shirt and a time with the suspenders look, believe it or not. I love things like trench-coats and those brimmed hats [panama hats, I believe they're called] Cuff links, boots, and the piece de resistance?
The pocket watch.
Something about this little clock on a chain has always fascinated me. I recognize that a wristwatch is more effective and easier to handle and whatnot. It allows you to free up your pocket space... But the pocket watch is a classic. It shows class, style, flash. It shows tradition, and I'm a huge stickler for tradition.
If I could, I'd time travel back to the western days, just to rob people of their clothing. I'd go back to London when guys dressed in suits and ties, and steal their clothing, too.
Really, it's not as creepy as it sounds. I think.
But all of this is leading up to what? Who cares? What's the point? The point is, I love my girlfriend Bunny. Today, she got me my gift for our 1 year anniversary. And what did this wonderful woman get me?
A pocket watch. A beautiful, small, silver pocket watch with a real clock face, not the digital ones you see these days. Gears running off a battery to turn the hands. I already love this thing. When I was a kid, I always wish my dad had bought or been given one of these things that he'd eventually give to me when I was older. I plan on taking care of this thing, even if I don't carry or use it until I can pass it down to my first son [which, I'm sure will be born from Bunny. She's that good] See? Tradition. I want my son to pass it to his son and so on and so forth until the thing is destroyed, lost or forgotten.
And whichever great great great grandson sells that thing, I will haunt them with all the rage of a pissed off Seth Cross. You do not want to see Pissed Off Seth Cross [POSC]
No. You don't.
Think on that philosophy. If you dare.
The pocket watch.
Something about this little clock on a chain has always fascinated me. I recognize that a wristwatch is more effective and easier to handle and whatnot. It allows you to free up your pocket space... But the pocket watch is a classic. It shows class, style, flash. It shows tradition, and I'm a huge stickler for tradition.
If I could, I'd time travel back to the western days, just to rob people of their clothing. I'd go back to London when guys dressed in suits and ties, and steal their clothing, too.
Really, it's not as creepy as it sounds. I think.
But all of this is leading up to what? Who cares? What's the point? The point is, I love my girlfriend Bunny. Today, she got me my gift for our 1 year anniversary. And what did this wonderful woman get me?
A pocket watch. A beautiful, small, silver pocket watch with a real clock face, not the digital ones you see these days. Gears running off a battery to turn the hands. I already love this thing. When I was a kid, I always wish my dad had bought or been given one of these things that he'd eventually give to me when I was older. I plan on taking care of this thing, even if I don't carry or use it until I can pass it down to my first son [which, I'm sure will be born from Bunny. She's that good] See? Tradition. I want my son to pass it to his son and so on and so forth until the thing is destroyed, lost or forgotten.
And whichever great great great grandson sells that thing, I will haunt them with all the rage of a pissed off Seth Cross. You do not want to see Pissed Off Seth Cross [POSC]
No. You don't.
Think on that philosophy. If you dare.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Resolution! Revolution! Revoltion! Wait... What?
I have made a resolution! Whatever one of those is... No, I'm kidding. I know what a resolution is, I'm not quite that dim. [Yet. Wait for the old age]
From now on, I will write 1 chapter of SOME story, every weekend. Whether it's in one go, a bunch of go's or taking the entire damn weekend, I must write something every weekend. From here until... Well. Indefinitely.
That is all.
From now on, I will write 1 chapter of SOME story, every weekend. Whether it's in one go, a bunch of go's or taking the entire damn weekend, I must write something every weekend. From here until... Well. Indefinitely.
That is all.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Somebody up there loves me!
No, not Heaven. No one up there likes me, that's why I'm still here instead of up there! No no, the "up there" I'm talking about is high on the political ladder; The government!
You see, I filed for my taxes waaay before the deadline of April 15th... Except they rejected it and I didn't realize at first. So after I found out I needed my AGI [Adjusted Gross Income] from last year, I called the IRS [there's something no one ever wants to do] and they gave it to me [after about 50 questions and maybe 30 minutes of hold time] Well, that was the 13th... You'd think I'd have it by now. Except I don't. I finally went onto IRS.gov and found out that they're shipping it on the 8th and I'll have it on the 11th... WITH AN EXTRA $300! Whoa! And they say it's because they found errors on my report... Damn. I love when the government screws up!
So, if you remember a post from last month, I was gonna get about $640 from the government, $260 from my cleaning check and another $300 from an extra pay-period this month, giving me about $1200 total. Now, with the extra $300, I'm getting $1500 EXTRA this month! Plus my typical paychecks, which I typically have a bit left over from. Holy crap. For the first time in awhile, I'll have some money to my name!
It's kind of sad, though. When I first started working, my first job was as a telemarketer [if you ever get asked/offered to be one, decline. It's not worth it. Starve first.] I had, at some point, saved up $2000 in my bank account. Going through jobs and not working for periods at a time, I basically used that all up. I haven't really had much in the terms of "savings" ever since then... I wish I could have saved up more, but I guess at first, I was too fixed on having money to buy stuff. Games, music, movies... Whatever was my fix at the time, I had the freedom to do what I wanted. Kinda like that freedom most kids get when they start driving.
And then, I finally start getting smarter with my money and while working a job that didn't cover the cost, I moved out of home at 19. I didn't even have the money to really cover rent, let alone car payments, insurance or any kind of food. My sister paid for the house food, my parents accepted the fact that I couldn't pay my car insurance or car payments to them and decided to postpone the payments til I had a better job. Eventually, I landed my current job at my warehouse and making almost twice as much, I could finally afford... You know, living.
It's really humbling, to be honest. Never having money and knowing that even while you don't have money because you're paying everything you can and you're actually NOT paying everything you need to pay... Not only that, but BECAUSE you're not paying everything, everyone around you is helping you out... You kinda learn to take things less for granted. You learn to count your pennies and keep your money in your wallet [or bank account] a bit more often than handing it out.
In the end, you realize that money doesn't grow on trees. Well, except for the fact that it's printed on paper. So, in fact... It does grow on trees.
Think on that philosophy. If you can afford it.
You see, I filed for my taxes waaay before the deadline of April 15th... Except they rejected it and I didn't realize at first. So after I found out I needed my AGI [Adjusted Gross Income] from last year, I called the IRS [there's something no one ever wants to do] and they gave it to me [after about 50 questions and maybe 30 minutes of hold time] Well, that was the 13th... You'd think I'd have it by now. Except I don't. I finally went onto IRS.gov and found out that they're shipping it on the 8th and I'll have it on the 11th... WITH AN EXTRA $300! Whoa! And they say it's because they found errors on my report... Damn. I love when the government screws up!
So, if you remember a post from last month, I was gonna get about $640 from the government, $260 from my cleaning check and another $300 from an extra pay-period this month, giving me about $1200 total. Now, with the extra $300, I'm getting $1500 EXTRA this month! Plus my typical paychecks, which I typically have a bit left over from. Holy crap. For the first time in awhile, I'll have some money to my name!
It's kind of sad, though. When I first started working, my first job was as a telemarketer [if you ever get asked/offered to be one, decline. It's not worth it. Starve first.] I had, at some point, saved up $2000 in my bank account. Going through jobs and not working for periods at a time, I basically used that all up. I haven't really had much in the terms of "savings" ever since then... I wish I could have saved up more, but I guess at first, I was too fixed on having money to buy stuff. Games, music, movies... Whatever was my fix at the time, I had the freedom to do what I wanted. Kinda like that freedom most kids get when they start driving.
And then, I finally start getting smarter with my money and while working a job that didn't cover the cost, I moved out of home at 19. I didn't even have the money to really cover rent, let alone car payments, insurance or any kind of food. My sister paid for the house food, my parents accepted the fact that I couldn't pay my car insurance or car payments to them and decided to postpone the payments til I had a better job. Eventually, I landed my current job at my warehouse and making almost twice as much, I could finally afford... You know, living.
It's really humbling, to be honest. Never having money and knowing that even while you don't have money because you're paying everything you can and you're actually NOT paying everything you need to pay... Not only that, but BECAUSE you're not paying everything, everyone around you is helping you out... You kinda learn to take things less for granted. You learn to count your pennies and keep your money in your wallet [or bank account] a bit more often than handing it out.
In the end, you realize that money doesn't grow on trees. Well, except for the fact that it's printed on paper. So, in fact... It does grow on trees.
Think on that philosophy. If you can afford it.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
iLike things! Don't you?!
For some reason, ever since the iPod, that whole iRandomThingHere style of naming things has gotten more popular. There's even a TV show on Nickelodeon that uses the format; iCarly [good show, by the way] so that's what inspired the title for this one. Why did I just tell you that? Because it's interesting to be a bundle of useless information. Trust me, I know. I both am and have friends like that.
So, what's this one gonna be about? When the Hell will I run out of stupid, nonsensical topics to post these things about?! WHEN WILL IT ALL END?!
But to the point. This is quite simply, a list of things iLike! [Amazingly simple, is it not?]
iLike video games. I spend a huge amount of time, mostly on the weekends, playing masses of mind-numbing reflex-sharpening video games. Typically, lately, it's been Spiderman Web of Shadows and WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2009, but I also have a great love for Saints Row 2, Civilization Revolution, Lego Batman, Fable 2, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Assassin's Creed and Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
iLike manga. Lots of it. If I was rich, I'd own a manga library. I'm very picky about what I read, too. I have to like the storyline and characters, but I also have to like the art. I tend to spend a lot of time in bookstores, just sitting around and reading manga... The staff at these stores probably hate me because I rarely buy any manga these days... Some of my favorites are Priest, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Bleach, Shaman King, Hellsing, Mar, King of Hell and Death Note.
iLike music. Oooh, do I like, nay... LOVE music! I must have music available to me at all times. If my laptop was more powerful, I would have all of my music on it. Unfortunately, doing that makes it hard for the machine to think properly because this laptop's a few years old and I have a LOT of music. Some of my most listened to artists are Seether, Disturbed, Korn, Stone Sour, Slipknot, Godsmack and any other random artist that gets a song stuck in my head. I don't limit myself to genres, I just listen to whatever sounds good. Typically, it starts with just one song, then I search some other songs the band/singer has and when I find a good collection of them on one album, I buy it at the local F.Y.E. or Best Buy. On that note;
iLike Best Buy. How can any righteous gamer-addict/techno-geek NOT love Best Buy? This place has so many toys for people like me, there's no end to the pleasure. At times, it's almost orgasmic. Hmm, sticky.
iLike TV. Specifically cartoons, crime shows and certain comedies. Cartoons, well, I've just loved them since I was a kid. I guess in that sense I never really grew up, but I did develop a taste for other shows as well. I won't lie, though, if the cartoon stations are working properly at our place, I probably won't change the channel. However, I also love my crime shows, specifically Law and Order, CSI and definitelly NCIS. Certain other shoes I love are Scrubs and House, ironically funny medical shows. Oh, and don't forget HEROES! I love Heroes. WHEN IS THE THIRD SEASON FINALLY HITTING DVD?! SOMEONE TELL ME!
iLike football. Yeah, believe it or not, I am a big football fan. I watch every game, if I can [and this year, I should be able to, since I don't work Sundays!] My favorite time is definitely the New York Giants, as is normal where I live [if you're not a New York Jets fan, like Bunny is... Ew! The Jets!] I also like the Eagles, the Panthers and the Saints. It's kind of funny/ironic that my job deals directly with the NFL's children's programs, since that means I deal with the teams on a daily basis. You'd think that a hobby being involved with my work would make it less of a hobby, but I still love the game!
iLike books and reading. I won't deny that I don't read like I used to, but I still love reading when I get to it. Lately, I've been obsessed with Terry Pratchett's Discworld series because it's so cooky, how do you not love this stuff? On the other hand, I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan, even though I think the Hobbit was actually a better book. I also love the Noble Dead series, books like Dhampir, Thief of Lives, Sister of the Dead, Rebel Fay... I think they're up to book 6 or so, and I don't even think I got through book 5, but eventually I will... Again, if I had a million dollars, it'd probably go to building my own personal library.
iLike my job. Okay, okay... Most of my friends are going to read that and either have their heads explode or simply not believe it. But it's true, I do love my job. Sometimes the people there rub me the wrong way, but in the end, I guess I have to realize that they're thinking from the same perspective I am... They have to get THEIR jobs, THEIR responsibilities done and sometimes we don't always realize that everyone else has responsibilities just as great, or are at as much risk for trouble if their stuff isn't done. In the end, we're all just trying to get everything done.
iLike finishing my blog with my little catchphrase.
So think on THAT philosophy, should you desire.
So, what's this one gonna be about? When the Hell will I run out of stupid, nonsensical topics to post these things about?! WHEN WILL IT ALL END?!
But to the point. This is quite simply, a list of things iLike! [Amazingly simple, is it not?]
iLike video games. I spend a huge amount of time, mostly on the weekends, playing masses of mind-numbing reflex-sharpening video games. Typically, lately, it's been Spiderman Web of Shadows and WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2009, but I also have a great love for Saints Row 2, Civilization Revolution, Lego Batman, Fable 2, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Assassin's Creed and Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
iLike manga. Lots of it. If I was rich, I'd own a manga library. I'm very picky about what I read, too. I have to like the storyline and characters, but I also have to like the art. I tend to spend a lot of time in bookstores, just sitting around and reading manga... The staff at these stores probably hate me because I rarely buy any manga these days... Some of my favorites are Priest, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Bleach, Shaman King, Hellsing, Mar, King of Hell and Death Note.
iLike music. Oooh, do I like, nay... LOVE music! I must have music available to me at all times. If my laptop was more powerful, I would have all of my music on it. Unfortunately, doing that makes it hard for the machine to think properly because this laptop's a few years old and I have a LOT of music. Some of my most listened to artists are Seether, Disturbed, Korn, Stone Sour, Slipknot, Godsmack and any other random artist that gets a song stuck in my head. I don't limit myself to genres, I just listen to whatever sounds good. Typically, it starts with just one song, then I search some other songs the band/singer has and when I find a good collection of them on one album, I buy it at the local F.Y.E. or Best Buy. On that note;
iLike Best Buy. How can any righteous gamer-addict/techno-geek NOT love Best Buy? This place has so many toys for people like me, there's no end to the pleasure. At times, it's almost orgasmic. Hmm, sticky.
iLike TV. Specifically cartoons, crime shows and certain comedies. Cartoons, well, I've just loved them since I was a kid. I guess in that sense I never really grew up, but I did develop a taste for other shows as well. I won't lie, though, if the cartoon stations are working properly at our place, I probably won't change the channel. However, I also love my crime shows, specifically Law and Order, CSI and definitelly NCIS. Certain other shoes I love are Scrubs and House, ironically funny medical shows. Oh, and don't forget HEROES! I love Heroes. WHEN IS THE THIRD SEASON FINALLY HITTING DVD?! SOMEONE TELL ME!
iLike football. Yeah, believe it or not, I am a big football fan. I watch every game, if I can [and this year, I should be able to, since I don't work Sundays!] My favorite time is definitely the New York Giants, as is normal where I live [if you're not a New York Jets fan, like Bunny is... Ew! The Jets!] I also like the Eagles, the Panthers and the Saints. It's kind of funny/ironic that my job deals directly with the NFL's children's programs, since that means I deal with the teams on a daily basis. You'd think that a hobby being involved with my work would make it less of a hobby, but I still love the game!
iLike books and reading. I won't deny that I don't read like I used to, but I still love reading when I get to it. Lately, I've been obsessed with Terry Pratchett's Discworld series because it's so cooky, how do you not love this stuff? On the other hand, I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan, even though I think the Hobbit was actually a better book. I also love the Noble Dead series, books like Dhampir, Thief of Lives, Sister of the Dead, Rebel Fay... I think they're up to book 6 or so, and I don't even think I got through book 5, but eventually I will... Again, if I had a million dollars, it'd probably go to building my own personal library.
iLike my job. Okay, okay... Most of my friends are going to read that and either have their heads explode or simply not believe it. But it's true, I do love my job. Sometimes the people there rub me the wrong way, but in the end, I guess I have to realize that they're thinking from the same perspective I am... They have to get THEIR jobs, THEIR responsibilities done and sometimes we don't always realize that everyone else has responsibilities just as great, or are at as much risk for trouble if their stuff isn't done. In the end, we're all just trying to get everything done.
iLike finishing my blog with my little catchphrase.
So think on THAT philosophy, should you desire.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I feel so popular!
Okay, so I don't feel popular at all. I know I typically don't update on weekends, but I'm chilling around the house and felt like screwing with this thing a bit... So far, I've managed to add something for linking, though I have no idea what it's for. I also added my FictionPress.com account to my profile, under My Web Page on the left. For those of you too impatient to find the link;
So far, I've only got 5 chapters of Corruption and 2 poems up, but I'm trying not to overload the system with almost 100 poems, 18 chapters of a book and then a couple dozen other book summaries or character biographies.
HA! I just coined a phrase on AIM that I personally love.
"You win some, you lose some, you light some things on fire." ~ Seth Cross. B. E. A. utiful.
Anyway, I'm kinda annoyed. The government isn't giving me my money in nearly enough time. Okay, so I waited til the second-to-last day to get my federal taxes re-submitted after they rejected me for not having my AGI or last-year's pin number... SO WHAT?! GIVE ME MY DAMN MONEY, PEOPLE!
In the next five minutes, my house will be broken into by S.W.A.T. teams, screaming something about insurance fraud and auditing me and other strange words I don't recognize.
Lately, a lot of "The Forum" people have been coming onto the blog, wishing me well, shouting in the box and leaving me comments. I want to take a second [or however long it takes me to type this] and say thanks for the supportive comments. Not a single person has [so far] come on to bitch or complain or say I have no right to be mad or whatever it is people are probably saying on the forum/in the chat/in IM's behind my back. To the supporting people, you rock. But I think I'm washing my hands of the situation, just like I did of the forum. It's just not worth my time anymore.
So, with FictionPress now a part of my daily internet dosage, I'm considering a DeviantArt page for my artwork. Not all of them are great, but I like to express myself and get feedback. Hell, feedback is typically the motivation that keeps me creating more stuff.
When I was writing Corruption, my best friend Angel, my girlfriend-at-the-time Kitty were all such huge fans of it that I could spend hours talking about what they liked and didn't like with them, what they thought needed improvement or were looking forward to and at the end of the day, I would WANT to write about it. I mean, they can talk about Re-Birth [the second book in that series] to a degree, but without anything really written... It's hard. I always have trouble in the beginning. Once it's going, though... Well, it's going, going, and I'm gone! [Or, at least, up all night for most of the week for a few months until it's done...]
It's really disappointing. If I had the energy and motivation, I could finish a book every few months. Corruption was only 18 chapters long, each chapter only 10 pages. I typically did 1 chapter a night... Imagine if I only did writing chapters on the weekends? 2 chapters a weekend, 4 weekends [typically] in a month so that's 8 chapters a month. A little over 2 months, and that's another book the same size as Corruption. Could you imagine that? 6 books a year?! Wow.
To completely and randomly change the topic, leaving you wanting more information on me doing more writing [because teasing is just TOO much fun!] I'm considering re-starting my comic days. Except this time in black and white, without a regular update schedule and not Goth's High again... Something actually about me, just doing stupid/funny stuff throughout the day at work, with my friends, etc. etc. Or who knows? GH and that combined? Would this lead to another forum?! GAH, THE SUSPENSE MUST BE KILLING YOU!
And with that, I leave you. Sadistic, isn't it? But, well... Why do today [telling you, that is] what I can put off til tomorrow? Of course... What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow?
Think on THAT philosophy, if you please.
So far, I've only got 5 chapters of Corruption and 2 poems up, but I'm trying not to overload the system with almost 100 poems, 18 chapters of a book and then a couple dozen other book summaries or character biographies.
HA! I just coined a phrase on AIM that I personally love.
"You win some, you lose some, you light some things on fire." ~ Seth Cross. B. E. A. utiful.
Anyway, I'm kinda annoyed. The government isn't giving me my money in nearly enough time. Okay, so I waited til the second-to-last day to get my federal taxes re-submitted after they rejected me for not having my AGI or last-year's pin number... SO WHAT?! GIVE ME MY DAMN MONEY, PEOPLE!
In the next five minutes, my house will be broken into by S.W.A.T. teams, screaming something about insurance fraud and auditing me and other strange words I don't recognize.
Lately, a lot of "The Forum" people have been coming onto the blog, wishing me well, shouting in the box and leaving me comments. I want to take a second [or however long it takes me to type this] and say thanks for the supportive comments. Not a single person has [so far] come on to bitch or complain or say I have no right to be mad or whatever it is people are probably saying on the forum/in the chat/in IM's behind my back. To the supporting people, you rock. But I think I'm washing my hands of the situation, just like I did of the forum. It's just not worth my time anymore.
So, with FictionPress now a part of my daily internet dosage, I'm considering a DeviantArt page for my artwork. Not all of them are great, but I like to express myself and get feedback. Hell, feedback is typically the motivation that keeps me creating more stuff.
When I was writing Corruption, my best friend Angel, my girlfriend-at-the-time Kitty were all such huge fans of it that I could spend hours talking about what they liked and didn't like with them, what they thought needed improvement or were looking forward to and at the end of the day, I would WANT to write about it. I mean, they can talk about Re-Birth [the second book in that series] to a degree, but without anything really written... It's hard. I always have trouble in the beginning. Once it's going, though... Well, it's going, going, and I'm gone! [Or, at least, up all night for most of the week for a few months until it's done...]
It's really disappointing. If I had the energy and motivation, I could finish a book every few months. Corruption was only 18 chapters long, each chapter only 10 pages. I typically did 1 chapter a night... Imagine if I only did writing chapters on the weekends? 2 chapters a weekend, 4 weekends [typically] in a month so that's 8 chapters a month. A little over 2 months, and that's another book the same size as Corruption. Could you imagine that? 6 books a year?! Wow.
To completely and randomly change the topic, leaving you wanting more information on me doing more writing [because teasing is just TOO much fun!] I'm considering re-starting my comic days. Except this time in black and white, without a regular update schedule and not Goth's High again... Something actually about me, just doing stupid/funny stuff throughout the day at work, with my friends, etc. etc. Or who knows? GH and that combined? Would this lead to another forum?! GAH, THE SUSPENSE MUST BE KILLING YOU!
And with that, I leave you. Sadistic, isn't it? But, well... Why do today [telling you, that is] what I can put off til tomorrow? Of course... What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow?
Think on THAT philosophy, if you please.
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